WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549
                          SCHEDULE 13D
                         (Rule 13d-101)
                 Peritus Software Services, Inc.
                        (Name of Issuer)
                  Common Stock, $.01 Par Value
                 (Title of Class of Securities)
                         (CUSIP Number)
                     James C. Kennedy, Esq.
                     One East Fourth Street
                     Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
                         (513) 579-2538
          (Name, Address and Telephone Number of Person
        Authorized to Receive Notices and Communications)
                        December 1, 1997
     (Date of Event Which Requires Filing of this Statement)

If the filing person has previously filed a statement on Schedule
13G  to  report  the  acquisition which is the  subject  of  this
Schedule  13D,  and  is  filing this  schedule  because  of  Rule
13d-1(b)(3) or (4), check the following box [ ].

                       Page 1 of 86 Pages

CUSIP  NO.  469858401             13D             Page  2  of  86


          American Financial Group, Inc.             31-1422526
          American Financial Corporation             31-0624874

                                                          (b) [ ]


          See Item 3

     IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEM 2(d) or 2(e)                [ ]

          Ohio corporations

           - - -

           2,175,000 (See Item 5)

           - - -

          2,175,000 (See Item 5)

           2,175,000 (See Item 5)

      EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES*                                [ ]

           14.2% (See Item 5)


CUSIP NO. 469858401            13D             Page 3 of 86 Pages

          Carl H. Lindner

                                                          (b) [ ]

         See Item 3

     IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEM 2(d) or 2(e)                [ ]

          United States Citizen


           - - -


            - - -



      EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES*                                [ ]



CUSIP  NO.  46985840              13D             Page  4  of  86

          Carl H. Lindner III

                                                          (b) [ ]

          See Item 3

     IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEM 2(d) or 2(e)                [ ]

          United States Citizen


           - - -


           - - -



      EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES*                                [ ]



CUSIP  NO.  46985840             13D              Page  5  of  86

          S. Craig Lindner

                                                          (b) [ ]

           See Item 3

     IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEM 2(d) or 2(e)                [ ]

          United States Citizen


           - - -


           - - -



      EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES*                                [ ]



CUSIP NO. 46985840          13D             Page 6 of 86 Pages

          Keith E. Lindner

                                                          (b) [ ]

           See Item 3

     IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEM 2(d) or 2(e)                [ ]

          United States Citizen


               - - -


               - - -



      EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES*                                [ ]



      This  Schedule 13D is filed on behalf of American Financial
Group,    Inc.   ("American   Financial"),   American   Financial
Corporation ("AFC")and Carl H. Lindner, Carl H. Lindner  III,  S.
Craig  Lindner and Keith E. Lindner (collectively,  the  "Lindner
Family")  (American  Financial, AFC and the  Lindner  Family  are
collectively referred to as the "Reporting Persons").

      As  of  September 30, 1997, the Lindner Family beneficially
owned  approximately  36%  of  the outstanding  common  stock  of
American Financial and American Financial beneficially owned  all
of   the  common  stock  of  AFC  (approximately  79%  of   AFC's
outstanding  voting equity securities).  Through their  ownership
of  common  stock  of American Financial and their  positions  as
directors and executive officers of American Financial  and  AFC,
the members of the Lindner Family may be deemed to be controlling
persons with respect to American Financial and AFC.

Item 1.   Security and Issuer.

      This  Schedule relates to shares of Common Stock, par value
$.01  per  share,  ("Peritus Common Stock"),  issued  by  Peritus
Software    Services,   Inc.,   a   Massachussetts    corporation
("Peritus").   The  principal executive offices  of  Peritus  are
located at 304 Concord Road, Billerica, Massachussetts 01821.

Item 2.   Identity and Background.

     See the schedule attached hereto as Exhibit 1 which contains
additional information concerning the Reporting Persons.

Item 3.   Source and Amount of Funds or Other Consideration.

      Effective  December 1, 1997, pursuant to the  terms  of  an
Asset   Purchase  Agreement  between  Peritus,  its  wholly-owned
subsidiary   Twoquay,   Inc.   ("Twoquay"),   American    Premier
Underwriters, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of AFC ("APU")  and
Millennium  Dynamics,  Inc.,  a wholly-owned  subsidiary  of  APU
("MDI"),  dated  October  22, 1997 (the  "Agreement"),  APU  sold
substantially all of the assets and related liabilities of  MDI's
business to Twoquay for $30 million in cash and 2,175,000  shares
of  Peritus Common Stock (the "Purchase Price").  On November 28,
1997  (the business day prior to the closing), the closing  price
of a share of Pertitus Common Stock on the NASDAQ National Market
System was $17.125.

        Prior to the acquisition of the Peritus Common Stock, the
Reporting Persons owned no Peritus equity securities.

                              - 7 -

Item 4.   Purpose of Transaction.

     The Reporting Persons consider their beneficial ownership of
Peritus equity securities as an investment which they continue to
evaluate.   Although they have no present plans to  do  so,  from
time to time the Reporting Persons may acquire additional Peritus
equity securities or dispose of some or all of the Peritus equity
securities which they beneficially own.

      Pursuant  to Section 12 of the Agreement, on or  within  30
days  following  the closing on December 1, 1997,  the  Reporting
Persons  may request the Peritus Board of Directors  to  vote  to
elect  a  nominee of the Reporting Persons as a Class II director
of  the  Peritus  Board.   The Reporting  Persons  are  currently
considering whether to exercise such nomination right.

     Except as set forth in Section 12 of the Agreement, relating
to  the  nomination  of  an  additional director,  the  Reporting
Persons  presently have no plans or proposals that relate  to  or
would  result  in  any of the actions specified  in  clauses  (a)
through (j) of Item 4 of Schedule 13D.

Item 5.   Interest in Securities of the Issuer.

      As of December 2, 1997, the Reporting Persons (through APU)
beneficially owned 2,175,000 shares of Peritus Common  Stock  (or
approximately  14.2% of the outstanding shares of Peritus  Common

      Except as set forth in Item 3 of this Schedule, to the best
knowledge   and  belief  of  the  undersigned,  no   transactions
involving Peritus equity securities have been effected during the
past  60  days  by the Reporting Persons or by the  directors  or
executive officers of American Financial or AFC.

Item 6.   Contracts, Arrangements, Understandings or
          Relationships with Respect to Securities of the Issuer.


                              - 8 -

Item 7.   Material to be filed as Exhibits.

          (1)  Schedule referred to in Item 2.

          (2)  Asset Purchase Agreement initially referred to  in
          Item 3.

          (3)   Agreement required pursuant to Regulation Section
          240.13d-1(f)(1)   promulgated  under   the   Securities
          Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

          (4)   Powers  of  Attorney executed in connection  with
          filings  under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,  as

      After  reasonable  inquiry and to the  best  knowledge  and
belief  of  the  undersigned, it is  hereby  certified  that  the
information  set  forth in this statement is true,  complete  and

Dated:  December 3, 1997
                            AMERICAN FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.
                            By:  James C. Kennedy
                            James C. Kennedy, Deputy General
                            Counsel and Secretary
                            AMERICAN FINANCIAL CORPORATION
                            By:  James C. Kennedy
                            James C. Kennedy, Deputy General
                            Counsel and Secretary
                            Carl H. Lindner*
                            Carl H. Lindner
                            Carl H. Lindner III*
                            Carl H. Lindner III
                            S. Craig Lindner*
                            S. Craig Lindner
                            Keith E. Lindner*
                            Keith E. Lindner
James C. Kennedy
*By James C. Kennedy, Attorney-in-Fact
                              - 9 -
                                               Exhibit 1
Item 2.  Identity and Background.

      American Financial is a holding company which was formed to
acquire  and  own  all of the outstanding common  stock  of  both
American  Financial  Corporation  ("AFC")  and  American  Premier
Underwriters,  Inc.  in a transaction which  was  consummated  in
April 1995.  American Financial is engaged primarily in specialty
and multi-line property and casualty insurance businesses and  in
the  sale  of tax-deferred annuities and certain life and  health
insurance products.

     Carl H. Lindner's principal occupation is as Chairman of the
Board  of  Directors  and  Chief Executive  Officer  of  American
Financial.  Mr. Lindner has been Chairman of the Board and  Chief
Executive  Officer of AFC since it was founded over 35 years  ago
and has been Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of
American  Premier  Underwriters, Inc. since  1987.   He  is  also
Chairman  of  the  Board of American Financial Enterprises,  Inc.

      Carl  H.  Lindner  III's principal  occupation  is  as  Co-
President of American Financial.  He is also Co-President of AFC.

     S. Craig Lindner's principal occupations are as Co-President
of  American  Financial and President of American Annuity  Group,
Inc.,  an  affiliate  of  American Financial.   He  is  also  Co-
President of AFC.

     Keith E. Lindner's principal occupations are as Co-President
of  American Financial and President and Chief Operating  Officer
of  Chiquita Brands International, Inc., an affiliate of American
Financial.  He is also Co-President of AFC.

      The  identity  and  background of the  executive  officers,
directors and controlling persons of American Financial  and  AFC
(other than the Lindner Family, which is set forth above) are  as

      1.   Theodore H. Emmerich is a retired managing partner  of
Ernst  &  Young, certified public accountants, Cincinnati,  Ohio.
He  is  presently a director of American Financial and AFC.   Mr.
Emmerich's  address  is 1201 Edgecliff Place,  Cincinnati,  Ohio,

      2.   James E. Evans' principal occupation is as Senior Vice
President and General Counsel of American Financial.  He is  also
Senior Vice President and General Counsel of AFC.

     3.  Thomas M. Hunt's principal occupation is as President of
Hunt  Petroleum  Corporation, an oil and gas production  company.
He  is  presently a director of American Financial and AFC.   Mr.
Hunt's  business  address is 5000 Thanksgiving  Tower,  1601  Elm
Street, Dallas, Texas, 75201.

      4.  William R. Martin's principal occupation is as Chairman
of  the  Board  of MB Computing, Inc., a privately held  computer
software  development  company. He is  presently  a  director  of
American Financial and AFC.  Mr. Martin's business address is 245
46th Avenue, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida 33706.
                             - 10 -

      5.    Gregory C. Thomas, for more than five years prior  to
his  retirement  in September 1996, was Executive Vice  President
and  Chief  Financial Officer of Citicasters  Inc.   Mr.  Thomas'
address is 1026 Stephens Road, Maineville, Ohio 45039.

     6.   William W. Verity's principal occupation is as Chairman
and  Chief Executive Officer of ENCOR Holdings, Inc., develop and
manufacture of plastic molded components.  He is also a  director
of  Chiquita. Mr. Verity's address is 3905 Vincennes Road,  Suite
305, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268.

      7.    Alfred  W.  Martinelli's principal occupation  is  as
Chairman  of  the  Board and Chief Executive Officer  of  Buckeye
Management Company, which is the sole general partner of  Buckeye
Partners,  L.P.,  a  limited partnership principally  engaged  in
pipeline  transportation of refined petroleum.  Mr.  Martinelli's
address is 269 Glenmoor Road, Gladwyne, Pennsylvania  19035.   He
is also a director of AAG.

      8.   Fred J. Runk's principal occupation is as Senior  Vice
President and Treasurer of American Financial.  He is also Senior
Vice President and Treasurer of AFC.

      9.   Thomas E. Mischell's principal occupation is as Senior
Vice  President  - Taxes of American Financial.   He  is  also  a
Senior Vice President of AFC.

      The following are persons who are executive officers of AFC
who are not also executive officers of American Financial:

      1.   Sandra W. Heimann's principal occupation is as a  Vice
President of AFC.

      2.   Robert C. Lintz's principal occupation is  as  a  Vice
President of AFC.

      The Lindner Family and American Financial may be deemed  to
be controlling persons with respect to AFC.

      Unless  otherwise noted, the business address  of  American
Financial, AFC and each of the persons listed above is  One  East
Fourth   Street,  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  45202,  and  all   of   the
individuals are citizens of the United States.

      None of the persons listed above have during the last  five
years  (i)  been  convicted in a criminal  proceeding  (excluding
traffic violations or similar misdemeanors) or (ii) been a  party
to  a  civil proceeding of a judicial or administrative  body  of
competent jurisdiction and as a result of such proceeding was  or
is  subject to a judgment, decree or final order enjoining future
violations of, or prohibiting or mandating activities subject to,
federal  or  state securities laws or finding any violation  with
respect to such laws.

                             - 11 -

Exhibit 2

                    ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

      This Asset Purchase Agreement (this "Agreement") is entered
into  as  of  October  22,  1997 by and  among  Peritus  Software
Services,  Inc.,  a  Massachusetts corporation  ("Peritus"),  and
Twoquay,  Inc.,  a  Delaware  corporation  and  a  wholly   owned
subsidiary  of  Peritus (the "Buyer" and, together with  Peritus,
the "Buyer Entities"), and American Premier Underwriters, Inc., a
Pennsylvania corporation ("APU" or the "Seller"), and  Millennium
Dynamics, Inc., an Ohio corporation and a wholly owned subsidiary
of  APU  ("MDI"  and, together with APU, the "Seller  Entities").
The  Buyer  Entities  and  the Seller Entities  are  collectively
referred   to   herein  as  the  "Parties,"  and  are   sometimes
individually referred to herein as a "Party").

                      Preliminary Statement

      The Buyer desires to purchase, and Peritus desires to cause
the   Buyer  to  purchase,  and  the  Seller  desires  to   sell,
substantially  all of the assets and business  of  MDI,  for  the
consideration  set forth below and the assumption of  certain  of
the  Seller's liabilities set forth below, subject to  the  terms
and conditions of this Agreement.

      NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the  mutual  promises
hereinafter  set forth and other good and valuable consideration,
the  receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties  hereby
agree as follows:

1.    Merger  of  MDI and the Seller; Sale and  Delivery  of  the

      1.1   Merger  of  MDI  and  the Seller.   As  described  in
Section  5.10  hereof, prior to the closing of  the  transactions
contemplated  by  this Agreement (the "Closing"),  MDI  shall  be
merged  with and into the Seller (the "Merger"), and by operation
of law, all of MDI=s assets and liabilities, and all other rights
of any kind or nature associated with MDI's business


(collectively,  the "MDI Business") shall be transferred  to  the

     1.2  Delivery of the Assets.

           (a)   Subject to and upon the terms and conditions  of
this  Agreement, at the Closing, the Seller shall sell, transfer,
convey,  assign  and deliver to the Buyer, and  the  Buyer  shall
purchase  from the Seller, the following properties,  assets  and
other claims, rights and interests:

                (i)   all  office supplies, maintenance supplies,
packaging  materials, spare parts and similar items  of  the  MDI
Business (collectively, the "Office Supplies") which exist on the
Closing Date (as defined below);

                (ii) all accounts, accounts receivable, notes and
notes  receivable relating to the MDI Business  existing  on  the
Closing  Date  which  are payable to the  Seller,  including  any
security  held  by  the  Seller  for  the  payment  thereof  (the
accounts,   accounts  receivable,  notes  and  notes  receivable,
including any related security therein, to be transferred to  the
Buyer pursuant hereto are collectively referred to herein as  the
"Accounts Receivable");

                (iii)      all  prepaid expenses  of  the  Seller
relating to the MDI Business existing on the Closing Date and any
cash  balances  relating  to the MDI Business  remaining  on  the
Closing  Date  after  satisfying  the  conditions  set  forth  in
subsection 5.9;

               (iv) all rights of the Seller under the contracts,
agreements,  leases, licenses and other instruments  relating  to
the  MDI  Business  all  as set forth on Schedule  2.16  attached
hereto,  except for those under the Credit Agreement between  the
Seller  and  MDI and the Agreement of Allocation  of  Payment  of
Federal  Income  Tax  (the "Tax Sharing Agreement")  between  the
Seller  Entities  and  certain of their  Affiliates  (as  defined
below) (collectively, the "Contract Rights");


                  (v)    all   books,   records   and   accounts,
correspondence,   production  records,   technical,   accounting,
manufacturing and procedural manuals, customer lists,  employment
records,   studies,  reports  or  summaries   relating   to   any
environmental   conditions  or  consequences  of  any   operation
relating to the MDI Business, present or former, as well  as  all
studies,  reports  or  summaries relating  to  any  environmental
aspect or the general condition of the Assets (as defined below),
and  any  confidential  information which  has  been  reduced  to
writing relating to or arising solely out of the MDI Business;

                (vi)  all  rights of the Seller under express  or
implied warranties from the suppliers of the MDI Business;

               (vii)     all of the machinery, computer and other
equipment,  tools, software, hardware, maintenance machinery  and
equipment and furniture relating to the MDI Business owned by the
Seller  on the Closing Date, whether or not reflected as  capital
assets  in the accounting records of the Seller relating  to  the
MDI Business (collectively, the "Fixed Assets");

                (viii)     all of the Seller's right,  title  and
interest  in  and  to all Intellectual Property,  as  defined  in
Subsection 2.24(f);

               (ix) all copies of and media containing all source
code,  object  code,  flow charts, program descriptions,  program
listings, libraries, tools, utilities, databases, data, diagrams,
diagnostics,   alpha   and   beta  versions   and   all   related
documentation and commentaries, owned, licensed or  used  by  the
Seller  Entities  in  the  conduct  of  the  MDI  Business   (the
"Software"); and

                 (x)    except   as  specifically   provided   in
Subsection  1.2(b) hereof, all other assets, properties,  claims,
rights  and interests of the Seller relating to the MDI  Business
which  exist  on the Closing Date, of every kind and  nature  and
description,  whether tangible or intangible, real,  personal  or


           (b)   Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph  (a)
above,  the  assets  to be transferred to the  Buyer  under  this
Agreement  shall  not  include those assets  listed  on  Schedule
1.2(b)  attached hereto or any tax rights or benefits arising  or
in  any  way related to the Tax Sharing Agreement (the  "Excluded

          (c)  The Office Supplies, Accounts Receivable, Contract
Rights,  Fixed Assets, Intellectual Property, Software and  other
properties, assets and business of the Seller relating to the MDI
Business  described  in  paragraph  (a)  above,  other  than  the
Excluded  Assets,  shall  be  referred  to  collectively  as  the

      1.3  Further Assurances.  At any time and from time to time
after the Closing, at the reasonable request of either or both of
the  Buyer Entities and without further consideration, the Seller
or  Seller  Entities  promptly shall  execute  and  deliver  such
instruments   of  sale,  transfer,  conveyance,  assignment   and
confirmation, and take such other action, as either  or  both  of
the  Buyer  Entities may reasonably request to  more  effectively
transfer,  convey  and assign to the Buyer, and  to  confirm  the
Buyer's  title to, all of the Assets, to put the Buyer in  actual
possession and operating control thereof, to assist the Buyer  in
exercising all rights with respect thereto and to carry  out  the
purpose and intent of this Agreement.  At any time and from  time
to  time  after the Closing, at the request of either or both  of
the  Seller Entities and without further consideration, the Buyer
or  Buyer  Entities  promptly  shall  execute  and  deliver  such
instruments of assumption and confirmation, and take  such  other
action,  as  either or both of the Seller Entities may reasonably
request to more effectively confirm the Buyer=s assumption of the
Assumed Liabilities (as defined below).

     1.4  Purchase Price.

          (a)  The purchase price to be paid to the Seller by the
Buyer  for  the  Assets shall be (i) the cash sum of  $30,000,000
(the "Cash Portion of the Purchase Price") and (ii) the number of


shares  (the  "Stock  Portion  of  the  Purchase  Price"  or  the
"Shares")  of  the  common stock, $.01 par value  per  share,  of
Peritus  (the "Peritus Common Stock") determined as set forth  in
the  following  sentence.   If (a) the Average  Share  Price  (as
defined  below)  is  $25.00 or less, the  Stock  Portion  of  the
Purchase Price shall be 2,222,000 shares of Peritus Common Stock;
(b)  the  Average Share Price is between $25.00 and  $30.00,  the
Stock  Portion of the Purchase Price shall be determined  as  set
forth  in Schedule 1.4; or (c) the Average Share Price is greater
than  $30.00,  the Stock Portion of the Purchase Price  shall  be
determined  by dividing (x) $60,000,000 by (y) the Average  Share
Price  (rounded down to the nearest whole share).   The  "Average
Share  Price"  is the average of the closing sale  price  of  the
Peritus  Common Stock on the Nasdaq National Market for the  five
trading  days  beginning  on the second trading  day  immediately
preceding  the date hereof and ending on the second  trading  day
immediately following the date hereof.  The Cash Portion  of  the
Purchase  Price and the Stock Portion of the Purchase  Price  are
collectively  referred  to herein as the "Purchase  Price."   The
Purchase  Price  shall  be  payable in the  manner  described  in
paragraph (b) of this Subsection 1.4.

           (b)   At the Closing, the Buyer shall deliver  to  the
Seller  (i)  the  Cash  Portion of the  Purchase  Price  by  wire
transfer  of immediately available funds to an account designated
by  the  Seller, and (ii) a stock certificate registered  in  the
name of the Seller representing the Stock Portion of the Purchase

     1.5  Assumption of Liabilities; Etc.

           (a)   At  the  Closing, the Buyer  shall  execute  and
deliver   an   Instrument  of  Assumption  of  Liabilities   (the
"Instrument  of Assumption") substantially in the  form  attached
hereto as Exhibit A, pursuant to which it shall assume and  agree
to   perform,   pay  and  discharge  the  following  liabilities,
obligations  and commitments of the Seller relating  to  the  MDI
Business (the "Assumed Liabilities"):


                (i)   all  trade  accounts  payable  and  accrued
expenses  reflected on the balance sheet of MDI as  of  September
30,  1997 previously delivered to the Buyer (the "Current Balance
Sheet"),  less  any payments made from September  30,  1997  (the
"Balance  Sheet  Date")  to the Closing Date  and  excluding  any
liability under the Credit Agreement between MDI and APU;

                (ii)  all  trade  accounts  payable  and  accrued
expenses  of the Seller relating to the MDI Business incurred  in
the  ordinary course of business from the Balance Sheet  Date  to
the  Closing Date, other than liabilities and liens for Taxes (as
defined  below)  or  deferred Taxes, liabilities  under  the  Tax
Sharing Agreement, liabilities under the Credit Agreement between
MDI and APU, accounts payable which are outstanding for more than
three months as of the Closing Date and accounts payable that are
contingent or are not fixed in amount as of the Closing Date;

                (iii)      all obligations of the Seller relating
to the MDI Business continuing after the Closing under the leases
and  contracts  set forth on Schedule 1.5 attached  hereto  which
become due and payable after the Closing Date; and

                (iv) all other liabilities and obligations of the
Seller specifically set forth in Schedule 1.5 attached hereto.

          (b)  The Buyer shall not at the Closing assume or agree
to  perform,  pay  or  discharge, and  the  Seller  shall  remain
unconditionally  liable  for,  all obligations,  liabilities  and
commitments,  fixed or contingent, of the Seller other  than  the
Assumed Liabilities.

           (c)   Notwithstanding  any  provision  herein  to  the
contrary,  the  Buyer shall be solely liable for the  prompt  and
full  discharge  of  the Assumed Liabilities  and  also  for  any
liability arising from, or in connection with the Assets acquired
by   the   Buyer  after  the  consummation  of  the  transactions
contemplated  hereby,  including, without  limitation,  any  such
liabilities  arising  by  reason  of  any  violation  or  claimed
violation by the Buyer, by acts or events or omissions arising or


occurring after the Closing, of any federal, state or local  law,
rule,  regulation, ordinance or any requirement of any government

     1.6  [Intentionally omitted].

      1.7   The  Closing.  The Closing shall take  place  at  the
offices   of  Hale  and  Dorr  LLP,  60  State  Street,   Boston,
Massachusetts  at 9:00 a.m., Boston time, on the  third  business
day  after  the  conditions set forth  in  Section  6  have  been
satisfied,  or  at  such other place, time  or  date  as  may  be
mutually  agreed  upon  in writing by the  parties  hereto.   The
transfer of the Assets by the Seller to the Buyer shall be deemed
to  occur at the open of business on the date of the Closing (the
"Closing Date").

     1.8  Apportionment.

           (a)   Prepaid  premiums on insurance  if  assigned  as
herein provided, water and sewer use charges, transfer taxes  and
recording fees, if any, incurred in connection with the  transfer
of  the  Assets contemplated hereby, and real property taxes  for
the then current tax period, shall be apportioned and adjusted as
of  the Closing Date and the net amount thereof shall be added to
or  deducted  from, as the case may be, the Cash Portion  of  the
Purchase Price.

           (b)  If the amount of such real property taxes has not
been determined at the Closing Date, they shall be apportioned on
the  basis of such taxes assessed for the preceding year, with  a
reapportionment as soon as the new tax rate and valuation can  be
ascertained; and, if the taxes which are to be apportioned  shall
thereafter be reduced by abatement, the amount of such abatement,
less  the  reasonable  cost  of  obtaining  the  same,  shall  be
apportioned  between the Buyer and the Seller, provided  that  no
Party  shall  be obligated to institute or prosecute  proceedings
for  an  abatement unless otherwise agreed.  If such  proceedings
are commenced, the Party commencing the same shall give the other
Party notice thereof and shall prosecute such proceedings and not
discontinue the same without first giving the other Party notice


of  its  intention  so  to do and reasonable  opportunity  to  be
substituted  in such proceedings; and the other Party  agrees  to
cooperate  in such proceedings without being obligated  to  incur
any expense in connection therewith.

           (c)   If the amounts of any common area charges  under
real  property  leases transferred to the  Buyer  have  not  been
determined at the Closing Date, they shall be apportioned on  the
basis  of  such charges assessed for the preceding year,  with  a
reapportionment upon and in the event of any new apportionment or
valuation method or scheme; and if such charges which are  to  be
apportioned  shall  thereafter be reduced,  the  amount  of  such
reduction shall be apportioned between the Buyer and the Seller.

2.    Representations of the Seller Entities. The Seller Entities
each  jointly and severally represents and warrants to the  Buyer
Entities as follows:

      2.1   Organization.   Each  of the  Seller  Entities  is  a
corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing
under  the  laws of the state of its incorporation, and  has  all
requisite  power and authority (corporate and other) to  own  its
properties,  to carry on its business as now being conducted,  to
execute   and   deliver  this  Agreement   and   the   agreements
contemplated   herein,   and  to  consummate   the   transactions
contemplated  hereby (it being understood and  agreed  that,  for
purposes   of  this  Agreement,  the  "transactions  contemplated
hereby" shall include, without limitation, the Merger).  MDI  has
no  subsidiaries  and  does  not  own  or  control,  directly  or
indirectly,  any shares of capital stock of any other corporation
or  any  interest  in  any  partnership, joint  venture,  limited
liability company or other non-corporate enterprise.  Each of the
Seller Entities is duly qualified to conduct business and  is  in
good  standing  in  all jurisdictions in which its  ownership  of
property   or  the  character  of  its  business  requires   such
qualification, except where the failure to qualify would not have
a  material adverse effect on the business, properties, assets or
condition  (financial  or  otherwise)  of  such  Seller   Entity.
Certified copies of the Articles of Incorporation and Code of


Regulations of the Seller Entities, each as amended to date, have
been previously delivered to the Buyer, are complete and correct,
and  no amendments have been made thereto or have been authorized
since the date thereof.

      2.2   Ownership  of  MDI.  APU is the sole  beneficial  and
record owner of all of the outstanding securities of MDI.

      2.3  Authorization.  The execution and delivery by each  of
the  Seller  Entities  of  this  Agreement,  and  the  agreements
provided  for herein, and the consummation by each of the  Seller
Entities of all transactions contemplated hereby, have been  duly
authorized  by  all  requisite corporate and shareholder  action.
This  Agreement  and  all such other agreements  and  obligations
entered  into  and undertaken in connection with the transactions
contemplated  hereby  to which each Seller  Entity  is  a  party,
assuming  the due execution and delivery by the Buyer, constitute
the  valid  and  legally binding obligations  of  the  respective
Seller  Entity, enforceable against the respective Seller  Entity
in  accordance  with  their  respective  terms.   The  execution,
delivery and performance by the Seller Entities of this Agreement
and  the agreements provided for herein, and the consummation  by
each  Seller Entity of the transactions contemplated  hereby  and
thereby,  will not, with or without the giving of notice  or  the
passage  of time or both, (a) violate the provisions of any  law,
rule  or regulation applicable to such Seller Entity; (b) violate
the  provisions  of  the  Articles of Incorporation  or  Code  of
Regulations  of  such  Seller Entity; (c) violate  any  judgment,
decree,  order  or  award  of  any court,  governmental  body  or
arbitrator applicable to such Seller Entity; or (d) except as set
forth on Schedule 2.3 attached hereto, conflict with or result in
the  breach  or  termination of any  term  or  provision  of,  or
constitute a default under, or cause any acceleration  under,  or
cause  the creation of any lien, charge or encumbrance  upon  the
properties  or  assets  of such Seller Entity  pursuant  to,  any
indenture,  mortgage,  deed  of  trust  or  other  instrument  or
agreement to which such Seller Entity is a party or by  which  it
or  any  of  its  properties is or may be  bound.   Schedule  2.3
attached hereto sets forth a true, correct and complete list of


all consents and approvals of third parties that are required  in
connection  with the consummation by the Seller Entities  of  the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

      2.4   Ownership  of the Assets.  Schedule  2.4(i)  attached
hereto  sets  forth  a  true, correct and complete  list  of  all
claims,  liabilities, liens, pledges, charges,  encumbrances  and
equities  of  any  kind affecting the Assets  (collectively,  the
"Encumbrances").   As of the date hereof,  MDI  is,  and  at  the
Closing  the  Seller will be, the true and lawful  owner  of  the
Assets,  and the Seller will have the right to sell and  transfer
to  the  Buyer  good, clear, record and marketable title  to  the
Assets, free and clear of all Encumbrances of any kind, except as
set  forth  on  Schedule 2.4(ii) attached hereto (the  "Permitted
Encumbrances").  The delivery to the Buyer of the instruments  of
transfer  of ownership contemplated by this Agreement  will  vest
good  and  marketable title to the Assets in the Buyer, free  and
clear  of  all  liens,  mortgages, pledges,  security  interests,
restrictions, prior assignments, encumbrances and claims  of  any
kind or nature whatsoever, except for the Permitted Encumbrances.
There  are  no liens on any Assets that arose in connection  with
any failure (or alleged failure) to pay any Tax.

     2.5  Financial Statements.

           (a)  The Seller Entities have previously delivered  to
the  Buyer MDI=s audited balance sheets as of December  31,  1995
and 1996 and June 30, 1997 (the "Audited Balance Sheets") and the
related  statements of operations, shareholder's equity and  cash
flows  of  MDI for the fiscal years ended December 31,  1995  and
1996  and  the  six  months  ended June 30,  1997  (collectively,
including  the  Audited  Balance Sheets, the  "Audited  Financial
Statements").  The Seller Entities have also previously delivered
to  the  Buyer  MDI=s  Current  Balance  Sheet  and  the  related
statements of operations, shareholder's equity and cash flows  of
MDI for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 1997
(collectively, the "Current Financial Statements").  The  Audited
Financial  Statements  and  the notes  thereto  and  the  Current
Financial Statements (collectively, the "Financial Statements")


have   been  prepared  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted
accounting   principles  ("GAAP")  and  are   certified   without
qualification  by  MDI's independent public accountants,  in  the
case of the Audited Financial Statements, and have been certified
by  MDI's  chief  financial officer, in the case of  the  Current
Financial Statements.

           (b)   The Financial Statements fairly present,  as  of
their  respective dates, in all material respects, the  financial
condition, retained earnings, assets and liabilities of  MDI  and
the  results of operations and cash flows of the MDI Business for
the  periods  indicated; and the amounts  shown  as  accrued  for
current  and  deferred income and other taxes,  if  any,  in  the
Financial  Statements  are sufficient  for  the  payment  of  all
accrued  and  unpaid  federal,  state  and  local  income  taxes,
interest,  penalties, assessments or deficiencies  applicable  to
MDI  or  the  MDI  Business, whether disputed  or  not,  for  the
applicable period then ended and periods prior thereto.

      2.6  Absence of Undisclosed Liabilities.  Except as and  to
the  extent  (a)  reflected and reserved against in  the  Current
Balance  Sheet, (b) set forth on Schedule 2.6 attached hereto  or
(c) incurred in the ordinary course of business after the date of
the  Current  Balance Sheet and not material  in  amount,  either
individually or in the aggregate, neither the Seller nor MDI  has
incurred  any  liability  or obligation,  secured  or  unsecured,
whether  accrued, absolute, contingent, unasserted or  otherwise,
affecting  the  Assets.   For purposes of  this  Subsection  2.6,
"material" means any amount in excess of $10,000.

      2.7   Litigation.   Except as set  forth  on  Schedule  2.7
attached  hereto, MDI is not a party to, or to the  knowledge  of
the  Seller Entities threatened with, and none of the Assets  are
subject   to,   any  litigation,  suit,  action,   investigation,
proceeding or controversy before any court, administrative agency
or  other  governmental authority relating to  or  affecting  the
Assets  or the business or condition (financial or otherwise)  of
MDI.   Neither of the Seller Entities is in violation  of  or  in
default with respect to any judgment, order, writ, injunction,


decree   or   rule  of  any  court,  administrative   agency   or
governmental  authority or any regulation of  any  administrative
agency or governmental authority relating to the MDI Business.

      2.8  Insurance.  Schedule 2.8 attached hereto sets forth  a
true,  correct  and complete list of all fire,  theft,  casualty,
general  liability, workers compensation, business  interruption,
environmental impairment, product liability, automobile and other
insurance policies insuring the Assets or the MDI Business and of
all  life  insurance policies maintained for any of the employees
engaged in the MDI Business, specifying the type of coverage, the
amount  of  coverage, the premium, the insurer and the expiration
date of each such policy (collectively, the "Insurance Policies")
and  all claims made under such Insurance Policies since December
31,  1995.   True, correct and complete summaries of all  of  the
Insurance  Policies have been previously delivered by the  Seller
Entities to the Buyer.  The Insurance Policies are in full  force
and  effect and are in amounts and of a nature which are adequate
and  customary  for the MDI Business.  All premiums  due  on  the
Insurance  Policies or renewals thereof have been paid and  there
is no default under any of the Insurance Policies.  Except as set
forth  on  Schedule 2.8 attached hereto, neither  of  the  Seller
Entities has received any notice or other communication from  any
issuer  of  the  Insurance  Policies  since  December  31,   1995
cancelling or materially amending any of the Insurance  Policies,
materially   increasing  any  deductibles  or  retained   amounts
thereunder, or materially increasing the annual or other premiums
payable thereunder, and, to the knowledge of the Seller Entities,
no  such  cancellation,  amendment or  increase  of  deductibles,
retainages or premiums is threatened.

      2.9  Inventory.  There is no inventory of raw materials  or
goods to be sold or licensed to third parties relating to the MDI

     2.10 Fixed Assets.  Schedule 2.10 attached hereto sets forth
a  true, correct and complete list of all Fixed Assets as of  the
date  hereof, including a description and the book value thereof.
Schedule  2.10,  as  updated pursuant to Subsection  7.9  hereof,
shall set forth a true, correct and complete list of all Fixed


Assets  as  of the date three business days prior to the  Closing
Date (the "Schedule Date"), including a description and valuation
thereof.  All of the Fixed Assets, taken as a whole, are in  good
operating  condition and repair, normal wear and  tear  excepted,
are  currently used by MDI in the ordinary course of business and
in  the  production of products of and provision of  services  by
MDI,  and normal maintenance has been consistently performed with
respect to such Fixed Assets.  As of the Closing Date, all of the
Fixed  Assets  shall be in good operating condition  and  repair,
normal wear and tear excepted.

      2.11  Leases.  Schedule 2.11 attached hereto sets  forth  a
true,  correct  and complete list as of the date  hereof  of  all
leases  of  real  property, identifying  separately  each  ground
lease,  relating  to  the  MDI Business  (the  "Leases").   True,
correct  and  complete copies of the Leases, and all  amendments,
modifications   and   supplemental   agreements   thereto,   have
previously  been delivered by the Seller Entities to  the  Buyer.
The  Leases  are  in  full  force and  effect,  are  binding  and
enforceable  against MDI, and as of the Closing  Date,  shall  be
binding  and  enforceable against the Seller, in accordance  with
their respective terms and, except as set forth on Schedule  2.11
attached hereto, have not been modified or amended since the date
of delivery to the Buyer.  No party to any Lease has sent written
notice  to  the  other  claiming that such party  is  in  default
thereunder,  which  remains uncured.   Except  as  set  forth  on
Schedule  2.11 attached hereto, there has not occurred any  event
by  either  Seller Entity which would constitute a breach  of  or
default in the performance of any material covenant, agreement or
condition  required  to  be performed  by  either  Seller  Entity
contained  in any Lease, nor has there occurred any  event  which
with  the  passage of time or the giving of notice or both  would
constitute  such a material breach or material default.   Neither
Seller  Entity  is  obligated to pay  any  leasing  or  brokerage
commission  relating to any Lease and, except  as  set  forth  on
Schedule  2.11  attached hereto, will not  have  any  enforceable
obligation  to pay any leasing or brokerage commission  upon  the
renewal  of  any  Lease.  Except as set forth  on  Schedule  2.11
attached  hereto, no material construction, alteration  or  other
leasehold improvement work with respect to any of the Leases


remains  to  be  paid  for or to be performed  by  either  Seller
Entity.   The  Financial Statements contain adequate reserves  to
provide  for  the restoration of the properties  subject  to  the
Leases  at  the end of the respective Lease terms, to the  extent
required by the Leases.

      2.12  Change in Financial Condition and Assets.  Except  as
set  forth  on Schedule 2.12 attached hereto, since  the  Balance
Sheet  Date,  there  has  been  no change  which  materially  and
adversely  affects the business, properties, assets or  condition
(financial or otherwise) of MDI or the MDI Business.  The  Seller
Entities   have  no  knowledge  of  any  existing  or  threatened
occurrence,  event  or  development  which,  as  far  as  can  be
reasonably foreseen, could have a material adverse effect on  MDI
or  the  business, properties, assets or condition (financial  or
otherwise) of MDI or the MDI Business.

     2.13 Tax Matters.  Each of the Seller Entities has filed all
Tax Returns which are required to be filed and has paid all Taxes
which have become due or which have been claimed to be due.  Each
of  the  Seller Entities is current in the payment of all  Taxes.
Except  as  set  forth  on  Schedule  2.13  attached  hereto,  no
deficiencies have been asserted or assessed relating to  the  MDI
Business as a result of any audit by the Internal Revenue Service
or  any state or local taxing authority and no such deficiency or
audit has been proposed or threatened.

      As  used in this Agreement, the following terms shall  have
the following respective meanings.

                (i)  "Affiliated Group" means an affiliated group
as  defined  in  Section  1504  of the  Code  (or  any  analogous
combined,  consolidated  or unitary group  defined  under  state,
local or foreign income Tax law) of which the Seller Entities are
or have been members.

                (ii)  "Code" means the Internal Revenue  Code  of
1986, as amended.


                (iii)      "Tax"  means any (A)  federal,  state,
local  or  foreign income, gross receipts, franchise,  estimated,
alternative  minimum,  add-on  minimum,  sales,  use,   transfer,
registration, value added, excise, natural resources,  severance,
stamp,   occupation,  premium,  windfall  profit,  environmental,
customs,  duties, real property, capital stock, social  security,
unemployment,  disability, payroll, license,  employee  or  other
withholding,  or  other  tax,  of any  kind  whatsoever,  whether
disputed  or not, including any interest, penalties or  additions
to  tax  or  additional amounts in respect of the foregoing;  (B)
liability of either of the Seller Entities for the payment of any
amounts  of the type described in clause (A) arising as a  result
of  being (or ceasing to be) a member of any Affiliated Group (or
being  included  (or required to be included) in any  Tax  Return
relating  thereto  or  as a party to any Tax  allocation  or  Tax
sharing   agreement  or  any  other  contractual  obligation   to
indemnify  any  other  person with respect  to  Taxes);  and  (C)
liability of either of the Seller Entities for the payment of any
amounts  of  the type described in clause (A) as a transferee  or
successor,  by contract (including as a result of any express  or
implied obligation to indemnify or otherwise assume or succeed to
the liability of any other person), or otherwise.

                (iv)  "Tax  Returns" means returns, declarations,
reports,   claims  for  refund,  information  returns  or   other
documents   (including  any  related  or  supporting   schedules,
statements  or  information) filed or required  to  be  filed  in
connection  with the determination, assessment or  collection  of
Taxes of any party or administration of any laws, regulations  or
administrative requirements relating to any Taxes.

      2.14  Accounts  Receivable.  Schedule 2.14 attached  hereto
sets  forth  a  true, correct and complete list of  all  Accounts
Receivable,  including an aging thereof as of the  Balance  Sheet
Date.   Schedule  2.14,  as updated pursuant  to  Subsection  7.9
hereof, shall set forth a true, correct and complete list of  the
Accounts  Receivable as of the Schedule Date, including an  aging
thereof.   All  Accounts Receivable arose out  of  the  sales  or
licenses, products or services in the ordinary course of business


and, to the knowledge of the Seller Entities, are collectible  in
the  face  value thereof within 180 days of the date of  invoice,
using  normal  collection procedures,  net  of  the  reserve  for
doubtful accounts as set forth thereon, which reserve the  Seller
Entities  reasonably believe is adequate and  was  calculated  in
accordance   with   generally  accepted   accounting   principles
consistently applied.

      2.15  Books and Records.  The general ledgers and books  of
account  relating  to the MDI Business, all  federal,  state  and
local  income, franchise, property and other Tax Returns relating
to  the MDI Business, and all other books and records relating to
the  MDI  Business  are  in all material  respects  complete  and
correct and have been maintained in accordance with good business
practice  and in accordance, in all material respects,  with  all
applicable procedures required by laws and regulations.

     2.16 Contracts and Commitments.

           (a)   Schedule 2.16 attached hereto contains  a  true,
complete  and  correct  list  and description  of  the  following
contracts and agreements, whether written or oral (except as  set
forth below) (collectively, the "Contracts"):

                (i)   all  loan agreements, indentures, mortgages
and  guaranties relating to the MDI Business or by which  MDI  or
any of the Assets are bound;

                (ii)  all  pledges,  conditional  sale  or  title
retention agreements, security agreements, equipment obligations,
personal  property leases and lease purchase agreements  relating
to any of the Assets to which either Seller Entity is a party;

                (iii)     all contracts, agreements, commitments,
purchase  orders or other understandings or arrangements relating
to  the MDI Business which involve payments or receipts by either
Seller  Entity  of more than $10,000 in the case  of  any  single
contract,  agreement,  commitment, understanding  or  arrangement
under  which  full performance (including payment) has  not  been
rendered by all parties thereto;


               (iv) all collective bargaining agreements, written
employment  and  consulting agreements, severance  or  separation
agreements,  change-in-control agreements, executive compensation
plans,  bonus  plans,  deferred compensation agreements,  pension
plans,  retirement plans, employee stock option or stock purchase
plans  and  group life, health and accident insurance  and  other
employee  benefit plans, agreements, arrangements or  commitments
to  which  either  Seller Entity is a party or  by  which  either
Seller  Entity  or  any of its property is  bound  that  will  be
assumed by the Buyer;

               (v)  all agency, distributor, sales representative
and  similar  agreements relating to the MDI  Business  to  which
either Seller Entity is a party;

                 (vi)   all   contracts,  agreements   or   other
understandings  or  arrangements relating  to  the  MDI  Business
between either Seller Entity and any stockholder or affiliate (as
such  term is defined in the Securities Act of 1933, as  amended,
and   the  rules  and  regulations  promulgated  thereunder  (the
"Securities Act")) of the Seller Entities ("Affiliate");

               (vii)     all leases relating to the MDI Business,
whether operating, capital or otherwise;

                (viii)     all  contracts, agreements  and  other
documents  or  information relating to  past  disposal  of  waste
(whether or not hazardous) with respect to the MDI Business;

                 (ix)   all   contracts,  agreements,   licenses,
commitments, purchase orders or other understandings relating  to
the  MDI  Business  to  which either Seller  Entity  is  a  party
obligated  to  or pursuant to which either Seller Entity  (A)  is
otherwise  obligated to perform maintenance services  for  (i)  a
period  in excess of one year subsequent to the Closing  Date  or
(ii) nominal or no consideration or (B) has licensed its products
for nominal or no consideration; and

                (x)   any  other material agreement  or  contract
relating  to  the  MDI  Business entered into  by  either  Seller


           (b)   Except as set forth on Schedule 2.16(b) attached

                 (i)   each  Contract  is  a  valid  and  binding
agreement  of  the applicable Seller Entity, enforceable  against
such  Seller Entity in accordance with its terms, and the  Seller
Entities  do not have any knowledge that any Contract  is  not  a
valid and binding agreement of the other parties thereto;

                (ii)  the  applicable Seller Entity has fulfilled
all  material  obligations required pursuant to the Contracts  to
have  been performed by such Seller Entity on its part  prior  to
the date hereof;

               (iii)     to the knowledge of the Seller Entities,
neither  Seller  Entity  is in breach of  or  default  under  any
Contract,  and  no event has occurred which with the  passage  of
time or giving of notice or both would constitute such a default,
result in a loss of rights or result in the creation of any lien,
charge or encumbrance, thereunder or pursuant thereto;

                (iv)  to  the  knowledge of the Seller  Entities,
there is no existing breach or default by any other party to  any
Contract,  and  no event has occurred which with the  passage  of
time  or  giving of notice or both would constitute a default  by
such  other  party, result in a loss of rights or result  in  the
creation  of  any  lien,  charge  or  encumbrance  thereunder  or
pursuant thereto;

                (v)   Neither Seller Entity is restricted by  any
Contract from carrying on its business anywhere in the world; and

                (vi) Neither Seller Entity has received notice of
any  product  liability  or  product  warranty  claim  under  the
Contracts,  and neither Seller Entity is aware of any  threatened


            (c)    Except  as  set  forth  on  Schedule  2.3   or
Schedule 2.16(c) attached hereto, the continuation, validity  and
effectiveness  of  each  Contract will not  be  affected  by  the
transfer  thereof  to  Buyer under this Agreement  and  all  such
Contracts are assignable to the Buyer without a consent.

          (d)  True, correct and complete copies of all Contracts
have  previously  been delivered by the Seller  Entities  to  the

      2.17  Compliance  with Agreements and  Laws.   Each  Seller
Entity  has  all  requisite licenses, permits  and  certificates,
including environmental, health and safety permits, from federal,
state and local authorities necessary to conduct the MDI Business
and  own  and  operate the Assets (collectively, the  "Permits").
Schedule  2.17  attached hereto sets forth a  true,  correct  and
complete  list  of  all material Permits, copies  of  which  have
previously been delivered by the Seller to the Buyer.  Neither of
the  Seller  Entities is in violation of any law,  regulation  or
ordinance  (including, without limitation, laws,  regulations  or
ordinances relating to building, zoning, environmental,  disposal
of hazardous substances, land use or similar matters) relating to
the  MDI  Business, the violation of which could have a  material
adverse effect on either Seller Entity or the MDI Business.   The
MDI  Business  does  not  violate, in any material  respect,  any
federal,  state,  local  or foreign laws, regulations  or  orders
(including, but not limited to, any of the foregoing relating  to
employment  discrimination,  occupational  safety,  environmental
protection,   hazardous  waste  (as  defined  in   the   Resource
Conservation  and Recovery Act, as amended, and  the  regulations
adopted  pursuant  thereto), conservation, or corrupt  practices,
the enforcement of which would have a material and adverse effect
on the results of operations, condition (financial or otherwise),
assets or properties of the MDI Business.  Except as set forth on
Schedule  2.17 attached hereto, neither Seller Entity  has  since
December  31, 1995 received any notice or communication from  any
federal,  state or local governmental or regulatory authority  or
otherwise of any such violation or noncompliance relating to  the
MDI Business.


     2.18 Employee Relations.

           (a)   Each  of  the  Seller Entities  is  in  material
compliance with all federal, state and local laws relating to the
MDI  Business  respecting  employment and  employment  practices,
terms  and conditions of employment, and wages and hours, and  is
not  engaged  in  any unfair labor practice,  and  there  are  no
arrears in the payment of wages or social security taxes relating
to the MDI Business.

           (b)   Except as set forth on Schedule 2.18(b) attached

                (i)   none  of the employees engaged in  the  MDI
Business is represented by any labor union;

                (ii)  there is no unfair labor practice complaint
relating  to  the MDI Business pending before the National  Labor
Relations Board or any state or local agency;

                (iii)      there  is no pending labor  strike  or
other  labor  trouble  relating to the MDI  Business  (including,
without limitation, any organizational drive);

                (iv) there is no labor grievance pending relating
to the MDI Business;

                (v)   there is no pending representation question
respecting the employees engaged in the MDI Business; and

                (vi) there are no pending arbitration proceedings
arising  out  of  or  under any collective  bargaining  agreement
relating  to the MDI Business, or to the knowledge of the  Seller
Entities, any basis for which a claim may be made under any  such
collective bargaining agreement.

           (c)   The Seller Entities have made available  to  the
Buyer  a  true,  correct and complete list of  (a)  the  employee
benefits provided by the Seller Entities to the employees engaged
in the MDI Business and all contracts or agreements between the


Seller  Entities and such employees, and (b) the current  payroll
relating  to  such employees, including the job descriptions  and
salary or wage rates, showing separately for each such person who
received  an annual salary in excess of $30,000 the amounts  paid
or  payable  as  salary and bonus payments  for  the  year  ended
December  31,  1996 and for the nine months ended  September  30,

           (d)   For  purposes of this Subsection 2.18, the  term
"employee" shall be construed to include sales agents  and  other
independent  contractors who spend a majority  of  their  working
time on the MDI Business.

      2.19  Absence of Certain Changes or Events.  Except as  set
forth  on Schedule 2.19 attached hereto, since the Balance  Sheet
Date,  neither  Seller  Entity has entered into  any  transaction
relating  to  the  MDI Business which is not  in  the  usual  and
ordinary course of business, and, without limiting the generality
of the foregoing, with respect to the MDI Business has:

           (a)  incurred any material obligation or liability for
borrowed money;

          (b)  discharged or satisfied any lien or encumbrance or
paid  any  obligation or liability other than current liabilities
reflected in the Current Balance Sheet;

          (c)  mortgaged, pledged or subjected to lien, charge or
other encumbrance any of the Assets;

           (d)  sold or purchased, assigned or transferred any of
its  tangible assets or cancelled any debts or claims, except for
inventory  sold,  raw  materials purchased  and  obsolete  assets
disposed of in the ordinary course of business;

           (e)   made  any  amendment to or  termination  of  any
Contract  or  done any act or omitted to do any act  which  would
cause the material breach of any Contract;


          (f)  suffered any losses, whether insured or uninsured,
and  whether  or  not in the control of such  Seller  Entity,  in
excess  of $2,500 in the aggregate, or waived any rights  of  any

          (g)  authorized or issued recall notices for any of its
products or initiated any safety investigations;

           (h)  received notice of any litigation, warranty claim
or products liability claims; or

           (i)  made any material change in the terms, status  or
funding condition of any employee plan.

      2.20 Customers.  Schedule 2.20 attached hereto sets forth a
true, correct and complete list of the names and addresses of all
customers of the MDI Business which accounted for more than 5% of
MDI's total sales in the fiscal year ended December 31, 1996  and
the nine months ended September 30, 1997.  Except as set forth on
Schedule  2.20  attached  hereto,  none  of  such  customers  has
notified  either  of  the  Seller Entities  that  it  intends  to
discontinue  its  current relationship with respect  to  the  MDI

     2.21 [Intentionally omitted]

     2.22 [Intentionally omitted]

      2.23  Prepayments  and  Deposits.  Schedule  2.23  attached
hereto sets forth all prepayments or deposits with respect to the
MDI  Business  from  customers for products  to  be  shipped,  or
services to be performed, after the Closing Date which have  been
received by either Seller Entity as of the date hereof.

     2.24 Intellectual Property.

           (a)   As of the date hereof, MDI owns or has the right
to  use,  and as of the Closing Date the Seller will own or  have
the  right  to  use,  all Intellectual Property  (as  defined  in
Subsection 2.24(f)) used in the operation of the MDI Business or


necessary  for  the  operation of the MDI Business  as  presently
conducted.   Except  as  set forth on Schedule  2.24(a)  attached
hereto, each item of Intellectual Property will be transferred to
the Buyer at Closing, and each such item of Intellectual Property
available  for use by either Seller Entity will be available  for
use  by  the  Buyer on identical terms and conditions immediately
following  the  Closing.   Each  Seller  Entity  has  taken   all
reasonable  measures to protect the proprietary  nature  of  each
item of Intellectual Property, and to maintain in confidence  all
trade secrets and confidential information, that it owns or uses.
Except as set forth on Schedule 2.24(a) attached hereto, no other
person  or  entity  has  any rights to any  of  the  Intellectual
Property  owned  or  used by either Seller Entity,  and,  to  the
knowledge  of the Seller Entities, no other person or  entity  is
infringing, violating or misappropriating any of the Intellectual

           (b)   None  of  the  Intellectual Property  infringes,
violates  or  constitutes a misappropriation of (or in  the  past
infringed,  violated  or constituted a misappropriation  of)  any
Intellectual  Property  rights of any  other  person  or  entity.
Neither Seller Entity has received any complaint, claim or notice
alleging  any  such  infringement, violation or misappropriation,
and  to  the knowledge of the Seller Entities, there is no  basis
for any such complaint, claim or notice.

           (c)  Schedule 2.24(c) attached hereto identifies, with
respect  to  the MDI Business, each (i) trademark, copyright  and
patent registration, (ii) pending trademark, copyright and patent
application,  and  (iii) license or other agreement  pursuant  to
which  either Seller Entity has granted any rights to  any  third
party  with  respect  to any of its Intellectual  Property.   The
Seller  Entities have delivered to the Buyer correct and complete
copies  of all such patent, trademark and copyright registrations
and  applications  (as  amended to date) and  such  licenses  and
agreements  (as amended to date) and have specifically identified
and  made  available to the Buyer correct and complete copies  of
all  other written documentation evidencing ownership of, and any
claims or disputes relating to, each such item.  Except as set


forth  in Schedule 2.24(c) attached hereto, with respect to  each
item of Intellectual Property that MDI owns as of the date hereof
and that the Seller will own immediately preceding the Closing:

               (i)  such Seller Entity possesses all right, title
and interest in and to such item;

                (ii)  such item is not subject to any outstanding
judgment, order, decree, stipulation or injunction; and

                 (iii)      other  than  as  set  forth  in   the
agreements referred to in Schedule 2.16 attached hereto,  neither
Seller Entity has agreed to indemnify any person or entity for or
against any infringement, misappropriation or other conflict with
respect to such item.

           (d)   Schedule 2.24(d) attached hereto identifies each
item  of  Intellectual Property used in the operation of the  MDI
Business  at any time during the period covered by the  Financial
Statements,  or  that  either  Seller  Entity  plans  to  use  in
connection with the MDI Business in the future, that is owned  by
a  party  other  than a Seller Entity.  The Seller Entities  have
supplied  the  Buyer  with correct and  complete  copies  of  all
licenses,  sublicenses or other agreements (as amended  to  date)
pursuant  to  which either Seller Entity  uses such  Intellectual
Property,  all of which are listed on Schedule 2.16 and  Schedule
2.24(d)  attached hereto.  Except as set forth in  Schedule  2.16
and  Schedule 2.24(d) attached hereto, with respect to each  such
item of Intellectual Property:

                (i)   the  license, sublicense or other agreement
covering such item is legal, valid, binding, enforceable  and  in
full force and effect;

                (ii)  such license, sublicense or other agreement
will continue to be legal, valid and binding, enforceable and  in
full  force and effect upon and immediately following the Closing
in  accordance with the terms thereof as in effect prior  to  the


                (iii)     neither of the Seller Entities, nor, to
the  knowledge  of the Seller Entities, any other party  to  such
license,  sublicense or other agreement, is in breach or default,
and  no  event  has occurred which with notice or lapse  of  time
would  constitute  a  breach or default  or  permit  termination,
modification or acceleration thereunder;

                (iv) the underlying item of Intellectual Property
is  not  subject  to  any  outstanding judgment,  order,  decree,
stipulation or injunction;

               (v)  neither Seller Entity has agreed to indemnify
any   person   or   entity  for  or  against  any   interference,
infringement, misappropriation or other conflict with respect  to
such item; and

                (vi)  other  than as set forth in the  agreements
referred to in Schedule 2.16 attached hereto, no license or other
fee  is  payable upon any transfer or assignment of such license,
sublicense or other agreement.

            (e)   Schedule  2.24(e)  attached  hereto  accurately
identifies and describes in summary fashion the functions of  all
Software (as defined in Subsection 1.1(a)(ix)) developed  by  MDI
(the  "Seller Software") and identifies the nature of the  rights
therein  of  MDI  as  of  the  date  hereof  and  of  the  Seller
immediately  preceding  the Closing.  Schedule  2.24(e)  attached
hereto identifies all computer programs, libraries, databases  or
other  software not owned by the Seller Entities but embedded  in
or necessary for the use of the Seller Software (the "Third Party
Software").   Except  as set forth in Schedule  2.24(e)  attached

                (i)   The documentation, manuals, flow charts  or
other  materials  to be transferred to the Buyer pursuant  hereto
document in reasonable detail all of the functions of the  Seller
Software and Third Party Software and are sufficient and adequate
to  provide for their use by end users skilled in the use of such


                (ii)  Other than as described on Schedule 2.24(e)
attached  hereto, neither Seller Entity has disclosed the  source
code  for  any  of  the Seller Software or other confidential  or
proprietary  information constituting, embodied in or  pertaining
to  the  Seller  Software  to  any  person  and  each  has  taken
reasonable  measures  to  prevent  such  disclosure,  other  than
disclosure  of  such  source  code to  employees  or  independent
contractors engaged in the MDI Business, in each case pursuant to
valid  and binding nondisclosure agreements with such persons  or
entities  which  are  in full force and effect.   Other  than  as
described on Schedule 2.24(e) attached hereto, all of the  Seller
Software has been created by regular employees of MDI within  the
scope of their employment by MDI or by independent contractors of
MDI who, in either case, have executed agreements maintaining the
confidentiality  of the Seller Software and expressly  assigning,
in  the  case  of  such  regular employees and  such  independent
contractors,  all  such regular employees  and  such  independent
contractors' right, title and interest in the Seller Software  to

                (iii)     Except as disclosed on Schedule 2.24(e)
attached hereto, neither Seller Entity has distributed the Seller
Software  or  Third  Party Software except  pursuant  to  and  in
compliance  with  the Contracts.  No licensees are  permitted  to
distribute the Seller Software except pursuant to a valid written
sublicense  agreement, a form of which has been provided  to  the
Buyer.   Other  than  as described on Schedule  2.24(e)  attached
hereto, no third party may legally use the Seller Software except
pursuant to a written license agreement, a form of which has been
provided  to  the Buyer or a sublicense agreement,  as  described

          (f)  "Intellectual Property" means, with respect to the
MDI  Business,   all  (i)  patents, patent  applications,  patent
disclosures  and  all related continuation, continuation-in-part,
divisional, reissue, reexamination, utility model, certificate of
invention  and design patents, patent applications, registrations
and  applications  for  registrations, (ii)  trademarks,  service
marks, trade dress, logos, trade names and corporate names


including,  without  limitation "Millennium Dynamics,  Inc."  and
registrations  and applications for registration  thereof,  (iii)
copyrights  and  registrations and applications for  registration
thereof   (including   moral  rights),  (iv)   mask   works   and
registrations  and  applications for  registration  thereof,  (v)
computer software, data and documentation, (vi) trade secrets and
confidential   business   information,  whether   patentable   or
unpatentable  and  whether or not reduced to practice,  know-how,
manufacturing  and production processes and techniques,  research
and  development  information,  copyrightable  works,  financial,
marketing  and  business  data,  pricing  and  cost  information,
business and marketing plans and customer and supplier lists  and
information, (vii) other proprietary rights relating  to  any  of
the   foregoing,  and  (viii)  copies  and  tangible  embodiments

      2.25  Employee Benefit Plans.  All of the pension, benefit,
profit   sharing,   stock,  retirement,  deferred   compensation,
welfare, insurance, disability, bonus, vacation pay, severance or
separation  pay,  change  in  control  or  other  similar  plans,
programs  and  agreements, whether reduced  to  writing  or  not,
relating  to  the   employees engaged in  the  MDI  Business,  or
maintained  at any time by either Seller Entity with  respect  to
such employees, are in compliance, in all material respects, with
the  requirements prescribed by any and all statutes,  orders  or
governmental rules or regulations currently in effect, including,
but  not limited to, ERISA and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
as amended, applicable to such employee plans.

      2.26  Real  Estate.  Neither Seller Entity  owns  any  real
property relating to the MDI Business.

      2.27  Acquired  Assets  Complete.   The  Assets  are,  when
utilized  by a labor force substantially similar to that employed
by  MDI  on  the  date hereof, adequate to conduct  the  business
operations conducted by MDI on the date hereof.

       2.28   Regulatory  Approvals.   All  consents,  approvals,
authorizations and other requirements prescribed by any law, rule
or regulation which must be obtained or satisfied by the Seller


Entities  and which are necessary for the execution and  delivery
by  the Seller Entities of this Agreement and the documents to be
executed  and  delivered  by the Seller  Entities  in  connection
herewith are set forth on Schedule 2.28 attached hereto and  have
been,  or  will  be  prior  to  the Closing  Date,  obtained  and

      2.29  Indebtedness  to  and from  Officers,  Directors  and
Shareholders.   Except  as set forth on  Schedule  2.29  attached
hereto,  MDI  is not, as of the date hereof, and the Seller  will
not be, as of the Closing Date, indebted, directly or indirectly,
to  any  person  who  is an officer, director or  shareholder  of
either  Seller Entity or any Affiliate of any such person in  any
amount  whatsoever other than for salaries for services  rendered
to  the  MDI Business or reimbursable business expenses  thereof,
all  of  which  have  been  reflected on  the  Current  Financial
Statements,  and  no  such  officer,  director,  shareholder   or
affiliate is indebted to MDI, as of the date hereof, or  will  be
indebted  to  the  Seller,  as of the Closing  Date,  except  for
advances  made  to employees engaged in the MDI Business  in  the
ordinary   course  of  business  to  meet  reimbursable  business
expenses anticipated to be incurred by such obligor.

      2.30  Powers  of Attorney and Suretyships.  Except  as  set
forth on Schedule 2.30 attached hereto, neither Seller Entity has
any  general  or  special  powers of  attorney  outstanding  with
respect  to  the  MDI  Business (whether as  grantor  or  grantee
thereof) and, with respect to the MDI Business, has no obligation
or  liability  (whether actual, accrued, accruing, contingent  or
otherwise)  as guarantor, surety, co-signor, endorser,  co-maker,
indemnitor  or  otherwise in respect of  the  obligation  of  any
person,  corporation,  partnership, joint  venture,  association,
organization  or  other entity, except as endorser  or  maker  of
checks  or letters of credit, respectively, endorsed or  made  in
the ordinary course of business.

     2.31 Investment Representation.  The Seller is acquiring the
Shares from the Buyer for its own account for investment and  not
with a view to, or for sale in connection with, any distribution


thereof  in  violation of any federal, state or local  securities
laws.   The Seller is an "accredited investor," as such  term  is
defined in Rule 501 of Regulation D of the Securities Act.

      2.32  Disclosure.   No representation or  warranty  by  the
Seller Entities in this Agreement or in any Exhibit hereto, or in
any  list,  statement, document or information set  forth  in  or
attached to any Schedule delivered or to be delivered pursuant to
this Agreement, contains or will contain any untrue statement  of
a material fact or omits or will omit any material fact necessary
in order to make the statements contained therein not misleading.
The  Seller  Entities have disclosed to the  Buyer  all  material
facts  pertaining  to  the  transactions  contemplated  by   this

3.    Representations of the Buyer Entities.  The Buyer  Entities
each  jointly and severally represents and warrants to the Seller
Entities as follows:

     3.1  Organization and Authority.

          (a)  The Buyer is a corporation duly organized, validly
existing  and  in good standing under the laws of  the  State  of
Delaware,  and  has requisite power and authority (corporate  and
other) to own its properties and to carry on its business as  now
being conducted.  The Buyer has full power to execute and deliver
this  Agreement  and the agreements contemplated  herein  and  to
consummate the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby.

           (b)   Peritus is a corporation duly organized, validly
existing  and in good standing under the laws of the Commonwealth
of   Massachusetts,  and  has  requisite  power   and   authority
(corporate and other) to own its properties and to carry  on  its
business  as  now  being conducted.  Peritus has  full  power  to
execute   and   deliver  this  Agreement   and   the   agreements
contemplated   herein   and   to  consummate   the   transactions
contemplated hereby and thereby.

          (c)  The Buyer and Peritus have delivered to the Seller
Entities certified copies of their respective Charters and


Bylaws,  each as amended to date, which are complete and correct,
and  no amendments have been made thereto or have been authorized
since the date hereof.

      3.2   Capitalization of Peritus.  As of September 30, 1997,
the   authorized  capital  stock  of  Peritus  consisted  of  (i)
50,000,000  shares of Peritus Common Stock, of  which  13,162,242
shares were issued and outstanding, and (ii) 5,000,000 shares  of
preferred  stock, $.01 par value per share, of  which  no  shares
were  issued and outstanding.  All of the outstanding  shares  of
capital stock of Peritus have been, and on the Closing Date  will
be,  duly and validly issued and are, or will be, fully paid  and
nonassessable.  On the date hereof, the authorized capital  stock
of  the Buyer consists of 3,000 shares of common stock, $.01  par
value  per share, of which 100 shares are issued and outstanding.
Peritus  owns  of record and beneficially all of the  outstanding
shares of common stock of the Buyer.

      3.3   Authorization.  The execution and  delivery  of  this
Agreement  by  each of the Buyer and Peritus, and the  agreements
provided  for  herein,  and the consummation  by  the  Buyer  and
Peritus  of all transactions contemplated hereby, have been  duly
authorized by all requisite corporate action on the part  of  the
Buyer  and Peritus.  This Agreement and all such other agreements
and written obligations entered into and undertaken in connection
with  the  transactions  contemplated hereby,  assuming  the  due
execution  and  delivery  by the parties  other  than  the  Buyer
Entities, constitute the valid and legally binding obligations of
the  Buyer  and  Peritus, enforceable against them in  accordance
with  their  respective  terms.   The  execution,  delivery   and
performance  of  this Agreement and the agreements  provided  for
herein,  and  the consummation by the Buyer and  Peritus  of  the
transactions contemplated hereby and thereby, will not,  with  or
without the giving of notice or the passage of time or both,  (a)
violate  the provisions of any law, rule or regulation applicable
to  the  Buyer  or  Peritus; (b) violate the  provisions  of  the
Charter  or  Bylaws  of  the Buyer or Peritus;  (c)  violate  any
judgment, decree, order or award of any court, governmental  body
or  arbitrator applicable to such Buyer Entity; or  (d)  conflict
with or result in the breach or termination of any term or


provision  of,  or  constitute  a default  under,  or  cause  any
acceleration under, or cause the creation of any lien, charge  or
encumbrance upon the properties or assets of the Buyer or Peritus
pursuant  to,  any indenture, mortgage, deed of  trust  or  other
agreement or instrument to which it or its properties is a  party
or by which the Buyer or Peritus respectively is or may be bound.
Schedule  3.3  attached hereto sets forth  a  true,  correct  and
complete list of all consents and approvals of third parties that
are  required  in connection with the consummation by  the  Buyer
Entities of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

       3.4   Reports  and  Financial  Statements.   Peritus   has
previously furnished to the Seller Entities complete and accurate
copies,  as amended or supplemented, of its (a) Quarterly  Report
on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended June 30, 1997, as filed
with  the  Securities and Exchange Commission (the  "Commission")
and  (b) all other reports filed by Peritus under Section  13  of
the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the  "Exchange
Act"),  with the Commission since July 2, 1997 (such reports  are
collectively  referred to herein as the "Peritus Reports").   The
Peritus  Reports constitute all of the documents required  to  be
filed  by  Peritus under Section 13 of the Exchange Act with  the
Commission since July 2, 1997.  As of their respective dates, the
Peritus  Reports  did  not  contain any  untrue  statement  of  a
material  fact  or omit to state a material fact required  to  be
stated  herein  or necessary to make the statements  therein,  in
light  of  the  circumstances under which  they  were  made,  not
misleading.   Since the date of the latest filed Peritus  Report,
Peritus  has  had  no  obligation to file  a  Current  Report  on
Form   8-K   under  the  Exchange  Act.   The  audited  financial
statements and unaudited interim financial statements of  Peritus
included  in  the  Peritus Reports (i)  comply  in  all  material
respects   with  applicable  accounting  requirements   and   the
published  rules and regulations of the Commission  with  respect
thereto, (ii) have been prepared in accordance with GAAP  applied
on  a  consistent  basis throughout the periods  covered  thereby
(except as may be indicated therein or in the notes thereto,  and
in  the  case of quarterly financial statements, as permitted  by
Form  10-Q  under  the Exchange Act), (iii)  fairly  present  the
consolidated financial condition, results of operations and cash


flows  of Peritus as of the respective dates thereof and for  the
periods  referred  to therein, and (iv) are consistent  with  the
books and records of Peritus.

      3.5   Disclosure.  No representation or warranty by  either
the  Buyer or Peritus in this Agreement or in any Exhibit hereto,
or  in any list, statement, document or information set forth  in
or attached to any Schedule delivered or to be delivered pursuant
hereto,  contains  or  will contain any  untrue  statement  of  a
material  fact or omits or will omit any material fact  necessary
in  order  to make the statements contained therein, in light  of
the  circumstances in which they were made, not misleading.   The
Buyer Entities have disclosed to the Seller Entities all material
facts  pertaining  to  the  transactions  contemplated  by   this

      3.6   No  Material Adverse Change.  Since  June  30,  1997,
except as disclosed in a Peritus Report or as otherwise disclosed
in  Schedule 3.6 attached hereto:  (i) there has been  no  change
which  materially and adversely affects the business, properties,
assets or condition (financial or otherwise) of Peritus (any such
change  is called a "Material Adverse Change"); (ii) Peritus  and
its subsidiaries, considered as one entity, have not incurred any
material liability or obligation, indirect, direct or contingent,
not  in  the  ordinary course of business nor  entered  into  any
material  transaction or agreement not in the ordinary course  of
business; and (iii) there has been no dividend or distribution of
any  kind  declared,  paid  or made by  Peritus  or,  except  for
dividends paid to Peritus or any of its subsidiaries on any class
of capital stock or repurchase or redemption by Peritus or any of
its subsidiaries of any class of capital stock.

      3.7   Nasdaq.   The  Shares shall have  been  approved  for
listing  on the Nasdaq National Market on or prior to the Closing
Date, subject only to official notice of issuance.

      3.8   Litigation.   Except as set  forth  on  Schedule  3.8
attached  hereto, Peritus is not a party to, or to the  knowledge
of  Peritus  threatened with, and none of its assets are  subject
to, any litigation, suit, action, investigation, proceeding or


controversy  before  any court, administrative  agency  or  other
governmental authority relating to or affecting its assets or the
business  or  condition  (financial  or  otherwise)  of  Peritus.
Peritus is not in violation of or in default with respect to  any
judgment,  order, writ, injunction, decree or rule of any  court,
administrative agency or governmental authority or any regulation
of any administrative agency or governmental authority.

       3.9   Intellectual  Property  Rights.   Peritus  and   its
subsidiaries  own or possess sufficient trademarks, trade  names,
patent rights, copyrights, licenses, approvals, trade secrets and
other   similar   rights  (collectively,  "Peritus   Intellectual
Property   Rights")  reasonably  necessary   to   conduct   their
businesses as now conducted; and the expected expiration  of  any
of  such Peritus Intellectual Property Rights would not result in
a  Material  Adverse  Change.  Neither Peritus  nor  any  of  its
subsidiaries has received any notice of infringement or  conflict
with  asserted  intellectual property  rights  of  others,  which
infringement  or  conflict,  if the  subject  of  an  unfavorable
decision, would result in a Material Adverse Change.

     3.10 All Necessary Permits, etc. Peritus and each subsidiary
possess  such  valid and current certificates, authorizations  or
permits  issued  by  the appropriate state,  federal  or  foreign
regulatory   agencies  or  bodies  necessary  to  conduct   their
respective businesses, and neither Peritus nor any subsidiary has
received any notice of proceedings relating to the revocation  or
modification  of,  or noncompliance with, any  such  certificate,
authorization or permit which, singly or in the aggregate, if the
subject  of  an  unfavorable decision, ruling or  finding,  could
result in a Material Adverse Change.

      3.11  Title  to  Properties.  Except as  described  in  the
Peritus  Reports, Peritus and each of its subsidiaries  has  good
and  valid  title to all the properties and assets  reflected  as
owned in the Peritus Reports, in each case free and clear of  any
security  interests,  mortgages, liens,  encumbrances,  equities,
claims  and  other defects, except such as do not materially  and
adversely affect the value of such property and do not materially
interfere with the use made or proposed to be made of such


property  by  Peritus  or such subsidiary.   The  real  property,
improvements, equipment and personal property held under lease by
Peritus  or  any subsidiary are held under valid and  enforceable
leases,  with  such  exceptions as are not material  and  do  not
materially interfere with the use made or proposed to be made  of
such  real property, improvements, equipment or personal property
by Peritus, or such subsidiary.

      3.12  Tax  Law  Compliance.  Peritus and  its  consolidated
subsidiaries have filed all necessary federal, state and  foreign
income and franchise Tax Returns and have paid all Taxes required
to be paid by any of them and, if due and payable, any related or
similar  assessment, fine or penalty levied against any of  them,
except  for  assessments, fines or penalties  contested  in  good
faith  for  which  adequate reserves have been  provided  to  the
extent  required  by  generally accepted  accounting  principles.
Peritus   has  made  adequate  charges,  accruals  and   reserves
reasonably  determined  by  Peritus in the  applicable  financial
statements  in  the Peritus Reports in respect  of  all  federal,
state  and foreign income and franchise Taxes for all periods  as
to  which the Tax liability of Peritus or any of its consolidated
subsidiaries has not been finally determined.

      3.13  Peritus Not an "Investment Company." Peritus is  not,
and  after  consummation of the transactions contemplated  hereby
will  not be, an "investment company" within the meaning  of  the
Investment  Company  Act  of 1940, as  amended  (the  "Investment
Company Act"), and will conduct its business in a manner so  that
it will not become subject to the Investment Company Act.

      3.14  Insurance.  Each of Peritus and its  subsidiaries  is
insured  by  financially  sound and reputable  institutions  with
policies  in such amounts and with such deductibles and  covering
such  risks  as  are generally deemed adequate and customary  for
their businesses including, but not limited to, policies covering
real  and  personal property owned or leased by Peritus  and  its
subsidiaries  against  theft, damage,  destruction  and  acts  of
vandalism.   Peritus  has no reason to believe  that  it  or  any
subsidiary  will not be able (i) to renew its existing  insurance
coverage as and when such policies expire or (ii) to obtain


comparable coverage from similar institutions as may be necessary
or appropriate to conduct its business as now conducted and at  a
cost that would not result in a Material Adverse Change.  Neither
Peritus nor any subsidiary has been denied any insurance coverage
which it has sought or for which it has applied.

4.   Access to Information; Public Announcements.

     4.1  Access to Management, Properties and Records.

           (a)  From the date of this Agreement until the Closing
Date,  each  of  the Seller Entities shall afford  the  officers,
attorneys,  accountants and other authorized  representatives  of
each  of  the  Buyer Entities access upon reasonable  notice  and
during   normal  business  hours  to  all  management  personnel,
offices,  properties,  books  and records  relating  to  the  MDI
Business, so that the Buyer Entities may have full opportunity to
make  such  investigation as they shall desire  to  make  of  the
management,  business,  properties  and  affairs  of  the  Seller
Entities  relating  to the MDI Business, and the  Buyer  Entities
shall be permitted to make abstracts from, or copies of, all such
books  and  records.   The  Seller shall  furnish  to  the  Buyer
Entities  such financial and operating data and other information
as to the Assets and the MDI Business as the Buyer Entities shall
reasonably request.

          (b)  The Seller Entities shall authorize the release to
the Buyer or to Peritus of all files pertaining to the Assets  or
the  MDI  Business held by any federal, state,  county  or  local
authorities, agencies or instrumentalities, other than files with
respect  to  which  the  Seller Entities are  under  a  legal  or
contractual obligation of confidentiality.

      4.2   Confidentiality.  Each and every one of  the  Parties
agrees  to  be bound by the terms of that certain Confidentiality
Agreement  dated August 11, 1997 by and between Peritus  and  MDI
(the  "Confidentiality Agreement") as if and whether or not  such
Party is a signatory thereto.


      4.3  Public Announcements.  The parties agree that prior to
the  Closing Date, except as otherwise required by law,  any  and
all   public   announcements  or  other   public   communications
concerning this Agreement and the purchase of the Assets  by  the
Buyer  shall  be  subject to the approval of both parties,  which
approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.

5.    Pre-Closing Covenants of the Seller Entities.     From  and
after the date hereof and until the Closing Date:

      5.1   Conduct of Business.  The Seller Entities shall carry
on  the  MDI   Business  substantially  in  the  same  manner  as
heretofore  and  shall not make or institute any unusual  or  new
methods  of  manufacture, purchase, sale, shipment  or  delivery,
lease, license management, accounting or operation, and shall not
ship  or  deliver  any quantity of products in excess  of  normal
shipment  or delivery levels, except as agreed to in  writing  by
the Buyer or Peritus.  All of the Assets shall be used, operated,
repaired  and  maintained in a normal business manner  consistent
with past practice.

     5.2  Absence of Material Changes.  Without the prior written
consent  of  the  Buyer or Peritus, and except as  set  forth  in
Subsection 1.1 hereof, the Seller Entities shall not:

           (a)   take  any  action  to amend  MDI=s  Articles  of
Incorporation or Code of Regulations;

            (b)   issue  any  stock,  bonds  or  other  corporate
securities  of  MDI or grant any option or issue any  warrant  to
purchase  or  subscribe to any of such securities  or  issue  any
securities convertible into such securities;

           (c)   incur  any obligation or liability (absolute  or
contingent)   relating  to  the  MDI  Business,  except   current
liabilities incurred and obligations under contracts entered into
in the ordinary course of business;

           (d)   declare  or make any payment or distribution  to
MDI=s  shareholders with respect to their stock  or  purchase  or
redeem any shares of MDI=s  capital stock;


           (e)   mortgage, pledge, or subject to any lien, charge
or any other encumbrance any of the Assets;

           (f)   sell,  assign, or transfer any  of  the  Assets,
except  for products sold or licensed in the ordinary  course  of
business,  at  a  normal profit margin, and  for  not  less  than
replacement cost;

           (g)   cancel any debts or claims relating to  the  MDI
Business, except in the ordinary course of business;

           (h)  merge or consolidate with or into any corporation
or other entity;

           (i)   make,  accrue or become liable  for  any  bonus,
profit sharing or incentive payment relating to the MDI Business,
except for accruals under existing plans, if any, or increase the
rate  of  compensation  payable or to become  payable  by  either
Seller Entity to any officers, directors or employees engaged  in
the MDI Business, other than increases in the ordinary course  of
business consistent with past practice;

           (j)   make any election or give any consent under  the
Code  or  the Tax statutes of any state or other jurisdiction  or
make  any  termination, revocation or cancellation  of  any  such
election  or  any consent or compromise or settle any  claim  for
past or present Tax due;

          (k)  waive any rights of material value relating to the
MDI Business;

           (l)   modify, amend, alter or terminate any  executory
contracts  of  a material value relating to the MDI  Business  or
which are material in amount;

           (m)  take or permit any act or omission constituting a
breach  or  default  under any contract, indenture  or  agreement
relating to the MDI Business or by which the Assets are bound;


           (n)  fail to use its best efforts to (i) preserve  the
possession  and  control  of the Assets  and  the  MDI  Business,
(ii)  keep  in  service the present officers  and  key  employees
engaged in the MDI Business, (iii) preserve the goodwill  of  the
customers, suppliers, agents, brokers and others having  business
relations  with the MDI Business, and (iv) keep and preserve  the
MDI  Business existing on the date hereof until after the Closing

           (o)  fail to operate the MDI Business and maintain the
books,  accounts and records relating to the MDI Business in  the
customary  manner  and  in  the ordinary  or  regular  course  of
business  and  maintain  in good repair the  premises,  fixtures,
machinery, furniture and equipment relating to the MDI Business;

           (p)   enter into any leases, contracts, agreements  or
understandings  relating  to the MDI Business  other  than  those
entered  into  in  the  ordinary course of business  calling  for
payments  which in the aggregate do not exceed $10,000  for  each
such lease, contract, agreement or understanding;

           (q)   engage  any employee in the MDI Business  for  a
salary in excess of $50,000 per annum;

           (r)   materially  alter the terms, status  or  funding
condition  of any employee plan relating to employees engaged  in
the MDI Business; or

           (s)  commit or agree to do any of the foregoing in the

      5.3   Taxes.  The Seller Entities will, on a timely  basis,
file  all  Tax Returns for and pay any and all Taxes which  shall
become  due or shall have accrued (a) on account of the operation
of the MDI Business or the ownership of the Assets on or prior to
the  Closing  Date or (b) on account of the sale  of  the  Assets
(including a pro-rata portion of all personal property and excise
taxes  payable  with  respect  to the  Assets  by  either  Seller


     5.4  Communication with Customers and Suppliers.

           (a)   Unless instructed otherwise by the Buyer  or  by
Peritus  in  writing,  the Seller Entities will  accept  customer
orders with respect to the MDI Business in the ordinary course of
business and consistent with past practice.

           (b)   The Seller Entities and the Buyer will cooperate
in  communication with suppliers and customers to accomplish  the
transfer of the Assets to the Buyer on the Closing Date.

5.5   Compliance with Laws.  The Seller Entities will comply,  in
all  material respects, with all laws and regulations  which  are
applicable  to the MDI Business and the ownership of  the  Assets
and  will perform and comply with all contracts, commitments  and
obligations relating to the MDI Business by which each of them is

      5.6   Continued Truth of Representations and Warranties  of
the  Seller  Entities.   The  Seller  Entities,  individually  or
collectively, will not take any actions which would result in any
of  the  representations or warranties set  forth  in  Section  2
hereof being untrue.

      5.7   Continuing Obligation to Inform.  From time  to  time
prior  to the Closing, the Seller Entities will deliver or  cause
to  be delivered to the Buyer supplemental information concerning
events  subsequent  to  the date hereof which  would  render  any
statement,  representation or warranty in this Agreement  or  any
information contained in any Schedule inaccurate or incomplete in
any  material respect at any time after the date hereof until the
Closing Date.

      5.8   Exclusive Dealing.  The Seller Entities, individually
or  collectively, will not, directly or indirectly,  through  any
officer,  director, agent or otherwise, (a) solicit, initiate  or
encourage  submission  of proposals or  offers  from  any  person
relating  to  any acquisition or purchase of all  or  a  material
portion  of  the Assets, or any equity interest in,  MDI  or  any
equity investment, merger, consolidation or business combination


with  MDI,  or (b) participate in any discussions or negotiations
regarding,  or  furnish  to  any  other  person,  any  non-public
information with respect to, or otherwise cooperate  in  any  way
with,  or assist or participate in, facilitate or encourage,  any
effort  or attempt by any other person to do or seek any  of  the
foregoing.  The Seller Entities shall promptly notify  the  Buyer
or  Peritus  if  any such proposal or offer, or  any  inquiry  or
contact with any person with respect thereto, is made.

      5.9   Collection  of Receivables and Borrowings  Under  APU
Credit  Agreement.  After the date of this Agreement, the  Seller
Entities shall continue to collect the Accounts Receivable in the
ordinary  course  of business and use the proceeds  therefrom  to
fund  the  operations  of  the MDI Business,  including  employee
compensation (but excluding payments under Section 20 hereof) and
the   payment  of  trade  payables.   In  the  event  that   such
collections are insufficient to fund such operations, APU  agrees
to  advance sufficient funds to continue such operations  and  to
comply  with Section 7.12 hereof as of the Closing Date.  In  the
event  that, at the time of the Closing, the Seller has any  cash
on  hand  relating to the MDI Business, it shall be permitted  to
retain such cash to the extent that the amount owed to APU by MDI
under  the APU Credit Agreement at the time of the Merger exceeds
$5.6  million,  and  any  additional cash  relating  to  the  MDI
Business  remaining after such repayment shall be transferred  to
the Buyer as required by Section 1.2(a)(iii) hereof.

      5.10  Merger of MDI and Seller. As a result of the  Merger,
the  Seller  will be directly responsible for the representations
and  warranties  contained herein relating to the  MDI  Business.
Prior  to  the  Closing, MDI shall be merged with  and  into  the
Seller  and,  by operation of law, the MDI Business shall  become
the  property  of the Seller.  At the Closing, the  Seller  shall
transfer   the   Assets   to  the  Buyer   in   accordance   with
Subsection 7.15(a) hereof and the Buyer shall assume the  Assumed
Liabilities  from  the Seller in accordance with  Subsection  1.5


6.   Best Efforts to Obtain Satisfaction of Conditions.

      6.1   Satisfaction of Conditions.  The Seller Entities  and
the  Buyer covenant and agree to use their best efforts to obtain
the  satisfaction of the conditions specified in this  Agreement.
The Buyer agrees to cooperate with the Seller Entities in efforts
to  obtain,  or cause to be obtained, prior to the Closing  Date,
consents to the assignment to and assumption by the Buyer of  all
licenses, leases, and other contracts and instruments and  rights
set  forth  on  Schedule 2.16 attached hereto  that  require  the
consent  of  any  third  party  by  reason  of  the  transactions
contemplated  by  this  Agreement; provided,  however,  that  the
Seller  Entities shall be required to obtain the consents to  the
contracts  set  forth  on  Schedule  6.1  attached  hereto   (the
"Material Consents") prior to Closing.

      6.2   Hart-Scott-Rodino-Act.  Each  of  the  Parties  shall
promptly  file  any  Notification and Report  Forms  and  related
material  that it may be required to file with the Federal  Trade
Commission  and  the  Antitrust Division  of  the  United  States
Department  of Justice under the Hart-Scott-Rodino  Act  ("HSR"),
shall use its best efforts to obtain an early termination of  the
applicable waiting period, and shall make any further filings  or
information  submissions pursuant thereto that may be  necessary,
proper or advisable; provided, however, that neither of the Buyer
Entities  shall  be obligated to respond to formal  requests  for
additional  information or documentary material  pursuant  to  16
C.F. R. 803.20 under HSR except to the extent it elects to do  so
in its sole discretion.

7.    Conditions  to  Obligations of  the  Buyer  Entities.   The
obligations  of  the  Buyer  Entities under  this  Agreement  are
subject to the fulfillment, at the Closing Date, of the following
conditions  precedent, each of which may be waived in writing  in
the sole discretion of either of the Buyer Entities:

      7.1   Continued Truth of Representations and Warranties  of
the  Seller  Entities; Compliance with Covenants and Obligations.
The representations and warranties of the Seller Entities (other


than  the  representations and warranties in  Sections  2.10  and
2.14)  shall  be  true  on and as of the  Closing  Date  and  the
representations and warranties of the Seller Entities in Sections
2.10  and  2.14 shall be true on and as of the Schedule Date,  as
though such representations and warranties were made on and as of
such  respective dates, except for any changes permitted  by  the
terms  hereof or consented to in writing by the Buyer or Peritus.
The  Seller Entities shall have performed and complied  with  all
terms,   conditions,  covenants,  obligations,   agreements   and
restrictions  required  by  this Agreement  to  be  performed  or
complied with by each of them, respectively, prior to or  at  the
Closing Date.

       7.2   Corporate  Proceedings.   All  corporate  and  other
proceedings  required to be taken on the  part  of  each  of  the
Seller  Entities  to authorize or carry out the Merger  and  this
Agreement and to convey, assign, transfer and deliver the  Assets
shall have been taken.

      7.3   Governmental  Approvals.  All governmental  agencies,
departments,  bureaus,  commissions  and  similar   bodies,   the
consent,  authorization or approval of which is  necessary  under
any  applicable law, rule, order or regulation, including without
limitation the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act, for the consummation by the
Seller  Entities of the Merger and the transactions  contemplated
by  this Agreement and the operation of the MDI Business  by  the
Buyer  shall have consented to, authorized, permitted or approved
such transactions.

      7.4   Consents of Lenders, Lessors and Other Third Parties.
The  Seller  shall  have received the Material Consents  and  all
consents necessary to effect the Merger and transfer ownership of
the  Assets  from  MDI  to the Seller immediately  prior  to  the

      7.5   Adverse Proceedings.  No action or proceeding  by  or
before  any  court  or other governmental body  shall  have  been
instituted  or  threatened  by any governmental  body  or  person
whatsoever which shall seek to restrain, prohibit or invalidate


the Merger or the transactions contemplated by this Agreement  or
which  might  affect the right of the Buyer to  own  or  use  the
Assets after the Closing.

      7.6  Opinion of Counsel.  The Buyer shall have received  an
opinion  of Keating, Muething & Klekamp, P.L.L., counsel  to  the
Seller  Entities, dated as of the Closing Date, in such  form  as
the Buyer or its counsel shall reasonably request, including that
the  Merger does not affect the transfer of the Assets or the MDI
Business to the Buyer in accordance with this Agreement.

     7.7  [Intentionally omitted].

      7.8  The Assets.  Except for the Permitted Encumbrances, at
the  Closing  the  Buyer shall receive good,  clear,  record  and
marketable  title  to the Assets, free and clear  of  all  liens,
liabilities,  security interests and encumbrances of  any  nature

      7.9   Update.  The Seller Entities shall have provided  the
Buyer  with a true, correct and complete list and amount,  as  of
the Schedule Date, of:

          (a)  the Fixed Assets;

           (b)   the  Accounts  Receivable,  including  an  aging

           (c)   the  trade accounts payable and accrued expenses
assumed pursuant to Subsection 1.5(a)(i) and (ii) hereof;

          (d)  all unfilled customer orders; and

           (e)  all shipments made during the period from October
1,   1997  through  the  Schedule  Date,  the  nature  of   which
information   shall   not  be  materially  different   from   the
information supplied by the Seller Entities as of the date hereof
on Schedules 2.10 and 2.14 attached hereto.


      7.10 Assignment of Insurance Policies.  On or prior to  the
Closing  Date,  the Seller Entities shall have  assigned  to  the
Buyer  the  insurance policy with Lloyds of  London  (Policy  No.

     7.11 [Intentionally omitted].

     7.12 Trade Payables.  On the Closing Date, there shall be no
obligations  to suppliers and vendors of goods and  services  and
other trade creditors with respect to the MDI Business which have
been outstanding for more than three months.

      7.13  Registration  Rights Waivers.  On  or  prior  to  the
Closing  Date,  Peritus shall have received  from  the  necessary
number   of  signatories  to  that  certain  Registration  Rights
Agreement  dated as of March 15, 1996, as amended, by  and  among
Peritus and the signatories thereto, a waiver of Section 15(i) of
such  agreement  prohibiting the grant by Peritus  to  any  third
party   of  any  registration  rights  more  favorable  than   or
inconsistent with those contained within such agreement.

     7.14 [Intentionally omitted].

      7.15 Closing Deliveries.  The Buyer shall have received  at
or prior to the Closing each of the following documents:

           (a)  a bill of sale substantially in the form attached
hereto as Exhibit B;

           (b)   such  instruments of conveyance, assignment  and
transfer,  in  form and substance satisfactory to the  Buyer,  as
shall  be appropriate to convey, transfer and assign to,  and  to
vest  in, the Buyer, good, clear, record and marketable title  to
the Assets except for the Permitted Liens;

            (c)    all  technical  data,  formulations,   product
literature and other documentation relating to the MDI Business;


          (d)  such contracts, files and other data and documents
pertaining  to  the Assets or the MDI Business as the  Buyer  may
reasonably request;

          (e)  copies of the general ledgers and books of account
relating  to the MDI Business, and all federal, state  and  local
income,  franchise, property and other Tax Returns,  or  relevant
portions  thereof, filed by the Seller Entities with  respect  to
the Assets since inception;

           (f)   such  certificates of the Seller's officers  and
such  other  documents evidencing satisfaction of the  conditions
specified in Section 7 as the Buyer shall reasonably request;

           (g)   a  certificate of the Secretary of State of  the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as to the legal existence  and  good
standing  of  the  Seller and a certificate of the  Secretary  of
State  of  the State of Ohio as to the legal existence  and  good
standing of MDI immediately prior to the Merger;

           (h)   a  certificate  of  the Secretary  or  Assistant
Secretary  of  each Seller Entity attesting to the incumbency  of
such   Seller's  Entity=s  officers,  the  authenticity  of   the
resolutions  authorizing  the transactions  contemplated  by  the
Agreement,  and the authenticity and continuing validity  of  the
charter documents delivered pursuant to Subsection 2.1;

           (i)   estoppel  certificates  from  each  lessor  with
respect to the Leases consenting to the assumption of such  Lease
by  the  Buyer  and  representing that there are  no  outstanding
claims under any such Lease;

          (j)  the schedules listed in Subsection 7.9;

           (k)  evidence of compliance with all state and federal
environmental, occupational, work place disclosure and  right  to
know laws with respect to the MDI Business;

          (l)  the Registration Rights Agreement substantially in
the form attached hereto as Exhibit C;


           (m)   cross  receipt executed by  the  Buyer  and  the

           (n)   assignment  of  the  corporate  name  Millennium
Dynamics, Inc.;

           (o)  such other documents, instruments or certificates
as the Buyer may reasonably request;

           (p)   certificates of the Secretaries of State of  the
State  of  Ohio and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania  as  to  the
completion of the Merger; and

      7.16  Financial Statements.   Peritus shall  have  received
from  the  Seller  Entities on or prior to the Closing  Date  the
financial  statements  of  MDI  required  by  Item  7(a)  of  the
Commission's   Current  Report  on  Form  8-K,  which   financial
statements  will  conform  to the requirements  of  and  for  the
periods  specified  in  Rule 3-05(b) of  Regulation  S-X  of  the
Commission, including audited financial statements of MDI for the
three and nine months ended September 30, 1997.

      7.17  Offer of Employment by Seller Entities.  One or  more
Affiliates of the Seller shall have offered the employees of  MDI
listed  on  Schedule 7.17 attached hereto positions of employment
that  are  substantially equivalent in terms of compensation  and
working conditions to their current positions with MDI.

8.   Conditions to Obligations of the Seller Entities.

      The obligations of the Seller Entities under this Agreement
are  subject  to  the fulfillment, at the Closing  Date,  of  the
following  conditions precedent, each of which may be  waived  in
writing at the sole discretion of either of the Seller Entities:

      8.1   Continued Truth of Representations and Warranties  of
the  Buyer  Entities; Compliance with Covenants and  Obligations.
The  representations and warranties of each of the Buyer Entities
in  this Agreement shall be true on and as of the Closing Date as
though such representations and warranties were made on and as of


such date, except for any changes consented to in writing by  the
Seller  Entities.   The Buyer Entities shall have  performed  and
complied with all terms, conditions, obligations, agreements  and
restrictions  required  by  this Agreement  to  be  performed  or
complied  with by any of them, respectively, prior to or  at  the
Closing Date.

       8.2   Corporate  Proceedings.   All  corporate  and  other
proceedings required to be taken on the part of each of the Buyer
Entities to authorize or carry out this Agreement shall have been

      8.3   Governmental  Approvals.  All governmental  agencies,
departments,  bureaus,  commissions  and  similar   bodies,   the
consent,  authorization or approval of which is  necessary  under
any   applicable   law,  rule,  order  or  regulation   for   the
consummation  by  the Buyer of the transactions  contemplated  by
this Agreement shall have consented to, authorized, permitted  or
approved such transactions.

      8.4   Consents of Lenders, Lessors and Other Third Parties.
The   Buyer  shall  have  received  all  requisite  consents  and
approvals  of all lenders, lessors and other third parties  whose
consent  or  approval  is  required in order  for  the  Buyer  to
consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

      8.5   Adverse Proceedings.  No action or proceeding  by  or
before  any  court  or other governmental body  shall  have  been
instituted  or  threatened  by any governmental  body  or  person
whatsoever  which shall seek to restrain, prohibit or  invalidate
the  transactions contemplated by this Agreement or  which  might
affect the right of the Seller to transfer the Assets.

      8.6  Opinion of Counsel.  The Seller shall have received an
opinion  of  Hale  and Dorr LLP, counsel to the  Buyer  Entities,
dated  as of the Closing Date, in such form as the Seller or  its
counsel shall reasonably request.

      8.7  Closing Deliveries.  The Seller shall have received at
or prior to the Closing each of the following documents:


          (a)  such certificates of the Buyer's officers and such
other   documents  evidencing  satisfaction  of  the   conditions
specified  in  this  Section  8 as the  Seller  shall  reasonably

           (b)   a  certificate of the Secretary of State of  the
State of Delaware as to the legal existence and good standing  of
the Buyer in Delaware;

           (c)   a  certificate of the Secretary of State of  the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts as to the legal existence and  good
standing of Peritus in Massachusetts;

           (d)   a  certificate  of the Secretary  of  the  Buyer
attesting  to  the  incumbency  of  the  Buyer's  officers,   the
authenticity  of  the  resolutions authorizing  the  transactions
contemplated   by  this  Agreement,  and  the  authenticity   and
continuing  validity of the charter documents delivered  pursuant
to Subsection 3.1;

           (e)   Instrument of Assumption of Liabilities executed
by the Buyer and accepted by the Seller;

          (f)  payment of the Purchase Price;

           (g)   the Registration Rights Agreement, substantially
in the form attached hereto as Exhibit C;

           (h)   cross  receipt executed by  the  Buyer  and  the
Seller; and

           (i)  such other documents, instruments or certificates
as the Seller may reasonably request.

      8.8   Update.   The  Buyer shall have provided  the  Seller
Entities  with a true, correct and complete list, as of the  date
three business days prior to Closing, of the disclosure schedules
referred  to  in Section 3 of this Agreement, the nature  of  the
information on which schedules shall not be materially  different
from the information supplied by the Buyer as of the date hereof.


      8.9  Selection of Director.  The Seller shall have received
reasonably satisfactory evidence of the election of one  director
to  the  Board  of Directors of Peritus pursuant  to  Section  12

      8.10  Offer  of  Employment by Buyer Entities.   The  Buyer
Entities  shall have offered to hire as employees at  will  those
individuals employed by MDI and listed on Schedule 8.10  attached
hereto   to   positions  of  employment  that  are  substantially
equivalent  in  terms of compensation and working  conditions  to
their current positions with MDI.

9.   Indemnification.

     9.1  By the Buyer Entities and the Seller Entities.  Each of
the  Buyer Entities and each of the Seller Entities, jointly  and
severally,  hereby  indemnifies  and  holds  harmless  the  other
Parties  against all claims, damages, losses, liabilities,  costs
and expenses (including, without limitation, settlement costs and
any  legal,  accounting or other expenses  for  investigating  or
defending any actions or threatened actions) reasonably  incurred
by either of the Buyer Entities or either of the Seller Entities,
as  the  case  may be, in connection with each  and  all  of  the

           (a)   Any  breach  by the indemnifying  party  of  any
representation or warranty in this Agreement;

            (b)   Any  breach  of  any  covenant,  agreement   or
obligation of the indemnifying party contained in this  Agreement
or  any  other agreement, instrument or document contemplated  by
this Agreement; and

           (c)  Any misrepresentation contained in any statement,
certificate  or  schedule  furnished by  the  indemnifying  party
pursuant to this Agreement or in connection with the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement.


      9.2   By  the Seller Entities.  Each of the Seller Entities
further  agrees,  jointly and severally, to  indemnify  and  hold
harmless  each  of the Buyer Entities from any  and  all  claims,
damages,  losses,  liabilities, costs  and  expenses  (including,
without limitation, settlement costs and any legal, accounting or
other  expenses  for investigating or defending  any  actions  or
threatened  actions) reasonably incurred by either of  the  Buyer
Entities, in connection with each and all of the following:

           (a)  Any claims against, or liabilities or obligations
of,  the  Seller Entities or against the Assets not  specifically
assumed by the Buyer pursuant this Agreement;

          (b)  The failure of the Buyer to obtain the protections
afforded   by   compliance  with  the  notification   and   other
requirements of the bulk sales laws in force in the jurisdictions
in  which  such  laws  may be applicable  to  either  the  Seller
Entities or the transactions contemplated by this Agreement;

           (c)   Any violation by the Seller Entities of, or  any
failure  by the Seller Entities to comply with, any law,  ruling,
order,  decree,  regulation or zoning,  environmental  or  permit
requirement applicable to the MDI Business or the Assets, whether
or not any such violation or failure to comply has been disclosed
to  the Buyer or to Peritus, including any costs incurred by  the
Buyer or Peritus (i) in order to bring the Assets into compliance
with  environmental  laws as a consequence of noncompliance  with
such  laws  on  the Closing Date or (ii) in connection  with  the
transfer of the Assets;  and

           (d)   Any Tax liabilities or obligations of the Seller

      9.3   By  the  Buyer Entities.  Each of the Buyer  Entities
further  agrees,  jointly and severally, to  indemnify  and  hold
harmless  each  of the Seller Entities from any and  all  claims,
damages,  losses,  liabilities, costs  and  expenses  (including,
without limitation, settlement costs and any legal, accounting or


other  expenses  for investigating or defending  any  actions  or
threatened  actions) reasonably incurred by either of the  Seller
Entities,  in  connection with any failure by the Buyer  to  pay,
perform or discharge any Assumed Liabilities.

      9.4   Claims for Indemnification.  Whenever any claim shall
arise   for   indemnification   hereunder   the   Party   seeking
indemnification (the "Indemnified Party"), shall promptly  notify
the  Party from whom indemnification is sought (the "Indemnifying
Party") of the claim and, when known, the facts constituting  the
basis  for  such  claim.   In the event of  any  such  claim  for
indemnification  hereunder resulting from or in  connection  with
any  claim  or legal proceedings by a third-party, the notice  to
the Indemnifying Party shall specify, if known, the amount or  an
estimate  of the amount of the liability arising therefrom.   The
Indemnified Party shall not settle or compromise any claim  by  a
third party for which it is entitled to indemnification hereunder
without  the  prior  written consent of the  Indemnifying  Party,
which shall not be unreasonably withheld, unless suit shall  have
been  instituted against it and the Indemnifying Party shall  not
have  taken  control of such suit after notification  thereof  as
provided in Subsection 9.5 of this Agreement.

      9.5  Defense by Indemnifying Party.  In connection with any
claim  giving  rise  to  indemnity hereunder  resulting  from  or
arising out of any claim or legal proceeding by a person  who  is
not a party to this Agreement, the Indemnifying Party at its sole
cost  and  expense  may, upon written notice to  the  Indemnified
Party,  assume the defense of any such claim or legal  proceeding
if  it  acknowledges  to the Indemnified  Party  in  writing  its
obligations  to indemnify the Indemnified Party with  respect  to
all  elements  of  such claim.  The Indemnified  Party  shall  be
entitled to participate in (but not control) the defense  of  any
such  action,  with its counsel and at its own expense.   If  the
Indemnifying Party does not assume the defense of any such  claim
or litigation resulting therefrom within one month after the date
such claim is made, (a) provided that counsel for the Indemnified
Party  shall have been approved by the Indemnifying Party,  which
approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, the Indemnified


Party may defend against such claim or litigation, in such manner
as  it  may  deem  appropriate, including, but  not  limited  to,
settling  such  claim or litigation, after giving notice  of  the
same  to the Indemnifying Party, on such terms as the Indemnified
Party  may deem appropriate, and (b) the Indemnifying Party shall
be  entitled to participate in (but not control) the  defense  of
such  action,  with its counsel and at its own expense.   If  the
Indemnifying  Party thereafter seeks to question  the  manner  in
which  the Indemnified Party defended such third-party  claim  or
the  amount  or  nature of any such settlement, the  Indemnifying
Party  shall have the burden to prove by a preponderance  of  the
evidence that the Indemnified Party did not defend or settle such
third-party claim in a reasonably prudent manner.

       9.6    Payment   of   Indemnification   Obligation.    All
indemnification  by  the Buyer Entities or  the  Seller  Entities
hereunder (to the extent not satisfied in the manner specified in
the  preceding sentence) shall be effected by payment of cash  or
delivery of a cashier's or certified check in the amount  of  the
indemnification liability.  In no event shall the amount  of  any
recovery  by the Buyer Entities or the Seller Entities hereunder,
after  taking into consideration insurance proceeds, if  any,  be
more than 100% of any loss.

        9.7     Survival   of   Representations;    Claims    for
Indemnification.  All representations and warranties made by  the
Parties  herein  or  in any instrument or document  furnished  in
connection   herewith   shall  survive  the   Closing   and   any
investigation  at any time made by or on behalf of  the  Parties.
All such representations and warranties shall expire on the first
anniversary  of  the  Closing Date, except for  claims,  if  any,
asserted in writing prior to such first anniversary, which  shall
survive until finally resolved and satisfied in full.  All claims
and  actions for indemnity pursuant to this Section 9 for  breach
of any representation or warranty shall be asserted or maintained
in  writing  by  a Party hereto on or prior to the expiration  of
such  one-year period.  Notwithstanding anything to the  contrary
in  this  Section  9  (i) no Buyer Entity shall  be  entitled  to
receive,  and  no Seller Entity shall be obligated  to  pay,  the
first $250,000 in the aggregate of indemnity obligations


otherwise  payable by a Seller Entity to a Buyer Entity  pursuant
to   breaches  of  the  joint  and  several  representations  and
warranties of each Seller Entity contained in Section 2  of  this
Agreement and (ii) no Seller Entity shall be entitled to receive,
and  no Buyer Entity shall be obligated to pay the first $250,000
in the aggregate of indemnity obligations otherwise payable by  a
Buyer Entity to a Seller Entity pursuant to breaches of the joint
and  several representations and warranties of each Buyer  Entity
contained in Section 3 of this Agreement.

10.  Restricted Stock.

      10.1  Restricted Shares.  Because the Shares will not  have
been  registered  under the Securities Act, or  applicable  state
securities laws as of the Closing Date, the Seller is aware  that
any  resale  inconsistent  with the  Securities  Act  may  create
liability on its part and/or the part of Peritus, and agrees  not
to  assign,  sell, pledge, transfer or otherwise  dispose  of  or
transfer  any  Shares unless registered under the Securities  Act
and  applicable state securities laws, or an opinion is given  by
counsel  satisfactory to Peritus that such  registration  is  not

      10.2  Share Legend. The Seller agrees that each certificate
representing  any of the Shares will bear a legend  substantially
as follows:

      "These shares have not been registered under the Securities
Act  of 1933, as amended.  They may not be offered or transferred
by   sale,   assignment,  pledge  or  otherwise  unless   (i)   a
registration statement for the shares under the Securities Act of
1933,  as  amended,  is  in effect or (ii)  the  corporation  has
received an opinion of counsel, which opinion is satisfactory  to
the  corporation,  to  the effect that such registration  is  not
required under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended."

11.   Post-Closing Agreements. Each of the Seller Entities agrees
that from and after the Closing Date:


     11.1 Proprietary Information.

           (a)  Each Seller Entity shall hold in confidence,  and
use  its best efforts to have all of its officers, directors  and
personnel hold in confidence, all knowledge and information of  a
secret  or  confidential nature with respect to the MDI  Business
and  shall not disclose, publish or make use of the same  without
the  consent  of  the  Buyer, except  to  the  extent  that  such
information  shall  have become public knowledge  other  than  by
breach of this Agreement by the Seller Entities.

          (b)  Each of the Seller Entities agrees that the remedy
at law for any breach of this Subsection 11.1 would be inadequate
and  that  the  Buyer shall be entitled to injunctive  relief  in
addition  to  any  other remedy it may have upon  breach  of  any
provision of this Subsection 11.1.

      11.2 No Solicitation or Hiring of Certain Employees. Except
as  provided by law or as set forth herein, for a period of three
years after the Closing Date, no Seller Entity shall solicit  any
person  who  was an employee engaged in the MDI Business  on  the
Closing  Date  and  hired by the Buyer on  the  Closing  Date  to
terminate  employment with the Buyer or to become an employee  of
a Seller Entity, unless such employee is terminated by the Buyer.
Except as provided by law or as set forth herein, for a period of
three years after the Closing Date, no Buyer Entity shall solicit
any person employed by APU or any Affiliate of APU who, as of the
Closing Date,  was an employee (i) engaged in the MDI Business or
(ii)  employed  by APU or any of its Affiliates in  an  executive
capacity  or  in  computer  research  and  development,  if  such
employee was (a) employed by APU or any Affiliate of APU  on  the
Closing  Date or (b) hired by APU or any Affiliate of APU  on  or
within  three days of the Closing Date, unless such  employee  is
terminated by APU or such Affiliate.

     11.3 Non-Competition and Non-Solicitation.

          (a)  In consideration of the Purchase Price, the Seller
agrees that during the three-year period beginning on the Closing
Date (the "Non-Competition Period"), it will not in any capacity,


either  separately,  jointly,  or  in  association  with  others,
directly  or  indirectly,  as an officer,  director,  consultant,
agent,  employee,  owner, partner, joint  venturer,  distributor,
dealer,   representative,  stockholder,   investor,   lender   or
otherwise,  engage or have a financial interest in  any  business
located  anywhere  in  the Restricted Area  (as  herein  defined)
which,  as of the Closing Date, competes with either Buyer Entity
or  with any affiliates thereof (excepting only the ownership  by
the  Seller  Entities  and their affiliates  of  the  outstanding
securities  of Peritus and the ownership of not more than  5%  of
the outstanding securities of any class listed on an exchange  or
regularly  traded  in the over-the-counter market).   "Restricted
Area"  means  the  entire world.  An entity shall  be  deemed  to
compete  with  a Buyer Entity or an affiliate as of a  particular
time  if  the  entity then manufactures, produces or markets  any
product  or  service  which  is  competitive  with,  and  may  be
purchased  in  replacement or substitution  of,  any  product  or
service   which  was  being  designed,  manufactured,   produced,
marketed  or developed by MDI  prior to the Merger, and which  is
then   being   designed,  manufactured,  produced,  marketed   or
developed  by  a  Buyer  Entity or an affiliate.   A  product  or
service  shall be deemed to be under development by MDI, a  Buyer
Entity or an affiliate of a Buyer Entity, as the case may be,  as
of  a  particular  date only if MDI, such Buyer  Entity  or  such
affiliate, as the case may be, have devoted significant resources
to  the development thereof and intends to market such product or
service within the next 365 days of such date.

           (b)   The  Seller further agrees that during the  Non-
Competition   Period  it  will  not  in  any   capacity,   either
separately,  jointly or in association with others,  directly  or
indirectly, solicit, divert or take away, attempt to take away or
otherwise  contact  any  of  the  clients,  customers,  accounts,
distributors, dealers or representatives of either  Buyer  Entity
as  shown by the records of such Buyer Entity, that were clients,
customers, distributors, accounts, dealers or representatives  of
the Seller at any time during the two years immediately preceding
the  Closing  Date  if such solicitation or contact  is  for  the
specific purpose of selling products or services that compete


with  any  products or services that either of the Buyer Entities
had  available  for  sale  to its clients,  customers,  accounts,
distributors,  dealers or representatives  or  prospects  on  the
Closing  Date.   The Seller further agrees that during  the  Non-
Competition   Period  it  will  not  in  any   capacity,   either
separately,  jointly or in association with others,  directly  or
indirectly,  recruit, solicit or hire (other  than  by  means  of
general advertising) any employee or consultant of a Buyer Entity
or  induce or attempt to induce any employee or consultant  of  a
Buyer  Entity  to terminate his or her employment or  consultancy
with, or otherwise cease his or her relationship with, such Buyer

          (c)  The Parties agree that the duration and geographic
scope of the non-competition and non-solicitation provisions  set
forth in this Section 11.3 are reasonable.  In the event that any
court  determines that the duration or the geographic  scope,  or
both,  are  unreasonable  and that such provisions  are  to  that
extent   unenforceable,  the  parties  hereto  agree   that   the
provisions shall remain in full force and effect for the greatest
time  period and in the greatest area that would not render  them
unenforceable.  The parties intend that these non-competition and
non-solicitation provisions shall be deemed to  be  a  series  of
separate  covenants, one for each and every county  of  each  and
every  state of the United States of America and each  and  every
political  subdivision  of  each and every  country  outside  the
United States of America where this provision is intended  to  be
effective.   The  Seller agrees that damages  are  an  inadequate
remedy  for any breach of these provisions and that each  of  the
Buyer Entities shall, whether or not it is pursuing any potential
remedies at law, be entitled to equitable relief in the  form  of
preliminary  and  permanent injunctions  without  bond  or  other
security  upon  any  actual or threatened breach  of  these  non-
competition and non-solicitation provisions.

           (d)   The provisions of Sections 11.2 and 11.3 of this
Agreement  supersede  the  non-competition  and  non-solicitation
provisions in the Confidentiality Agreement.


     11.4 Sharing of Data.

           (a)   The Seller shall have the right for a period  of
five  years following the Closing Date to have reasonable  access
to  such books, records and accounts, including financial and tax
information,   correspondence,  production  records,   employment
records and other similar information as are transferred  to  the
Buyer  pursuant  to the terms of this Agreement for  the  limited
purposes of concluding its involvement in the MDI Business  prior
to  the Closing Date and for complying with its obligations under
applicable  securities, tax, environmental, employment  or  other
laws  and  regulations.  The Buyer shall have  the  right  for  a
period  of  five  years  following  the  Closing  Date  to   have
reasonable access to those books, records and accounts, including
financial   and   tax  information,  correspondence,   production
records,  employment records and other records which are retained
by  the  Seller  pursuant to the terms of this Agreement  to  the
extent  that  any  of the foregoing relates to the  MDI  Business
transferred to the Buyer hereunder or is otherwise needed by  the
Buyer  in  order to comply with its obligations under  applicable
securities,  tax,  environmental, employment or  other  laws  and

          (b)  The Seller and the Buyer agree that from and after
the  Closing Date they shall cooperate fully with each  other  to
facilitate the transfer of the Assets from the Seller Entities to
the Buyer and the operation thereof by the Buyer.

      11.5  Use of Name.  The Seller agrees not to use  the  name
"Millennium Dynamics, Inc." or any derivation thereof  after  the
Closing  Date  in connection with any business.   Other  than  to
comply  with the provisions of the preceding sentence, the Seller
agrees  not  to use the name "Millennium Dynamics, Inc."  or  any
derivations thereof after the Closing Date.

      11.6  Cooperation  in Litigation.  Each  Party  will  fully
cooperate  with  the other in the defense or prosecution  of  any
litigation  or  proceeding already instituted  or  which  may  be
instituted hereafter against or by such Party relating to or


arising out of the conduct of the MDI Business prior to or  after
the   Closing  Date  (other  than  litigation  arising  out   the
transactions   contemplated  by  this  Agreement).    The   Party
requesting such cooperation shall pay the out-of-pocket  expenses
(including  legal fees and disbursements) of the Party  providing
such  cooperation and of its officers, directors,  employees  and
agents  reasonably  incurred in connection  with  providing  such
cooperation, but shall not be responsible to reimburse the  Party
providing  such cooperation for such party's time spent  in  such
cooperation  or  the  salaries or costs  of  fringe  benefits  or
similar expenses paid by the Party providing such cooperation  to
its officers, directors, employees and agents while assisting  in
the defense or prosecution of any such litigation or proceeding.

     11.7 Repurchase of Accounts Receivable.

           (a)   For  a period of 90 days after the Closing  Date
(the  "Collection  Period"), the Buyer shall use  its  reasonable
efforts  to collect the Accounts Receivable.  The Buyer may,  but
shall  not  be obligated to, use a collection agency or  commence
legal actions in connection with such collection efforts.  On the
Schedule Date, the Buyer shall give notice to the Seller Entities
designating those Accounts Receivable which the Buyer wishes  the
Seller to purchase.  Within ten days after receipt of such notice
from  the  Buyer, the Seller shall purchase (without recourse  to
the  Buyer)  such designated Accounts Receivable  then  remaining
unpaid  for  a  purchase price equal to 90% of  the  face  amount
thereof.   Thirty days after the Schedule Date, the  Buyer  shall
give  notice  to the Seller designating those remaining  Accounts
Receivable which the Buyer wishes the Seller to purchase.  Within
ten  days after receipt of such notice from the Buyer, the Seller
shall  purchase  (without recourse to the Buyer)  such  remaining
designated Accounts Receivable for a purchase price equal to  80%
of  the face amount thereof.  Sixty days after the Schedule Date,
the  Buyer  shall  give  notice to the Seller  designating  those
remaining  Accounts Receivable which the Buyer wishes the  Seller
to  purchase.  Within ten days after the receipt of  such  notice
from the Buyer, the Seller shall purchase such remaining


designated Accounts Receivable for a purchase price equal to  70%
of the face amount thereof.  Ninety days after the Schedule Date,
the  Buyer  shall  give  notice to the Seller  designating  those
remaining  Accounts Receivable which the Buyer wishes the  Seller
to  purchase.  Within ten days after the receipt of  such  notice
from   the  Buyer,  the  Seller  shall  purchase  such  remaining
designated Accounts Receivable for a purchase price equal to  60%
of the face amount thereof.

          (b)  Upon the Seller's repurchase of any unpaid Account
Receivable pursuant to this Subsection 11.7, (i) the Buyer  shall
promptly  deliver  to the Seller any tangible  evidence  of  such
Account  Receivable then in the possession of the Buyer or  under
its  control,  and  (ii) the Seller shall  be  entitled  to  such
customary  and  reasonable  actions  as  it  deems  necessary  or
desirable  in  order  to collect such unpaid Account  Receivable;
provided, that the Seller shall consult with the Buyer  prior  to
taking  any collection action which might reasonably be  expected
to  jeopardize the Buyer's relationship with such customer.   The
Buyer will, from time to time after such repurchase, execute  and
deliver to the Seller such instruments and other documents as the
Seller  may  reasonably  request to  assist  the  Seller  in  its
collection efforts.

           (c)   In  the event that any payment received  by  the
Buyer  during  the Collection Period is remitted  by  a  customer
which  is indebted under both Accounts Receivable and an  account
receivable  arising  out  of the sale or  license  of  inventory,
products or services in the ordinary course of business after the
Closing  Date (a "New Receivable"), such payments shall first  be
applied to the Accounts Receivable due from such customer and the
balance   remaining  after  payment  in  full  of  all   Accounts
Receivable  due from such customer shall be applied  to  the  New
Receivable;  provided,  however, that (i)  with  respect  to  any
Account  Receivable  being contested or  disputed  by  the  payor
thereof,  no portion of the amount in dispute shall be deemed  to
have  been  collected  by  the Buyer in respect  of  the  Account
Receivable  due from such customer (unless otherwise directed  by
the  customer)  until all amounts owed by such  customer  to  the
Buyer for New Receivables have been paid or such dispute has been


resolved,  whichever  occurs  first  (it  being  understood  that
undisputed  amounts of Accounts Receivable shall  be  applied  in
accordance   with  the  priorities  set  forth  above   in   this
Subsection  11.7)  and  (ii) the foregoing priorities  shall  not
apply  to  sums  received  by the Buyer  which  are  specifically
identified by the customer as being tendered in payment of a  New
Receivable.   The  Buyer  agrees not to induce  any  customer  to
identify  any  payment as being in respect of a  New  Receivable,
except  in the event the Buyer reasonably determines to  sell  to
said customer on a C.O.D. basis only.

          (d)  The Buyer will cooperate, at the Seller's expense,
with  the Seller in collecting any Accounts Receivable which  are
repurchased  by  the  Seller pursuant to  this  Subsection  11.7;
provided, however, that the foregoing shall not require the Buyer
to be a party to any action brought by the Seller to collect such
Accounts Receivable.

           (e)   The Buyer agrees to furnish to the Seller within
15  days after the end of each month during the Collection Period
a  statement  setting  forth  the Accounts  Receivable  collected
during such month and a trial balance of the uncollected Accounts
Receivable showing the aging thereof as of the end of such month.

          (f)  The Seller hereby authorizes the Buyer to open any
and  all mail addressed to either Seller Entity (if delivered  to
the  Buyer)  if received on or after the Closing Date and  hereby
grants  to the Buyer a power of attorney to endorse and cash  any
checks  or instruments made payable or endorsed to either  Seller
Entity or its order and received by the Buyer with respect to the
MDI Business.

          (g)  The Seller agrees that it will forward promptly to
the  Buyer  any  monies, checks or instruments  received  by  the
Seller  after  the  Closing Date with  respect  to  the  Accounts
Receivable,  except  with  respect to those  Accounts  Receivable
which   are   repurchased  by  the  Seller   pursuant   to   this
Subsection 11.7.


           (h)   Any  sums  received by the Buyer in  respect  of
Accounts  Receivable (and so identified by the  relevant  account
debtor)  after  their  repurchase  by  the  Seller  pursuant   to
Subsections 11.7(a) hereof shall be promptly transmitted  by  the
Buyer  to  the Seller.  In addition, if receipt by the  Buyer  of
unidentified  sums of money from an account debtor who  owes  any
Account   Receivable  repurchased  by  the  Seller  pursuant   to
Subsections 11.7(a) hereof results in such account debtor  having
an  aggregate  credit  balance with the Buyer,  the  Buyer  shall
promptly transmit to the Seller an amount of money equal  to  the
lesser  of (a) such aggregate credit balance or (b) the remaining
unpaid  balance  of  all  Accounts  Receivable  which  have  been
repurchased by the Seller and are payable by such account  debtor
to the Seller.

     11.8 License.  On or after the Closing Date, the Buyer shall
grant  to  each  of APU, American Annuity Group, Inc.  and  Great
American   Insurance  Company  (collectively,  the   "Users")   a
nonexclusive,  perpetual license to use the  current  version  of
Vantage  Year  2000  and  any  other  versions  of  such  product
subsequently  developed to operate on other  operating  platforms
(the "Products").  Each of the Users shall pay for maintenance of
the  Products  at  Buyer's then current rates.  The  Buyer  shall
enter  into license agreements with each of the Users to  license
such   Products  containing  the  Buyer's  customary  terms   and

     11.9 Affiliated Leases.  Each of the Seller Entities agrees,
and  shall cause their Affiliates to agree, that the Lease to MDI
with  respect  to  the  property located in  the  Dixie  Terminal
Building,  as  in  effect  as of the  date  hereof,  shall,  upon
transfer  to  the Buyer pursuant to the terms of this  Agreement,
remain  in  effect under the same material terms as in effect  on
the  date hereof for a period of at least 365 days subsequent  to
the  Closing  Date  and  shall  not  be  terminated,  amended  or
otherwise  materially modified without the prior written  consent
of the Buyer.


      11.10      Computer  Access.  Each of the  Seller  Entities
agrees  that any and all access currently enjoyed by MDI from  an
Affiliate  of  the  Seller,  pursuant  to  an  oral  or   written
agreement,  customary  practice or otherwise,  to  the  mainframe
hardware and networks of such Affiliate, and, to the extent  that
the  Buyer  is a tenant in the Dixie Terminal Building, telephone
and  voicemail systems of such Affiliate, shall remain in  effect
and  be enjoyed by the Buyer under the same material terms as  in
effect  on  the  date hereof for a period of at  least  one  year
subsequent  to  the  Closing Date and shall  not  be  terminated,
amended  or  otherwise  materially  modified  without  the  prior
written  consent of the Buyer.  Each of the Seller Entities  will
offer  to extend the computer access under this Subsection  11.10
for  at least two additional years, subject to available capacity
for  the Seller and its Affiliates, at then current market  rates
not to exceed ten percent per year above the prior year's rate.

      11.11      Benefit  Plan Payments.  All  of  the  employees
engaged  in the MDI Business who are participants in the American
Financial  Group,  Inc.  Retirement and Savings  Plan  (the  "AFG
Plan")  shall  be entitled to the benefits under  the  AFG  Plan,
which shall be paid by the Seller or its Affiliates, through  the
Closing Date.

      11.12     Bonus Payments.  The Seller shall pay any bonuses
due  to  the employees engaged in the MDI Business for  the  year
ending  December 31, 1997 pursuant to any oral or  written  bonus
plan, arrangement or agreement.

12.  Election of Seller Director.

      Peritus agrees that upon a written request by the Seller on
or  within  30  days  subsequent to  the  Closing  the  Board  of
Directors of Peritus (the "Peritus Board") will vote to  elect  a
nominee  of  the Seller designated in such notice as a  Class  II
director  of  the  Peritus Board, provided that, such  designated
nominee  is  approved  by  the Peritus Board  in  its  reasonable


13.  Termination of Agreement

      13.1  Termination by Lapse of Time.  This  Agreement  shall
terminate at 5:00 p.m., Boston time, on December 31, 1997, if the
transactions  contemplated  hereby  have  not  been  consummated,
unless such date is extended by the written consent of all of the
parties hereto.

       13.2  Termination  by  Agreement  of  the  Parties.   This
Agreement  may be terminated by the mutual written  agreement  of
the  parties  hereto.   In  the  event  of  such  termination  by
agreement, the Buyer Entities shall have no further obligation or
liability  to the Seller Entities under this Agreement,  and  the
Seller Entities shall have no further obligation or liability  to
the Buyer Entities under this Agreement.

     13.3 Termination by Reason of Breach.  This Agreement may be
terminated  by the Seller Entities, if at any time prior  to  the
Closing there shall occur a breach of any of the representations,
warranties  or covenants of the Buyer Entities or the failure  by
the  Buyer  Entities  to  perform  any  condition  or  obligation
hereunder, and may be terminated by the Buyer Entities, if at any
time  prior to the Closing there shall occur a breach of  any  of
the  representations,  warranties  or  covenants  of  the  Seller
Entities  or  the failure of the Seller Entities to  perform  any
condition or obligation hereunder.

14.  Transfer and Sales Tax

     Notwithstanding any provisions of law imposing the burden of
such  Taxes on the Seller or the Buyer, as the case may  be,  the
Seller shall be responsible for and shall pay (a) all sales,  use
and  transfer  Taxes, and (b) all governmental charges,  if  any,
upon  the  sale  or  transfer of any of the Assets  hereunder  or
related  to  the Merger.  If the Seller shall fail  to  pay  such
amounts on a timely basis, the Buyer may pay such amounts to  the
appropriate governmental authority or authorities, and the Seller
shall promptly reimburse the Buyer for any amounts so paid by the


15.  Brokers

     15.1 For the Seller.  Each of the Seller Entities represents
and  warrants that it has not engaged any broker or finder  other
than  NationsBanc  Montgomery Securities, Inc. ("Montgomery")  or
incurred  any  liability  for  brokerage  fees,  commissions   or
finder's fees in connection with the transactions contemplated by
this  Agreement other than to Montgomery.  The Seller  agrees  to
pay all fees, expenses and other compensation owed to Montgomery.
The  Seller  agrees  to  indemnify and hold  harmless  the  Buyer
against  any  claims or liabilities asserted against  it  by  any
person  acting or claiming to act as a broker or finder on behalf
of the Seller Entities.

      15.2  For the Buyer.  The Buyer and Peritus each represents
and  warrants that it has not engaged any broker or finder  other
than  H.C. Wainwright & Co., Inc. ("Wainwright") or incurred  any
liability  for  brokerage fees, commission or  finder's  fees  in
connection  with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
The  Buyer  or Peritus each agrees to pay all fees, expenses  and
other  compensation owed to Wainwright.  The  Buyer  and  Peritus
each agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Seller against any
claims or liabilities asserted against it by any person acting or
claiming  to act as a broker or finder on behalf of the Buyer  or

16.  Notices

      Any  notice, request, demand, claim, or other communication
hereunder  shall  be  in writing.  Any notice,  request,  demand,
claim,  or  other communication hereunder shall  be  deemed  duly
delivered  four business days after it is sent by  United  States
certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, or one
business  day after it is sent via a reputable overnight  courier
service,  in  each case to the intended recipient  as  set  forth


To MDI:                           Copy to:
Millennium Dynamics, Inc.         Keating,  Muething &  Klekamp,
49 East Fourth Street             P.L.L.
Cincinnati, Ohio  45202           1800 Provident Tower
Attention:   Michael  D.   Rice,  One East Fourth Street
Esq.                              Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
   Vice  President  and  General  Attention:  Paul V.  Muething,
Counsel                           Esq.
To the Seller:                    Copy to:
American  Premier  Underwriters,  Keating,  Muething &  Klekamp,
Inc.                              P.L.L.
One East Fourth Street            1800 Provident Tower
Cincinnati, Ohio  45202           One East Fourth Street
Attention:   James  C.  Kennedy,  Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Esq.                              Attention:  Paul V.  Muething,
   Deputy  General  Counsel  and  Esq.

To the Buyer:                     Copy to:
Twoquay, Inc.                     Hale and Dorr LLP
c/o  Peritus Software  Services,  60 State Street
Inc.                              Boston, Massachusetts 02109
304 Concord Road                  Attention:   Peter  B.   Tarr,
Billerica, Massachusetts  01821-  Esq.
Attention:  Eugene J.  DiDonato,
   Vice  President  and  General


To Peritus:                       Copy to:
Peritus Software Services, Inc.   Hale and Dorr LLP
304 Concord Road                  60 State Street
Billerica, Massachusetts  01821-  Boston, Massachusetts 02109
3485                              Attention:   Peter  B.   Tarr,
Attention:  Eugene J.  DiDonato,  Esq.
   Vice  President  and  General

      Either Party may give any notice, request, demand, claim or
other  communication hereunder by personal delivery or  telecopy,
but no such notice, request, demand, claim or other communication
shall  be  deemed  to have been duly given unless  and  until  it
actually  is received by the Party or individual for whom  it  is
intended.   Any  notice sent by telecopy shall be followed  by  a
confirmation  copy sent by reputable overnight  business  courier
service.   Either Party may change the address to which  notices,
requests, demands, claims, and other communications hereunder are
to  be  delivered by giving the other Party notice in the  manner
herein set forth.

17.  Successors and Assigns.

      This  Agreement  shall be binding upon  and  inure  to  the
benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and
assigns,  except that the Buyer and the Seller Entities  may  not
assign  their respective obligations hereunder without the  prior
written  consent of the other party; provided, however, that  the
Buyer  may assign this  Agreement, and its rights and obligations
hereunder,  to  a  subsidiary or Affiliate.   Any  assignment  in
contravention  of  this provision shall be void.   No  assignment
shall  release  the  Buyer  or Peritus  from  any  obligation  or
liability under this Agreement.


18.  Entire Agreement; Amendments; Attachments.

      (a)  This Agreement, all Schedules and Exhibits hereto, the
Confidentiality Agreement and all agreements and  instruments  to
be  delivered by the parties pursuant hereto represent the entire
understanding and agreement between the Parties with  respect  to
the  subject  matter  hereof and supersede  all  prior  oral  and
written  and  all contemporaneous oral negotiations,  commitments
and  understandings between such Parties.  The Buyer Entities and
the Seller Entities, by the consent of their respective Boards of
Directors,  or officers authorized by such Boards, may  amend  or
modify this Agreement, in such manner as may be agreed upon, by a
written instrument executed by the Buyer Entities and the  Seller

      (b)   If the provisions of any Schedule or Exhibit to  this
Agreement are inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement,
the  provision of the Agreement shall prevail.  The Exhibits  and
Schedules attached hereto or to be attached hereafter are  hereby
incorporated as integral parts of this Agreement.

19.  Expenses.

     Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, the Buyer and
the  Seller  shall each pay their own expenses, including without
limitation,  legal,  accounting,  HSR  filing  fees,   investment
banking  and  other  professional fees, in connection  with  this
Agreement  and  the  transactions contemplated hereby,  including
without limitation the Merger.

20.  Severance and Termination Payments.

      The  Seller shall pay all severance, termination and  other
payments  (whether  in  the  form of cash,  securities  or  other
consideration) pursuant to any written or oral agreements of  the
Seller, MDI or their Affiliates and expenses applicable to  those
certain  members of executive management listed  on  Schedule  20
attached   hereto,   such   members   of   executive   management
representing all of the members of executive management  to  whom
severance, termination and other payments are due pursuant to


such  written or oral agreements, and provided the Buyer complies
with  Section  8.10  of  this Agreement, any  other  compensation
payable to employees engaged in the MDI Business under applicable
plant closing or similar laws.  In addition to the foregoing, the
Seller shall pay up to $150,000 of severance costs (exclusive  of
payments under applicable plant closing and similar laws and  any
other  compensation  payable  to employees  engaged  in  the  MDI
Business)  for other employees engaged in the MDI Business  whose
employment is terminated during the three days prior to the  date
hereof  or after the date hereof up to and including the  Closing
Date.   Provided the Seller complies with Section  7.17  of  this
Agreement,  the Buyer will assume all other severance obligations
(up  to  an  aggregate  of $300,000) relating  to  the  employees
engaged in the MDI Business (other than to the extent that  those
obligations  are  covered in the preceding two  sentences)  whose
employment is terminated following the date of this Agreement.

21.  Governing Law.

      This  Agreement  shall  be governed  by  and  construed  in
accordance  with  the laws of the Commonwealth of  Massachusetts,
without reference to its conflicts of laws rules.

22.  Section Headings.

      The section headings are for the convenience of the parties
and  in  no  way  alter, modify, amend, limit,  or  restrict  the
contractual obligations of the parties.

23.  Severability.

      The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this
Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of  any
other provision of this Agreement.


24.  Counterparts.

      This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts,
each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which
shall be one and the same document.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed by
the parties hereto as of and on the date first above written.

                              PERITUS SOFTWARE SERVICES, INC.


                              TWOQUAY, INC.

                              By:  Title:

                              AMERICAN PREMIER UNDERWRITERS, INC.


                              MILLENNIUM DYNAMICS, INC.




Exhibit 3


      This Agreement executed this 7th day of April, 1995, is  by
and  among American Premier Group, Inc. ("American Premier")  and
American  Financial Corporation ("AFC"), both Ohio  corporations,
located  at  One East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202,  and
Carl  H. Lindner ("CHL"), Carl H. Lindner III (CHL III), S. Craig
Lindner ("SCL") and Keith E. Lindner ("KEL"), each an individual,
the   business  address  of  each  is  One  East  Fourth  Street,
Cincinnati,  Ohio 45202.  CHL, CHL III, SCL and KEL are  referred
to herein collectively as the Lindner Family.

      WHEREAS, as of the date of this Agreement, American Premier
owns  100%  of  the  common stock of AFC and the  Lindner  Family
beneficially  owns  approximately  49.9%  of  American  Premier's
outstanding Common Stock and each member of the Lindner Family is
a director and executive officer of American Premier and AFC;

      WHEREAS,  the  Lindner  Family may  be  deemed  to  be  the
beneficial owner of securities held by American Premier, AFC  and
their  subsidiaries  pursuant  to  Regulation  Section  240.13d-3
promulgated  under  the  Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934,  as

      WHEREAS,  American  Premier and AFC and their  subsidiaries
from  time  to  time  must file statements  pursuant  to  certain
sections  of  the  Securities Exchange Act of 1934,  as  amended,
concerning   the  ownership  of  equity  securities   of   public

     NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that American Premier, AFC and
the  Lindner  Family, do hereby agree to file  jointly  with  the
Securities and Exchange Commission any schedules or other filings
or amendments thereto made by or on

                             - 81 -

behalf  of  American  Premier, AFC or any of  their  subsidiaries
pursuant  to  Section  13(d), 13(f),  13(g),  and  14(d)  of  the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

                              AMERICAN PREMIER GROUP, INC.
                              AMERICAN FINANCIAL CORPORATION

                              By:  /s/ James E. Evans
                                   James E. Evans
                                     Vice   President  &  General

                                   /s/ Carl H. Lindner
                                   Carl H. Lindner

                                   /s/ Carl H. Lindner III
                                   Carl H. Lindner III

                                   /s/ S. Craig Lindner
                                   S. Craig Lindner

                                   /s/ Keith E. Lindner
                                   Keith E. Lindner

                             - 82 -

Exhibit 4

                        POWER OF ATTORNEY

      I,  Carl  H. Lindner, do hereby appoint James E. Evans  and
James  C.  Kennedy,  or either of them, as  my  true  and  lawful
attorneys-in-fact  to  sign  on my  behalf  individually  and  as
Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of
American  Financial  Group, Inc. or as a  director  or  executive
officer  of  any  of  its  subsidiaries  and  to  file  with  the
Securities and Exchange Commission any schedules or other filings
or  amendments  thereto  made by me  or  on  behalf  of  American
Financial  Group,  Inc.  or any of its subsidiaries  pursuant  to
Sections  13(d),  13(f), 13(g), and 14(d) of the  Securities  and
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

      IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand  at
Cincinnati, Ohio this 4th day of April, 1995.

                              /s/ Carl H. Lindner
                              Carl H. Lindner

                             - 83 -

                        POWER OF ATTORNEY

     I, Carl H. Lindner III, do hereby appoint James E. Evans and
James  C.  Kennedy,  or either of them, as  my  true  and  lawful
attorneys-in-fact  to sign on my behalf individually  and  as  an
officer  or director of American Financial Group, Inc.  or  as  a
director or executive officer of any of its subsidiaries  and  to
file with the Securities and Exchange Commission any schedules or
other  filings or amendments thereto made by me or on  behalf  of
American  Financial  Group,  Inc.  or  any  of  its  subsidiaries
pursuant  to  Sections  13(d), 13(f), 13(g),  and  14(d)  of  the
Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

      IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand  at
Cincinnati, Ohio this 4th day of April, 1995.

                              /s/ Carl H. Lindner III
                              Carl H. Lindner III

                             - 84 -

                        POWER OF ATTORNEY

      I,  S. Craig Lindner, do hereby appoint James E. Evans  and
James  C.  Kennedy,  or either of them, as  my  true  and  lawful
attorneys-in-fact  to sign on my behalf individually  and  as  an
officer  or director of American Financial Group, Inc.  or  as  a
director or executive officer of any of its subsidiaries  and  to
file with the Securities and Exchange Commission any schedules or
other  filings or amendments thereto made by me or on  behalf  of
American  Financial  Group,  Inc.  or  any  of  its  subsidiaries
pursuant  to  Sections  13(d), 13(f), 13(g),  and  14(d)  of  the
Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

      IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand  at
Cincinnati, Ohio this 4th day of April, 1995.

                              /s/ S. Craig Lindner
                              S. Craig Lindner

                             - 85 -

                        POWER OF ATTORNEY

      I,  Keith E. Lindner, do hereby appoint James E. Evans  and
James  C.  Kennedy,  or either of them, as  my  true  and  lawful
attorneys-in-fact  to sign on my behalf individually  and  as  an
officer  or director of American Financial Group, Inc.  or  as  a
director or executive officer of any of its subsidiaries  and  to
file with the Securities and Exchange Commission any schedules or
other  filings or amendments thereto made by me or on  behalf  of
American  Financial  Group,  Inc.  or  any  of  its  subsidiaries
pursuant  to  Sections  13(d), 13(f), 13(g),  and  14(d)  of  the
Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

      IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand  at
Cincinnati, Ohio this 4th day of April, 1995.

                                /s/ Keith E. Lindner
                                Keith E. Lindner

                             - 86 -