WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                  SCHEDULE 13D
                                 (Rule 13d-101)


                             Medical Resources, Inc.
                                (Name of Issuer)

                          Common Stock, $.01 Par Value
                         (Title of Class of Securities)

                                 (CUSIP Number)

                             James C. Kennedy, Esq.
                             One East Fourth Street
                             Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
                                 (513) 579-2538
                  (Name, Address and Telephone Number of Person
                Authorized to Receive Notices and Communications)

                                  March 6, 2001
             (Date of Event Which Requires Filing of this Statement)

If the filing person has previously filed a statement on Schedule 13G to report
 the acquisition which is the subject of this Schedule 13D, and is filing this
   schedule because of Rule 13d-1(b)(3) or (4), check the following box [ ].

                               Page 1 of 85 Pages

CUSIP NO. 58461Q102             13D             Page 2 of  85  Pages


          American Financial Group, Inc.             31-1422526

                                                          (b) [ ]


          See Item 3

     IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEM 2(d) or 2(e)                [ ]

          Ohio corporation

           - - -

           407,168 (See Item 5)

           - - -

              407,168 (See Item 5)

           407,168 (See Item 5)

      EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES*                                [ ]

           7.4% (See Item 5)


CUSIP NO. 58461Q102            13D             Page 3 of 85 Pages

          Carl H. Lindner

                                                          (b) [ ]

         See Item 3

     IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEM 2(d) or 2(e)                [ ]

          United States Citizen


           - - -

           407,168 (See Item 5)

           - - -

              407,168 (See Item 5)

           407,168 (See Item 5)

      EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES*                                [ ]

           7.4% (See Item 5)


CUSIP NO. 58461Q102              13D             Page 4 of 85 Pages

          Carl H. Lindner III

                                                          (b) [ ]

          See Item 3

     IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEM 2(d) or 2(e)                [ ]

          United States Citizen


           - - -

           407,168 (See Item 5)

           - - -

              407,168 (See Item 5)

           407,168 (See Item 5)

      EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES*                                [ ]

           7.4% (See Item 5)


CUSIP NO. 58461Q102             13D              Page 5 of 85 Pages

          S. Craig Lindner

                                                          (b) [ ]

           See Item 3

     IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEM 2(d) or 2(e)                [ ]

          United States Citizen


           - - -

           407,168 (See Item 5)

           - - -

              407,168 (See Item 5)

           407,168 (See Item 5)

      EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES*                                [ ]

           7.4% (See Item 5)


CUSIP NO. 58461Q102                13D             Page 6 of 85 Pages

          Keith E. Lindner

                                                          (b) [ ]

           See Item 3

     IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO ITEM 2(d) or 2(e)                [ ]

          United States Citizen


               - - -

           407,168 (See Item 5)

           - - -

              407,168 (See Item 5)

           407,168 (See Item 5)

      EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES*                                [ ]

           7.4% (See Item 5)


         This Schedule 13D is filed on behalf of American Financial Group, Inc.
("American  Financial" or "AFG"),  and Carl H. Lindner,  Carl H. Lindner III, S.
Craig Lindner and Keith E. Lindner (collectively, the "Lindner Family") (AFG and
the Lindner Family are collectively referred to as the "Reporting Persons").

         As  of  December  31,  2000,  the  Lindner  Family  beneficially  owned
approximately  36% of  the  outstanding  common  stock  of  AFG.  Through  their
ownership of common stock of AFG and their  positions as directors and executive
officers  of  AFG,  the  members  of the  Lindner  Family  may be  deemed  to be
controlling persons with respect to AFG.

Item 1.  Security and Issuer.

         The class of equity  securities to which this statement  relates is the
Common Stock, $.01 par value ("Shares"), of Medical Resources,  Inc., a Delaware
corporation  ("MRI"),  with  principal  executive  offices at 155 State  Street,
Hackensack, NJ 07601.

Item 2.  Identity and Background.

         See the schedule attached hereto as Exhibit 1 which contains additional
information concerning the Reporting Persons.

Item 3.  Source and amount of funds or other consideration.

         The  transaction  reported  herein is the  cancellation  of  $6,250,000
principal amount of senior notes  beneficially owned by the Reporting Persons in
exchange for Shares as a result of the consummation of MRI's Third Amended Joint
Plan of  Reorganization  dated  November 6, 2000 and confirmed by the Bankruptcy
Court of the Southern District of New York (the "Plan") The senior notes held by
the  Reporting  Persons  were a part  of a class  of  $75,000,000  in  aggregate
principal  amount  of  senior  notes  (the  "Senior  Notes")  all of which  were
cancelled under the Plan in exchange for Shares.

 Item 4.  Purpose of transaction.

         The transaction  requiring the filing of this statement is described in
Item 3 above.

         The Reporting Persons currently intend to seek to dispose of the Shares
beneficially  owned  in one or more  privately  negotiated  sales or  through  a
corporate  merger  or  reorganization.   Given  MRI's  business,  prospects  and
financial  condition and the market for Shares,  an acceptable  offer may not be
received by the  Reporting  Persons,  in which event the  Reporting  Persons may
continue  to hold such  Shares for  investment.  The  Reporting  Persons  may be
compelled,  pursuant to the Stockholders  Agreement described in Item 6, to vote
the Shares in favor of and/or to dispose of the Shares  beneficially  owned in a
sale or corporate  transaction in certain  circumstances.  The Reporting Persons
have not  received  a  currently  acceptable  offer for such  Shares nor are the
Reporting Persons aware of any proposed transaction which would require disposal
of such Shares pursuant to the Stockholders Agreement.

                                      - 7 -

         Upon  consummation  of the  Plan  the  Board  of  Directors  of MRI was
reconstituted  with seven  members,  six of whom were selected by the holders of
the  Senior  Notes as a class  (collectively  with the  Reporting  Persons,  the
"Former Holders") and one of whom was selected by DVI Financial  Services,  Inc.
("DVI"), another creditor of MRI. Pursuant to the Stockholders Agreement and the
Voting Agreement, also described in Item 6, the Reporting Persons agreed to vote
the Shares beneficially owned to maintain such Board composition.  The Reporting
Persons  have been made aware  that  Richard  Teller  and Mark Dunn,  two of the
directors selected by the Former Holders,  have resigned from the Board and that
the Board has voted to fill one of the resulting vacancies with Jeffrey Pollock,
a person nominated by the remaining members of the Board originally nominated by
the Former Holders.

         The  Reporting  Persons  have  been  advised  that as a result  of the
consummation  of the Plan, MRI has filed a Form 15 to deregister the Shares.  If
such  deresgistration is effective,  the Reporting Persons do not intend to file
any amendments to update any of the information contained in this Schedule 13D.

         Except as set forth in this Item 4, the  Reporting  Persons do not have
any plans or proposals which would relate to or result in:

         (a)  The acquisition by any person of additional  securities of MRI, or
              the disposition of securities of MRI;

         (b)  An  extraordinary   corporate  transaction,   such  as  a  merger,
              reorganization  or  liquidation,  involving  MRI  or  any  of  its

         (c)  A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of MRI or any of
              its subsidiaries;

         (d)  Any change in the present board of directors or management of MRI,
              including  any plans or proposals to change the number or terms of
              directors or to fill any existing vacancies on the board;

         (e)  Any  material  change in the  present  capitalization  or dividend
              policy of MRI;

         (f)  Any  other   material   change  in  MRI's  business  or  corporate

         (e)  Changes  in MRI's  charter,  bylaws or  instruments  corresponding
              thereto  or other  actions  which may impede  the  acquisition  of
              control of MRI by any person;

         (f)  Causing  a  class  of  securities  of  MRI to be  delisted  from a
              national  securities  exchange or to cease to be  authorized to be
              quoted  in  an  inter-dealer  quotation  system  of  a  registered
              national securities association;

         (i)  A  class  of  equity  securities  of  MRI  becoming  eligible  for
              termination of  registration  pursuant to Section  12(g)(4) of the
              Securities Exchange Act of 1934; or

                                      - 8 -

         (j)  Any action similar to any of those enumerated above.

Item 5.  Interest in securities of the issuer.

         (a) The Reporting Persons have beneficial  ownership of 407,168 Shares.
Based upon the 5,491,961 Shares the Reporting Persons understand to be presently
outstanding,  this beneficial  ownership would constitute  approximately 7.4% of
the  Shares.  The  407,168  Shares  are held by Great  American  Life  Insurance
Company, a wholly-owned  subsidiary of Great American Financial Resources,  Inc.
("GAFRI").  AFG owns 83% of the outstanding common stock of GAFRI. The Reporting
Persons share the power to vote or to direct the disposition of the Shares.

         As a result of the Stockholders Agreement and the Voting Agreement, the
Reporting  Persons  may be deemed to be the  beneficial  owner of an  additional
4,969,861  Shares  owned  or  receivable  by the  other  parties  to the  Voting
Agreement  and  the  Stockholders  Agreement.  The  Reporting  Persons  disclaim
beneficial ownership of these other Shares.

(b) Other than as may be  described  in Item 3, no  transactions  in Shares have
been effected during the past sixty days by the Reporting Persons.

Item 6. Contracts, arrangements, understandings or relationships with
                respect to securities of the issuer.

         In connection with the transactions  described in Item 3, the Reporting
Persons  entered into a Voting  Agreement with MRI, the other Former Holders and
DVI and a  Stockholders  Agreement with MRI, the other Former  Holders,  DVI and
Geoffrey Whynot ("Whynot") and Christopher Joyce ("Joyce"), the current Co-Chief
Executives of MRI. The  descriptions  below of these agreements are qualified in
their entirety by reference to the agreements, which are filed as Exhibits 2 and
3 to this Schedule and which are incorporated herein by reference.

         The Voting  Agreement  provides  that until the  occurrence  of certain
events  the  Former  Holders  and DVI will  vote to elect  from time to time one
nominee selected by DVI to MRI's Board of Directors and six nominees selected by
a majority  of the Former  Holders.  Pursuant  to the Voting  Agreement  MRI has
agreed to provide the Former Holders and DVI with certain rights,  including the
right to receive certain  information  relating to MRI and preemptive  rights on
future securities issuances.

         The  Stockholders  Agreement  provides  that  until the  occurrence  of
certain events each of Joyce and Whynot will also vote their Shares from time to
time in favor of six nominees to MRI's Board of Directors selected by a majority
of the Former Holders and that each of the Former Holders, Joyce and Whynot will
vote their  Shares as  directed  from time to time by a  majority  of the Former
Holders on a number of significant  corporate issues. The Stockholder  Agreement
also provides that each of Joyce, Whynot and the Former Holders will be entitled
to  participate  in any sale of Shares  entered into by Former Holders owning at
least 40% of the issued and  outstanding  Shares and if such sale is of at least
50% of the issued and outstanding  Shares, such holders will participate in such
sale  if  so  requested  and  certain   conditions  are  met.  Pursuant  to  the
Stockholders Agreement MRI granted to the Former

                                      - 9 -

Holders two demand registration rights and granted to DVI, Joyce, Whynot and the
Former Holders the right to piggyback on registrations of securities effected by
MRI on its own behalf or for other holders of securities.

Item 7.  Material to be filed as Exhibits.

         (1)  Schedule referred to in Item 2.

         (2)  Voting Agreement.

         (3)  Stockholders Agreement.

         (4)  Agreement required pursuant to Regulation Section  240.13d-1(f)(1)
              promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

         (5)  Powers of Attorney  executed in connection  with filings under the
              Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

         After  reasonable  inquiry and to the best  knowledge and belief of the
undersigned,  it is  hereby  certified  that the  information  set forth in this
statement is true, complete and correct.

Dated:  March 7, 2001

                        AMERICAN FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.

                        By: James C. Kennedy
                        James C. Kennedy, Deputy General
                        Counsel and Secretary


                        By:  James C. Kennedy
                        James C. Kennedy, Deputy General
                        Counsel and Secretary

                        Carl H. Lindner*
                        Carl H. Lindner

                        Carl H. Lindner III*
                        Carl H. Lindner III

                        S. Craig Lindner*
                        S. Craig Lindner

                        Keith E. Lindner*
                        Keith E. Lindner

James C. Kennedy
- ------------------------------------
*By James C. Kennedy, Attorney-in-Fact

                                     - 10 -

Exhibit 1

Item 2.  Identity and Background.

         AFG is engaged  primarily  in  specialty  and  multi-line  property and
casualty  insurance  businesses  and in the sale of  tax-deferred  annuities and
certain life and health insurance products.

         Carl H. Lindner's  principal  occupation is as Chairman of the Board of
Directors and Chief Executive Officer of AFG.

         Carl H. Lindner III's principal occupation is as Co-President of AFG.

         S.  Craig  Lindner's  principal  occupations  are  as  Co-President  of
American Financial and President of Great American Financial Resources, Inc., an
affiliate of AFG.

         Keith  E.  Lindner's  principal  occupations  are  as  Co-President  of
American  Financial  and Vice  Chairman  of the Board of  Directors  of Chiquita
Brands International, Inc., an affiliate of AFG.

         The identity and  background of the executive  officers,  directors and
controlling  persons of AFG (other than the Lindner  Family,  which is set forth
above) are as follows:

         1. Theodore H. Emmerich is a retired managing partner of Ernst & Young,
certified public  accountants,  Cincinnati,  Ohio. He is presently a director of
AFG. Mr. Emmerich's address is 1201 Edgecliff Place, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45206.

         2. James E. Evans' principal occupation is as Senior Vice President and
General Counsel of AFG.

         3.  Thomas M.  Hunt's  principal  occupation  is as  President  of Hunt
Petroleum  Corporation,  an oil and gas  production  company.  He is presently a
director of AFG. Mr. Hunt's business address is 5000  Thanksgiving  Tower,  1601
Elm Street, Dallas, Texas, 75201.

         4. William R. Martin's principal occupation is as Chairman of the Board
of MB Computing,  Inc., a privately held computer software  development company.
He is presently a director of AFG.  Mr.  Martin's  business  address is 245 46th
Avenue, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida 33706.

                                     - 11 -

         5. Fred J. Runk's principal  occupation is as Senior Vice President and
Treasurer of AFG.

         6.  Thomas  E.  Mischell's  principal  occupation  is  as  Senior  Vice
President - Taxes of AFG.

         7. Keith A. Jensen's  principal  occupation is as Senior Vice President
of AFG.

         Unless  otherwise  noted,  the business  address of AFG and each of the
persons listed above is One East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45202, and all
of the individuals are citizens of the United States.

         None of the  persons  listed  above have during the last five years (i)
been convicted in a criminal proceeding (excluding traffic violations or similar
misdemeanors)  or (ii)  been a party  to a civil  proceeding  of a  judicial  or
administrative body of competent jurisdiction and as a result of such proceeding
was or is  subject  to a  judgment,  decree  or  final  order  enjoining  future
violations  of, or prohibiting  or mandating  activities  subject to, federal or
state securities laws or finding any violation with respect to such laws.

                                     - 12 -

Exhibit 2

                                VOTING AGREEMENT

         This  AGREEMENT  made as of the  26th day of  February,  2001 is by and
among those entities identified on Schedule A hereto (collectively,  with any of
their Affiliate  Transferees,  the "Former Senior  Noteholders" and singularly a
"Former  Senior   Noteholder"),   DVI  Financial  Services,   Inc.,  a  Delaware
corporation  (collectively  with any of its Affiliate  Transferees,  "DVI"), and
Medical Resources, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Corporation"). Each of the
Former Senior Noteholders,  DVI and any Transferee of a Former Senior Noteholder
or DVI is hereinafter  sometimes  collectively referred to as the "Stockholders"
or individually as a "Stockholder"). Pursuant to the Plan (as defined below) the
Former Senior  Noteholders have been issued shares of Common Stock  representing
in the  aggregate  83.96% of the issued and  outstanding  Common Stock as of the
date hereof and DVI has been issued shares of Common Stock representing 5.86% of
the issued and outstanding  Common Stock as of the date hereof. The Stockholders
desire to set forth certain  agreements  among themselves and the Corporation as
to the management of the Corporation and the ownership of their shares of Common

         NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein
and other good and valuable  consideration,  receipt and sufficiency of which is
hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows.

                            ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS.

         1.1 All  capitalized  terms used herein and otherwise  undefined  shall
have the meaning ascribed to them in the Plan.

         1.2 "Affiliate"  means, as to any entity or person, any other entity or
person that such entity or person  controls,  or by which it is  controlled,  or
with which it is under  common  control and in the case of any  natural  person,
such  person's  spouse or issue or any trust for the  benefit of such person and
such person's  spouse or issue.  As used in this  definition  the term "control"
means the  possession,  directly or indirectly,  of the power to direct or cause
the  direction of the  management  and  policies of an entry or person,  whether
through the ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise.

         1.3  "Affiliate  Transferee"  means any  Affiliate  of a Former  Senior
Noteholder  or DVI to which  such  Former  Senior  Noteholder  or DVI shall have
transferred any of its Shares.

         1.4   "Change  of  Control"   means  (i)  any  merger,   consolidation,
amalgamation  or other  similar  corporate  transaction  in which the holders of
Common Stock of the  Corporation,  in the aggregate,  immediately  prior to such
transaction will hold, immediately after such transaction, less than fifty (50%)
percent of the aggregate voting power of the outstanding  stock of the surviving
corporation  or  (ii)  the  Former  Senior   Noteholders   and  their  Affiliate
Transferees  sell in a single  transaction or a series of related  transactions,
Shares representing 90% or more of the original number of shares of Common Stock
issued in the aggregate to the Former Senior

                                     - 13 -

Noteholders  under the Plan (as such  number  may be  adjusted  to  reflect  any
subsequent stock split,  combination or reclassification of the Common Stock) to
a party who is not a Former  Senior  Noteholder  or who will not be an Affiliate
Transferee of a Former Senior Noteholder after such sale.

         1.5 "Common  Stock" means the  Corporation's  authorized  common stock,
$.01 par value per share of which there are _______ shares authorized.

         1.6 "Corporation Notice" has the meaning given therefor in Section 4.2.

         1.7 "Equity Securities" has the meaning given therefor in Section 4.1.

         1.8 "Excluded  Securities"  means Equity  Securities  excluded from the
operation of Section 4.1 by Section 4.5.

         1.9 "Exchange Act" means the United States  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934, as amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

         1.10 "Initial  Post-Effective  Public Offering" means the Corporation's
first  firm  commitment  underwritten  public  offering  of any  of  its  Equity
Securities  registered  under the Securities Act after the effective date of the

         1.11 "Plan" means the Third Amended Joint Plan of Reorganization  dated
November 6, 2000 as filed by the  Corporation  in the United  States  Bankruptcy
Court of the Southern District of New York.

         1.12 "Pro Rata Share" has the meaning given therefor in Section 4.2.

         1.13  "Requisite  Former  Senior  Noteholders"  means  at the  time  in
question Former Senior  Noteholders owning at least 50% of the Shares then owned
by all Former Senior Noteholders in the aggregate.

         1.14 "SEC" means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

         1.15 "Securities  Act" means the United States  Securities Act of 1933,
as amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

         1.16 "Shares" means and includes all shares of Common Stock  registered
in the stock records books of the  Corporation in the name of any Stockholder or
a nominee  of such  Stockholder  and any other  shares of  capital  stock of the
Corporation  which may be issued in exchange for or in respect of such shares of
Common  Stock  (whether  by way of stock  split,  stock  dividend,  combination,
reclassification, reorganization or any other means).

         1.17  "Transferee"  means any person to whom Shares are  transferred or
assigned  by a  Stockholder  and any  heirs or  successors  in  interest  of any
Stockholder, whether by operation of law or otherwise.

                                     - 14 -


         2.1  Agreement  to  Vote.  Until  as  provided  in  Section  2.2,  each
Stockholder agrees to vote all of his Shares in favor of, and otherwise take all
actions as a the holder of such Shares required for:

         (a)  the election to the Board of Directors of the  Corporation  of the
              nominees of the Stockholders selected pursuant to Section 2.2,

         (b)  the removal from the Board of Directors  of any  director,  at the
              request  of  the  Stockholder(s  )which  nominated  such  director
              pursuant  to  Section  2.2,  and  the  election  to the  Board  of
              Directors of a substitute nominated by such Stockholder(s).

         2.2 Selection of Nominees.

         (a) The  Requisite  Former Senior  Noteholders  shall have the right to
designate  six (6) nominees  and DVI shall have the right to  designate  one (1)
nominee for election to the Board of Directors of the  Corporation  provided the
nominee of DVI shall be reasonably  satisfactory to the Requisite  Former Senior
Noteholders.  The rights of the Requisite Former Senior  Noteholders  under this
Section 2.2 (and the obligations of the other  Stockholders  pursuant to Section
2.1)  shall  terminate  at  the  earlier  of  (i)  the  effective  date  of  the
Corporation's  Initial  Post-Effective  Public Offering or (ii) such time as the
number of Shares  owned by the  Former  Senior  Noteholders  is less than  forty
percent  (40%) of the  then  issued  and  outstanding  shares  of  Common  Stock
(excluding Excluded  Securities) or (iii) a Change of Control. The rights of DVI
under this Section 2.2 (and the obligations of the other  Stockholders  pursuant
to Section 2.1 in respect of any nominee to the Board of Directors of DVI) shall
terminate the earlier of (i) the  effective  date of the  Corporation's  Initial
Post-Effective  Public  Offering or (ii) such time as the number of Shares owned
by DVI shall be less than eighty percent (80%) of the original  number of shares
of Common  Stock issued to DVI under the Plan (as such number may be adjusted to
reflect any  subsequent  stock split,  combination  or  reclassification  of the
Common Stock) or (iii) a Change of Control.

         (b) For so long as DVI has the right to  designate  one (1)  nominee to
the Board, the Board shall have regular meetings to be held at least quarterly.

         (c) The  Corporation  shall use its reasonable best efforts to maintain
at all times  liability  insurance  for its officers and directors in connection
with their  service to the  Corporation  or to any other person or enterprise or
employee  benefit plan which such  officer or director  serves at the request of
the Corporation. Upon the request of any director nominated by the Former Senior
Noteholders or DVI pursuant to this Section 2.2, the Corporation will enter into
an indemnification  agreement with such director in the form attached as Exhibit

                                     - 15 -


         3.1 Inspection and Information  Rights.  Each Stockholder owning Shares
representing at least 4% of the then issued and  outstanding  Common Stock shall
have the right (at it own expense) to visit and inspect any of the properties of
the Corporation (including books of account,  reports and other papers), to make
extracts  therefrom,  and to discuss the  affairs,  finances and accounts of the
Corporation with its officers,  employees and accountants (and by this provision
the Corporation authorizes its accountants to discuss such affairs, finances and
accounts  with  such   Stockholder's   representatives),   and  to  review  such
information as is reasonably requested all at such reasonable times and as often
as may be reasonably  requested;  provided,  however, that the Corporation shall
not be  obligated  under  this  Section  3.1  unless  such  Stockholder  and its
representatives  shall have  executed  and  delivered to the  Corporation  their
written  agreement in form and  substance  satisfactory  to the  Corporation  to
maintain such information in confidence and in no event shall the Corporation be
obligated  to  afford  rights  under  this  sentence  to  any  competitor.   The
Corporation will also furnish to each Stockholder, within five (5) business days
after  the date of filing  or  delivery  thereof,  copies  of all  materials  of
whatsoever nature filed or delivered by the Corporation with the SEC.

         3.2  Rule  144  Reporting.  With  a view  to  making  available  to the
Stockholders  the benefits of certain rules and regulations of the SEC which may
permit the sale of Shares to the public without  registration,  the  Corporation
agrees to use its best efforts to:

         (a)  Make and keep  public  information  available,  as those terms are
              understood and defined in SEC Rule 144 or any similar or analogous
              rule promulgated  under the Securities Act, at all times after the
              effective   date  of  the  Initial   Post-Effective   Registration

         (b)  File  with the SEC,  in a timely  manner,  all  reports  and other
              documents required of the Corporation under the Exchange Act; and

         (c)  So  long  as a  Stockholder  owns  any  Shares,  furnish  to  such
              Stockholder  forthwith  upon request:  a written  statement by the
              Corporation as to its compliance  with the reporting  requirements
              of said Rule 144 of the  Securities  Act,  and of the Exchange Act
              (at any  time  after  it has  become  subject  to  such  reporting
              requirements);  a copy of the  most  recent  annual  or  quarterly
              report of the Corporation; and such other reports and documents as
              a Stockholder  may  reasonably  request in availing  itself of any
              rule  or  regulation  of the SEC  allowing  it to  sell  any  such
              securities without registration.

                                     - 16 -

         Restrictive  Agreements.  For so long as any Stockholder shall have any
rights  under this  Agreement,  the  Corporation  shall not enter into or become
obligated under any agreement or contract,  including  without  limitation,  any
loan agreement,  promissory note (or other evidence of indebtedness),  mortgage,
security  agreement  or  lease,  which by its  terms  specifically  prevents  or
restricts  to  the  Corporation  from  performing  its  obligations   under  the


         4.1 Right of First  Refusal on Primary  Offerings.  Until such right is
terminated pursuant to Section 4.4, each Stockholder shall have a right of first
refusal  to  purchase  its Pro Rata  Share  (as  defined  below)  of all  Equity
Securities  (as defined  below)  that the  Corporation  may,  from time to time,
propose to sell and issue after the date of this Agreement,  other than Excluded
Securities.  The term "Equity  Securities"  shall mean (i) Common Stock or other
capital stock of the Corporation, (ii) any security convertible, with or without
consideration,  into  Common  Stock or other  capital  stock of the  Corporation
(including  any  option to  purchase  such a  convertible  security),  (iii) any
security  carrying any warrant or right to subscribe to or purchase Common Stock
or other capital stock of the Corporation or (iv) any such warrant or right.

         4.2 Exercise of Rights. If the Corporation proposes to issue any Equity
Securities,  it shall  give each  Stockholder  written  notice  (a  "Corporation
Notice") of its intention,  describing  the Equity  Securities and the price and
the terms and conditions upon which the Corporation  proposes to issue the same.
Each  Stockholder  shall have twenty (20) days from the receipt of a Corporation
Notice to agree to purchase up to its Pro Rata Share (as defined  below) of such
Equity  Securities for the price and upon the terms and conditions  specified in
such Corporation  Notice by giving written notice to the Corporation and stating
therein the quantity (up to its Pro Rata Share) of Equity  Securities  it agrees
to  purchase.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the  Corporation  shall  not be
required  to offer or sell such Equity  Securities  to any  Stockholder  if such
offer or sale would cause the  Corporation  to be in violation of any applicable
federal  or state  securities  or "blue  sky"  laws.  The  Corporation  will use
reasonable  best  efforts  to  comply  with all  federal  and  applicable  state
securities  or "blue sky" laws  provided  in no event shall the  Corporation  be
required to (i) file a registration  statement or qualification  statement under
any such laws;  (ii) qualify to do business in any  jurisdiction;  (iii) subject
itself to taxation in any  jurisdiction  or (iv)  consent to general  service of
process in any jurisdiction.

         Each  Stockholder's  "Pro Rata  Share" is equal to the ratio of (a) the
number of Shares  (including all Shares  issuable upon conversion or exercise of
any Equity Securities convertible or exercisable into shares of Common Stock but
in all cases  excluding any Excluded  Securities)  of which such  Stockholder is
deemed  to be a  holder  immediately  prior  to  the  issuance  of  such  Equity
Securities  to (b) the total number of shares of the  Corporation's  outstanding
Common Stock (including all shares of Common Stock

                                     - 17 -

issued  or  issuable  upon  conversion  or  exercise  of any  Equity  Securities
convertible  or  exercisable  into  shares  of  Common  Stock  but in all  cases
excluding  any Excluded  Securities)  immediately  prior to the issuance of such
Equity Securities.

         4.3 Issuance of Equity  Securities to Other Persons.  If not all of the
Stockholders  elect  to  purchase  their  entire  Pro Rata  Share of the  Equity
Securities  proposed to be issued,  then the Corporation  shall have ninety (90)
days  thereafter  to  sell  the  Equity  Securities  in  respect  of  which  the
Stockholders'  rights were not exercised to any other person(s),  at a price and
upon general terms and conditions no more  favorable to the  purchasers  thereof
than specified in the applicable  Corporation Notice. If the Corporation has not
sold such Equity  Securities within such ninety (90) days, the Corporation shall
not thereafter issue or sell any Equity  Securities  without first offering such
Equity Securities to the Stockholders in the manner provided in Section 4.2.

         4.4  Termination  and  Waiver of Right of First  Refusal.  The right of
first refusal  established by this Article 4 shall terminate upon the earlier of
(a)  the  effective  date  of  the  registration  statement  pertaining  to  the
Corporation's Initial Post-Effective Public Offering or (b) a Change of Control.

         4.5 Excluded  Securities.  The rights of first refusal  established  by
this Article 4 shall not apply to:

         (a)  Equity   Securities   issued   in   the   Corporation's    Initial
              Post-Effective Public Offering;

         (b)  shares of Common Stock (and any options,  warrants or other Common
              Stock  purchase  rights for such shares of Common Stock) issued or
              to  be  issued  to   employees,   officers  or  directors  of,  or
              consultants  or advisors  to the  Corporation  or any  subsidiary,
              pursuant to compensation plans, or other similar arrangements that
              are approved by the Corporation's Board of Directors;

         (c)  Equity Securities issued pursuant to exercise of warrants, options
              or other rights,  or conversion of convertible  Equity  Securities
              outstanding  as of the date of this  Agreement  or with respect to
              which the  Stockholders  were given rights under this Article 4 on
              the initial issuance thereof;

         (d)  any Equity Securities issued pursuant to a merger,  consolidation,
              acquisition or similar business combination;

         (e)  shares of Common Stock issued in connection  with any stock split,
              stock dividend or recapitalization by the Corporation; and

                                     - 18 -

         (f)  Equity  Securities  issued in  connection  with the  extension  of
              credit or other financing (including leasing  arrangements) to the
              Corporation or a subsidiary of the Corporation by any party who is
              not a Stockholder, an Affiliate of any Stockholder or an Affiliate
              of the Corporation.

         4.6 Rights to Other Parties.  Nothing in this Article 4 shall be deemed
to prohibit the Corporation  from extending the rights set forth in this Article
4 to any other holders of Common Stock.

                           ARTICLE 5. MISCELLANEOUS.

         5.1  Successors and Assigns.  This Agreement  shall be binding upon the
parties hereto and their Transferees;  provided, no Transferee shall be entitled
to any benefits under this Agreement  unless such Transferee shall have executed
and delivered to the Corporation its written  agreement to be bound by the terms
of this  Agreement to the same extent as its  transferor  in form and  substance
satisfactory to the Requisite Former Senior  Noteholders and (a) such Transferee
is already a  Stockholder  or is an Affiliate  Transferee or (b) the transfer to
such  Transferee  is of Shares  representing  at least 5% of the then issued and
outstanding  Common  Stock  or (c) the  transfer  to such  Transferee  is of the
original number of shares of Common Stock issued to the transferring Stockholder
under the Plan (as such number may be adjusted to reflect any  subsequent  stock
split, combination or reclassification of the Common Stock).

         5.2 Term and  Termination.  Unless the rights granted hereby are sooner
terminated by the express provisions herein, this Agreement shall terminate upon
mutual written agreement of all of the Stockholders.

         5.3  Amendments.  This Agreement may be amended or modified in whole or
in part only by an instrument in writing signed by all  Stockholders
and the Corporation.

         5.4 Entire Agreement.  This Agreement  constitutes the entire agreement
between  the  parties,  and  all  premises,   representations,   understandings,
warranties and agreements  with reference to the subject matter hereof have been
expressed herein or in the documents incorporated herein by reference.

         5.5 Applicable  Law. This Agreement  shall be governed by and construed
and  enforced  in  accordance  with  the  laws of the  State  of

         5.6 Disputes.  All disputes  arising in connection  with this Agreement
and/or the transactions contemplated hereby shall be submitted to arbitration in
New York,  New York before a single  arbiter  selected by the  Corporation.  The
parties  specifically  agree that the  arbitrator  shall have the power to issue
preliminary and permanent injunctive relief and to grant prejudgment security.

                                     - 19 -

         Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts,
each of which  shall be  deemed  an  original  but all of which  together  shall
constitute one and the same instrument.

         5.7 Effect of  Headings.  Any title of an  article  or section  heading
herein  contained is for  convenience or reference only and shall not affect the
meaning or construction of any of the provisions hereof.

         5.8 Injunctive Relief. It is acknowledged that it will be impossible to
measure the  damages  that would be suffered by a party if any other party fails
to comply with the  provisions  of this  Agreement  and that in the event of any
such failure,  the  non-defaulting  parties will not have an adequate  remedy at
law. The non-defaulting parties shall, therefore, be entitled to obtain specific
performance  of the  defaulting  party's  obligations  hereunder  and to  obtain
immediate  injunctive relief. The defaulting party shall not argue, as a defense
to any proceeding for such specific  performance or injunctive relief,  that the
non-defaulting parties have an adequate remedy at law.

         5.9  Severability.  In case any  provision  of the  Agreement  shall be
invalid, illegal or unenforceable,  the validity, legality and enforceability of
the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.

         5.10  Delays or  Omissions.  It is agreed  that no delay or omission to
exercise  any right,  power or remedy  accruing  to any party,  upon any breach,
default or  noncompliance  of any other party under this Agreement  shall impair
any such right,  power or remedy, nor shall it be construed to be a waiver of or
in any such breach, default or noncompliance, or any acquiescence therein, or of
or in any similar breach, default or noncompliance  thereafter occurring.  It is
further  agreed  that any  waiver,  permit,  consent or  approval of any kind or
character on the part of any party of any breach, default or noncompliance under
the  Agreement  or any  waiver  on the part of any  party of any  provisions  or
conditions of this  Agreement  must be in writing and shall be effective only to
the extent specifically set forth in such writing.

         5.11  Notices and  Consents.  Notices.  All  notices and other  written
communications  provided  for  hereunder  shall be given in writing  and sent by
overnight  delivery service (with charges prepaid) or by facsimile  transmission
with the original of such transmission  being sent by overnight delivery service
(with  charges  prepaid)  by the next  succeeding  Business  Day and (i) if to a
Stockholder  addressed to such  Stockholder  at such address or fax number as is
specified for such Stockholder  after its signature to this Agreement;  and (ii)
if to the  Corporation,  addressed to it at 155 State  Street,  Hackensack,  New
Jersey 07602,  Attention:  General  Counsel,  Fax No. (201)  488-8230 or at such
other address or fax number as such  Stockholder or the  Corporation  shall have
specified to other party hereto in writing given in accordance with this Section
5.11.  Notice given in accordance with this Section 5.11 shall be effective upon
the earlier of the date of delivery or the second  Business  Day at the place of
delivery after dispatch.

                                     - 20 -

         5.12  Pronouns.  All  pronouns  contained  herein,  and any  variations
thereof,  shall be  deemed  to  refer to the  masculine,  feminine  or  neutral,
singular or plural, as to the identity of the parties hereto may require.

         5.13 Legend. Each certificate evidencing any of the Shares shall bear a
legend substantially as follows:

                  "The shares  represented  by this  certificate  are subject to
                  certain  voting  agreements  and may be  entitled  to  certain
                  benefits in  accordance  with and subject to all the terms and
                  conditions  of  a  certain  Voting   Agreement   dated  as  of
                  __________, 2000, a copy of which the Corporation will furnish
                  to the holder of this  certificate  upon  request  and without

                                     - 21 -

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  this Agreement has been executed under seal as of
the date and year first written above.

COMPANY:                         MEDICAL RESOURCES, INC.

                                 By:  /s/ Christopher J. Joyce
                                       Name:  Christopher J. Joyce
                                       Title:    Co-Chief Executive Officer

STOCKHOLDERS:                       [NAME]


                                                     Address for Notices:


                                     - 22 -


                                 By:  /s/ Stephen J. Blewitt
                                       Name:  Stephen J. Blewitt
                                       Title:    Managing Director

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       200 Clarendon Street
                                       Boston, MA 02117
                                       Attention:  Bond & Corporate Finance
                                          Group, T-57

                                     - 23 -

                                 JOHN HANCOCK VARIABLE LIFE INSURANCE

                                 By:  /s/ Stephen J. Blewitt
                                       Name:  Stephen J. Blewitt
                                       Title:    Authorized Signatory

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       200 Clarendon Street
                                       Boston, MA 02117
                                       Attention:  Bond & Corporate Finance
                                         Group, T-57

                                     - 24 -

                                 INVESTORS PARTNER LIFE INSURANCE

                                 By:  /s/ Stephen J. Blewitt
                                       Name:  Stephen J. Blewitt
                                       Title:    Authorized Signatory

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       200 Clarendon Street
                                       Boston, MA 02117
                                       Attention:  Bond & Corporate Finance
                                         Group, T-57

                                     - 25 -

                                 MELLON BANK, N.A., solely in its capacity
                                 as Trustee for The Long Term Investment
                                 Trust, (as directed by John Hancock Financial
                                 Services, Inc.), and not in its individual

                                 By:  /s/ Carole Bruno
                                       Name:  Carole Bruno
                                       Title:    Authorized Signatory

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       200 Clarendon Street
                                       Boston, MA  02117
                                       Attention:  Bond & Corporate Finance
                                         Group, T-57

         The decision to participate in the investment, any representations made
         herein by the  participant,  and any  actions  taken  hereunder  by the
         participant   has/have  been  made  solely  at  the  direction  of  the
         investment fiduciary who has sole investment discretion with respect to
         this investment.

                                     - 26 -

                                 THE NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE
                                 OF THE LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES INC. MASTER
                                 PENSION TRUST

                                 By:  JOHN HANCOCK LIFE INSURANCE
                                      COMPANY, as Investment Manager

                                 By:  /s/ Stephen J. Blewitt
                                       Name:  Stephen J. Blewitt
                                       Title:    Managing Director

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       200 Clarendon Street
                                       Boston, MA 02117
                                       Attention:  Bond & Corporate Finance
                                          Group, T-57

                                     - 27 -

                                 AUSA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, INC.

                                By:  /s/ Mark E. Dunn
                                       Name:  Mark E. Dunn
                                       Title:    Vice President

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       AEGON USA Investment Management
                                       4333 Edgewood Road, N.E.
                                       Cedar Rapids, IA  52499
                                       Attention:  Mark Dunn

                                     - 28 -

                                 LIFE INVESTORS INSURANCE COMPANY OF

                                 By:  /s/ Mark E. Dunn
                                       Name:  Mark E. Dunn
                                       Title:    Vice President

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       AEGON USA Investment Management
                                       4333 Edgewood Road, N.E.
                                       Cedar Rapids, IA  52499
                                       Attention:  Mark Dunn

                                     - 29 -

                                 GREAT AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE

                                 By:  /s/ Mark F. Muething
                                       Name:  Mark F. Muething
                                       Title:    Executive Vice President

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       American Financial Group
                                       1 East 4th Street, 3rd Floor
                                       Cincinnati, OH  45202
                                       Attention:  Joanne Schubert

                                     - 30 -

                                 SALKELD & CO., (as nominee of General Electric
                                 Capital Assurance Company (f/k/a Great Northern
                                 Insured Annuity Corporation)

                                 By:  /s/ Kristina Clohesy
                                       Name:  Kristina Clohesy
                                       Title:    Reorganization Administrator

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       GE Capital Assurance Co.
                                       601 Union Street, Suite 1300
                                       Seattle, WA  98101
                                       Attention:  Morian Mooers

                                     - 31 -

                                 COVA FINANCIAL SERVICES LIFE
                                 INSURANCE COMPANY

                                 By:  /s/ Jacqueline D. Jenkins
                                       Name:  Jacqueline D. Jenkins
                                       Title:    Authorized Signatory

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       334 Madison Avenue
                                       Convent Station, NJ  07961
                                       Attention:  Mike Cazayoux

                                     - 32 -

                                 HARE & CO (as nominee of Lincoln National Life
                                 Insurance Company)

                                 By:  /s/ Patrick M. Dodd
                                       Name:  Patrick M. Dodd
                                       Title:    Authorized Officer

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       Liberty Capital
                                       2000 Wade Hampton Boulevard
                                       Greenville, SC  29615
                                       Attention:  Pete Dodd

                                     - 33 -

                                 AMERICAN BANKERS INSURANCE
                                 COMPANY OF FLORIDA

                                 By:  /s/ Robert C. Lindberg
                                       Name:  Robert C. Lindberg
                                       Title:    Vice President

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       Fortis Corporation
                                       1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, 41st Floor
                                       New York, NY  10005
                                       Attention:  Robert Lindberg

                                     - 34 -

                                 OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY
                                  OF NORTH CAROLINA

                                 By:  /s/ J. Joseph Veranth
                                       Name:  J. Joseph Veranth
                                       Title:    Executive Vice President

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       Dana Investment Advisors, Inc.
                                       P.O. Box 1067
                                       Brookfield, WI  53008-1067

                                       Attn:  J. Joseph Veranth

                                     - 35 -

                                 PENINSULAR LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY CO.

                                 By:  /s/ Susan D. Royles
                                       Name:  Susan D. Royles
                                       Title:    Vice President

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       Conning Asset Management
                                       185 Asylum Street
                                       City Place II
                                       Hartford, CT  06103
                                       Attention:  Susan Royles

                                     - 36 -

                                 EXECUTIVE RISK INDEMNITY INC.

                                 By:  /s/ Marjorie D. Raines
                                       Name:  Marjorie D. Raines
                                       Title:    Senior Vice President

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       Chubb Financial Group
                                       15 Mountain View Road
                                       Warren, NJ  07060
                                       Attention:  Bill Clarkson

                                     - 37 -

DVI:                             DVI FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC.

                                 By:  /s/ Sara Lee Keller
                                       Name:  Sara Lee Keller
                                       Title:    Deputy General Counsel

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       DVI Financial Services, Inc.
                                       2500 York Road
                                       Jamison, PA  18929

                                       Attn:  Richard E. Miller, President

                                     - 38 -


                             STOCKHOLDERS AGREEMENT

         This  AGREEMENT  made as of the  26th day of  February,  2001 is by and
among  those  entities  identified  on the  signature  page hereto as the Former
Senior Noteholders  (collectively with any of their Affiliate  Transferees,  the
"Former Senior  Noteholders"  and singularly a "Former Senior  Noteholder")  and
Christopher Joyce and Geoffrey Whynot  (collectively with any of their Affiliate
Transferees,  "Executive  Management") and Medical  Resources,  Inc., a Delaware
corporation (the  "Corporation")  and DVI Financial  Services,  Inc., a Delaware
corporation (collectively,  with any of its Affiliate Transferees,  "DVI"). Each
of the Former Senior Noteholders,  Executive  Management and any Transferee of a
Former  Senior  Noteholder  or Executive  Management  is  hereinafter  sometimes
collectively   referred  to  as  the   "Stockholders"   or   individually  as  a
"Stockholder").  Pursuant  to the Plan (as  defined  below)  the  Former  Senior
Noteholders  are  to be  issued  shares  of  Common  Stock  representing  in the
aggregate 83.96% of the issued and outstanding  Common Stock as of the effective
date of the Plan,  Executive  Management are to be issued shares of Common Stock
representing 2% of the issued and  outstanding  Common Stock as of the effective
date of the Plan and DVI is to be issued  shares of  Common  Stock  representing
5.86% of the issued and outstanding Common Stock as of the effective date of the
Plan. The Stockholders  desire to set forth certain  agreements among themselves
and the Corporation as to the management of the Corporation and the ownership of
their shares of Common  Stock.  DVI is a party to this  Agreement as a holder of
Registrable  Securities solely for the purposes of accepting and agreeing to the
provisions of Articles 4 and 5 and the defined terms used therein.

         NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein
and other good and valuable  consideration,  receipt and sufficiency of which is
hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows.

                            ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS.

         1.1 All  capitalized  terms used herein and otherwise  undefined  shall
have the meaning ascribed to them in the Plan.

         1.2 "Affiliate"  means, as to any entity or person, any other entity or
person that such entity or person  controls,  or by which it is  controlled,  or
with which it is under  common  control and in the case of any  natural  person,
such  person's  spouse or issue or any trust for the  benefit of such person and
such person's  spouse or issue.  As used in this  definition  the term "control"
means the  possession,  directly or indirectly,  of the power to direct or cause
the  direction of the  management  and  policies of an entry or person,  whether
through the ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise.

         1.3  "Affiliate  Transferee"  means any  Affiliate  of a Former  Senior
Noteholder or Executive  Management  to which such Former  Senior  Noteholder or
Executive  Management  shall have transferred any of its Shares or any Affiliate
of DVI to which DVI shall have transferred any of its Registrable Securities.

                                                          - 39 -

         1.4 "Common  Stock" means the  Corporation's  authorized  common stock,
$.01 par value per share.

         1.5 "Demand  Registration"  has the meaning  given  therefor in Section

         1.6 "Demand Request" has the meaning given therefor in Section 4.1.

         1.7 "Exchange Act" means the United States  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934, as amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

         1.8 "indemnified party" has the meaning given therefor in Section 4.7.

         1.9 "indemnifying party" has the meaning given therefor in Section 4.7.

         1.10 "Initial  Post-Effective  Public Offering" means the Corporation's
first  firm  commitment  underwritten  public  offering  of any  of  its  equity
securities  registered  under the Securities Act after the effective date of the

         1.11 "Piggyback Registration" has the meaning given therefor in Section

         1.12 "Plan" means the Third Amended Joint Plan of Reorganization  dated
November 6, 2000 as filed by the  Corporation  in the United  States  Bankruptcy
Court of the Southern District of New York.

         1.13 "Plan Value" means $10 per share of Common Stock as  appropriately
adjusted from time to time to reflect any stock splits,  combinations or similar
transactions  in  respect of the Common  Stock or  dividends  paid on the Common
Stock after the effective date of the Plan.

         1.14   "Register,"   registered,"   and   "registration"   refer  to  a
registration  effected  by  preparing  and filing a  registration  statement  in
compliance  with  the  Securities  Act,  and  the  declaration  or  ordering  of
effectiveness of such registration statement.

         1.15  "Registrable  Securities" means all shares of Common Stock issued
to the Former Senior  Noteholders,  Executive  Management or DVI pursuant to the
Plan and any  other  shares of  capital  stock of the  Corporation  which may be
issued in exchange for or in respect of such shares of Common Stock  (whether by
way   of   stock   split,   stock   dividend,   combination,   reclassification,
reorganization  or any other means) provided any such shares of Common Stock (or
other  capital  stock) which have been sold after the date hereof  pursuant to a
registration statement or to the public through a broker, dealer or market maker
or in compliance  with Rule 144 or Rule 144A (or any similar rule then in force)
under the Securities Act or repurchased by the  Corporation or any subsidiary of
the Corporation shall cease to be Registrable Securities.

                                     - 40 -

         1.16  "Registration  Expense" has the meaning given therefor in Section

         1.17  "Requisite  Former  Senior  Noteholders"  means  at the  time  in
question Former Senior  Noteholders owning at least 50% of the Shares then owned
by all Former Senior Noteholders in the aggregate.

         1.18 "SEC" means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

         1.19 "Securities  Act" means the United States  Securities Act of 1933,
amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

         1.20 "Selling Former Senior Noteholders" has the meaning given therefor
in Section 3.1.

         1.21 "Shares" means and includes all shares of Common Stock  registered
in the stock records books of the  Corporation in the name of any Stockholder or
a nominee  of such  Stockholder  and any other  shares of  capital  stock of the
Corporation  which may be issued in exchange for or in respect of such shares of
Common  Stock  (whether  by way of stock  split,  stock  dividend,  combination,
reclassification, reorganization or any other means).

         1.22  "Transferee"  means any person to whom Shares are  transferred or
assigned  by a  Stockholder  and any  heirs or  successors  in  interest  of any
Stockholder,  whether by operation of law or otherwise  and, in the case of DVI,
any  person  to whom any of DVI's  Registrable  Securities  are  transferred  or
assigned by DVI and any  successor in  interest,  whether by operation of law or

                          ARTICLE 2. VOTING AGREEMENTS

         2.1  Board of  Directors.  Each  Stockholder  agrees to vote all of his
Shares in favor of, and otherwise  take all actions as the holder of such Shares
required for:

         (a)  the election to the Board of Directors of the Corporation of up to
              six nominees selected by the Requisite Former Senior  Noteholders;

         (b)  the removal from the Board of Directors of any director  nominated
              by the Requisite Former Senior Noteholders,  at the request of the
              Requisite Former Senior Noteholders, and the election to the Board
              of Directors of any substitute therefor nominated by the Requisite
              Former Senior Noteholders.

         2.2 Modification of Charter  Documents;  Other Voting  Agreement.  Each
Stockholder covenants and agrees that he will:

                                     - 41 -

         (a)  not vote any of his Shares,  and to the extent he has the power to
              do so and otherwise may lawfully  exercise such power, will not to
              permit  any  director  elected  by the  Stockholders  pursuant  to
              Section 2.1 to vote, in favor of:

              (i)   the adoption of any  amendment to or waiver of any provision
                    of the Corporation's  Certificate of Incorporation or Bylaws
                    as in  effect  as of the date  hereof  pursuant  to the Plan
                    (other than in  connection  with the Initial  Post-Effective
                    Public Offering if such amendments have been  recommended by
                    the underwriters in connection therewith);

              (ii)  any  alteration  or change to the designation or the powers,
                    preferences or rights or the qualifications,  limitations or
                    restrictions  of the Common Stock (other than in  connection
                    with the  Initial  Post-Effective  Public  Offering  if such
                    amendments  have been  recommended  by the  underwriters  in
                    connection therewith);

              (iii) any (A)  authorization  or creation of or  amendment  to any
                    class or series of stock  ranking,  either as to  payment of
                    dividends,  distribution  of assets or redemption,  prior to
                    the Common  Stock,  or (B)  authorization  or creation of or
                    amendment to any shares of any class or series or any bonds,
                    debentures,  notes or other obligations  convertible into or
                    exchangeable for, or having optional rights to purchase, any
                    stock having any such ranking prior to the Common Stock;

              (iv)  any  increase in the  authorized  number of shares of Common
                    Stock   (other   than  in   connection   with  the   Initial
                    Post-Effective  Public Offering if such amendments have been
                    recommended by the underwriters in connection therewith);

              (v)   the   liquidation,   dissolution,   winding-up   or  similar
                    transaction   of  the   Corporation   or   sale  of  all  or
                    substantially  all of the assets of the  Corporation  or any
                    subsidiary thereof;

              (vi)  the  redemption  or repurchase of any shares of Common Stock
                    (except  for  shares of Common  Stock  issued to  employees,
                    officers,  directors  or  consultants  which is  redeemed in
                    connection with the termination of such person's  employment
                    with the Corporation);

              (vii) the  authorization  of a  dividend  on any shares of capital
                    stock; or

                                     - 42 -

              (viii)any   merger,   consolidation,   sale  of   stock  or  other
                    transaction  in which the  holders  of  Common  Stock of the
                    Corporation,  in the  aggregate,  immediately  prior to such
                    transaction will hold,  immediately  after such transaction,
                    less than fifty percent (50%) of the aggregate  voting power
                    of outstanding stock of the surviving Corporation;

              unlessotherwise  consented  to  by  the  Requisite  Former  Senior
              Noteholders; and

         (b)  if  requested  by  Former   Senior   Noteholders   owning   Shares
              representing  more than fifty (50%) percent of the then issued and
              outstanding  shares of Common  Stock,  vote all his Shares and, to
              the extent he has the power to do so and  otherwise  may  lawfully
              exercise  such power,  will  instruct any director  elected by the
              Stockholders  pursuant to Section 2.1 to vote, in favor (A) of any
              transaction  identified in clauses (a)(i) through  (a)(vii) above;
              and (B) of any transaction  identified in clause  (a)(viii) if the
              consideration  to be  received  by the holders of shares of Common
              Stock in such  transaction  is not less than the then current Plan


         3.1  Tag-Along/Drag-Along.  If one or more  Former  Senior  Noteholders
("Selling Former Senior  Noteholders")  propose to sell, in a single transaction
or series of  related  transactions,  Shares  representing  more than 40% of the
Common  Stock  at the time  outstanding  to a party  who is not a Former  Senior
Noteholder  or who  will  not be an  Affiliate  Transferee  of a  Former  Senior
Noteholder after such sale, the other Stockholders have the right to participate
in such sale to the extent  provided in Section  3.2.  Further,  if such sale of
Shares by the Selling Former Noteholders  represents more than 50% of the Common
Stock at the time  outstanding  and is at a price  per  share  not less than the
current Plan Value,  the other  Stockholders  shall, if requested by the Selling
Former Senior  Noteholders,  sell to the purchaser of such Selling Former Senior
Noteholders' Shares all of their Shares on the same terms and conditions as such
Selling Former Senior Noteholders; provided, the other Stockholders shall not be
obligated  to sell their  Shares  pursuant to this  sentence  unless the Selling
Former  Senior  Noteholders  propose  to  sell  all  of  their  Shares  in  such
transaction. Not less than thirty (30) days prior to any proposed sale of Shares
by Selling  Former Senior  Noteholders,  the Selling  Former Senior  Noteholders
shall give the other  Stockholders  written notice of the proposed sale (a "Sale
Notice")  which shall specify the terms and  conditions of such sale and whether
or not the Selling Former Senior  Noteholders are exercising  their rights under
clause (b) of this  Section 3.1 to require to other  Stockholders  to sell their
Shares on the same terms and conditions.

                                     - 43 -

         3.2  Participation  Procedures.  If  the  other  Stockholders  are  not
required,  but are  entitled  and wish,  to  participate  in such  sale  (each a
"Participating  Stockholder"),  each  Participating  Stockholder  shall give the
Selling Former Senior Noteholders  written notice (a "Participation  Notice") of
its election to  participate  not later than fifteen (15) days after the date of
the  delivery of the Sale Notice and  specifying  the number of Shares  which it
wishes  to  sell.  If  the  Selling  Former  Senior   Noteholders   receive  any
Participation Notices, they shall not sell any Shares in such transaction unless
the  purchaser  thereof  at the same  time  purchases  from  each  Participating
Stockholder  on the same terms and  conditions,  that  number of Shares at least
equal to the lesser of:

         (a)  the total  number of Shares which such  Participating  Stockholder
              specified in its Participation Notice that it wished to sell; or

         (b)  the number of Shares  derived by  multiplying  the total number of
              Shares then owned by such Participating Stockholder by a fraction,
              the  numerator  of which is equal to the number of Shares that are
              to be purchased by the proposed  purchaser from the Selling Former
              Senior  Noteholders  and the denominator of which is the aggregate
              number of Shares owned by the Selling  Former  Senior  Noteholders
              prior to such sale;

provided, the number of Shares to be included by each Participating  Stockholder
and each Selling  Former  Senior  Noteholders  in such sale shall be reduced pro
rata based on the number of Shares  proposed to be included by each in such sale
until the aggregate number of Shares to be sold is equal to the number of Shares
that the proposed purchaser desires to purchase.

                         ARTICLE 4. REGISTRATION RIGHTS

         4.1 Demand Registration.

         (a)  Requests  for  Registration.  At  any  time  following  the  first
              anniversary  of the  effective  date of the  Plan,  Former  Senior
              Noteholders  owning Registrable  Securities  representing at least
              15% of the then  issued  and  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock
              shall be entitled  to request  registration  (a "Demand  Request")
              under  the   Securities  Act  of  all  or  any  portion  of  their
              Registrable Securities.  A registration requested pursuant to this
              Section  4.1(a)  is  referred  to in this  Agreement  as a "Demand
              Registration".  The Demand  Request shall specify the  approximate
              number of  Registrable  Securities  requested to be registered and
              the intended method of distribution thereof. Within ten days after
              receipt of a Demand Request,  the  Corporation  shall give written
              notice of such  requested  registration  to each  other  holder of

                                     - 44 -

              Securities and shall include in such  registration all Registrable
              Securities  with  respect to which the  Corporation  has  received
              written  requests  for  inclusion   therein,   including   without
              limitation,   but  subject  to  Section  4.1(c),  all  Registrable
              Securities  requested for  inclusion  pursuant to Section 4.2, and
              the intended method of  distribution  thereof within 30 days after
              the receipt of the Corporation's notice.

         (b)  Number of Demand Registrations. The Former Senior Noteholders as a
              group shall be entitled to request two Demand  Registrations.  The
              Corporation shall pay all Registration Expenses in connection with
              the Demand Registration and shall pay all Registration Expenses in
              connection with a registration  initiated as a Demand Registration
              whether or not it becomes effective or is not otherwise counted as
              a Demand Registration.  A registration shall not count as a Demand
              Registration  until it has become  effective  under the Securities
              Act and any blue sky laws of any  applicable  state and remains so
              effective until the earlier of the date all Registrable Securities
              included  therein  have been  sold  pursuant  thereto  or the time
              periods for which such  registration  statement  is required to be
              maintained as effective  under Section 4.4(a) have expired (unless
              such  registration  statement  is  withdrawn at the request of the
              holders of not less than a majority of the Registrable  Securities
              included therein (other than a withdrawal in the case described in
              the next  following  sentence or in the case  described in Section
              4.1(d)).  If so requested in the Demand  Request and if the market
              value  of  the  Registrable  Securities  to be  included  in  such
              registration  shall  have  current  market  value of not less than
              $5,000,000,  the Corporation  shall use its best efforts to effect
              such Demand  Registration  as an  underwritten  offering on a firm
              commitment basis,  provided if the Corporation is unable to effect
              the registration as an underwritten  offering on a firm commitment
              basis, the Corporation  will continue to effect such  registration
              if  requested  to do so by holders of not less than a majority  of
              the  Registrable  Securities to be included  therein in accordance
              with the method of  distribution  as is  specified by such holders
              and in such  case  the  registration  statement  shall  count as a
              Demand Registration; otherwise such Demand Request shall be deemed
              not  to  have   been   made  and  shall  not  count  as  a  Demand

                                     - 45 -

         (c)  Priority  on  Demand  Registration.   All  Registrable  Securities
              requested  to be  included  in the  Demand  Registration  shall be
              included  unless  the  offering  is to  be  underwritten  and  the
              managing  underwriters  advise the Corporation in writing that all
              of the Registrable  Securities requested to be included may not be
              sold  without   adversely   affecting  the  marketability  of  the
              offering. In such case, the number of such Registrable  Securities
              included in the offering,  if any, shall be allocated  first,  pro
              rata among the Former Senior Noteholders on the basis of the total
              number of Registrable  Securities requested by each such holder to
              be  included  and  second,  pro rata  among the other  holders  of
              Registrable  Securities  requested  to  be  included  pursuant  to
              Section  4.2 on the  basis  of the  total  number  of  Registrable
              Securities  requested  to be included  pursuant to Section 4.2. If
              all Registrable  Securities requested to be included in the Demand
              Registration  are so included,  the Corporation may include in the
              Demand Registration other securities to be sold by the Corporation
              for its own  account  or to be sold by other  Persons,  unless the
              managing  underwriters  advise the  Corporation in writing that in
              their  opinion the inclusion of such other  securities  will cause
              the  number  of  Registrable   Securities  and  other   securities
              requested  to be  included  in the  offering  to exceed the number
              which may be sold without adversely affecting the marketability of
              the offering.

         (d)  Restrictions on Demand Registration.  The Corporation shall not be
              obligated  to effect a Demand  Registration  within 120 days after
              the effective date of a previous registration of securities by the
              Corporation under the Securities Act if the holders of Registrable
              Securities   were  given   piggyback   rights  in  such   previous
              registration   pursuant  to  Section   4.2  and  all   Registrable
              Securities requested to be included in such registration  pursuant
              to Section 4.2 were included  therein.  The  Corporation  shall be
              entitled to postpone,  for up to 90 days (or for up to 120 days if
              the Demand  Request  relating  to the  registration  statement  is
              received  during the month of December or the first quarter of any
              calendar year) the filing of any registration  statement otherwise
              required to be prepared and filed by it pursuant hereto if, at the
              time it  receives  a  Demand  Request,  the  Corporation  would be
              required  to  prepare  for  inclusion  or  incorporation  into the
              registration  statement any financial  statements other than those
              that it customarily prepares or the Corporation  determines in its
              reasonable  business  judgment that such registration and offering
              would  materially  interfere  with  any  financing,   refinancing,
              acquisition,   disposition,   corporate  reorganization  or  other
              material corporate

                                     - 46 -

              transactions  or development  involving the  Corporation or any of
              its subsidiaries and promptly gives the holders of the Registrable
              Securities  making  the  Demand  Request  written  notice  of such
              determination; provided, that if the Corporation shall so postpone
              the filing of a registration statement,  the holders of a majority
              of the Registrable Securities making the Demand Request shall have
              the right to withdraw the Demand  Request by giving written notice
              to the  Corporation  within 30 days after the receipt of notice of
              postponement  and, in the event of such withdrawal,  the withdrawn
              Demand Request shall be deemed not to have been made and shall not
              count as a Demand Registration.

         (e)  Selection of Underwriters. The Corporation shall have the right to
              select the  investment  banker(s) and manager(s) to administer the
              Demand  Registration,  subject to the approval of the holders of a
              majority of the  Registrable  Securities  to be included  therein,
              which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.

         (f)  Grant of Other Demand Registration Rights. From and after the date
              hereof,  the Corporation  shall not grant to any Persons the right
              to request the  Corporation  to register any equity  securities of
              the Corporation without the prior written consent of Former Senior
              Noteholders owning Registrable Securities  representing a majority
              of Registrable  Securities owned by all Former Senior  Noteholders
              at the time provided,  that the --------  Corporation  may without
              the consent of such Former  Senior  Noteholders,  grant  rights to
              other Persons to (i)  participate  in Piggyback  Registrations  so
              long as such rights are  subordinate  to the rights of the holders
              of Registrable Securities with respect to such registrations;  and
              (ii) request  registrations  so long as the holders of Registrable
              Securities are entitled to  participate in any such  registrations
              pari passu with such Persons.

         4.2 Piggyback Registrations.

         (a)  Right to Piggyback.  Whenever the Corporation proposes to register
              any of its equity  securities under the Securities Act (including,
              without limitation, in a Demand Registration) and the registration
              form to be used may be used for the  registration  of  Registrable
              Securities,  the  Corporation  shall give prompt written notice to
              each holder of  Registrable  Securities of its intention to effect
              such a  registration  and shall  include in such  registration  (a
              "Piggyback  Registration") all Registrable Securities with respect
              to which the Corporation has

                                     - 47 -

         (b)  received  written  requests for inclusion  therein  (which request
              shall state the intended method of distribution thereof) within 30
              days  after the  receipt of the  Corporation's  notice on the same
              terms and conditions as the other securities included therein.

         (c)  Piggyback  Expenses.  The Registration  Expenses of the holders of
              Registrable  Securities  shall be paid by the  Corporation  in all
              Piggyback Registrations.

         (d)  Priority on Primary Registrations.  If a Piggyback Registration is
              an underwritten primary registration on behalf of the Corporation,
              and the managing  underwriters  advise the  Corporation in writing
              that in their  opinion the number of  securities  requested  to be
              included in such registration exceeds the number which can be sold
              in such offering without adversely  affecting the marketability of
              the offering,  the Corporation  shall include in such registration
              first, the securities the Corporation proposes to sell and second,
              the Registrable  Securities  requested to be included  therein and
              then (and only then) any other securities requested to be included
              in such registration.  If less than all the Registrable Securities
              requested to be included in the Piggyback  Registration  may be so
              included,  the number of  Registrable  Securities  included in the
              Piggyback  Registration  shall be  allocated  pro rata  among  the
              holders of  Registrable  Securities  on the basis of the number of
              Registrable  Securities  requested  by  each  such  holder  to  be
              included therein.

         (e)  Priority on Secondary  Registrations.  If a Piggyback Registration
              is an  underwritten  secondary  registration  on  behalf  of other
              holders  of the  Corporation's  securities  other  than  a  Demand
              Registration, and the managing underwriters advise the Corporation
              in  writing  that  in  their  opinion  the  number  of  securities
              requested to be included in such  registration  exceeds the number
              which can be sold in such offering without adversely affecting the
              marketability  of the offering,  the Corporation  shall include in
              such  registration  the  Registrable   Securities  and  the  other
              securities on whose behalf the  registration  was initially  being
              made pro rata among the holders of the Registrable  Securities and
              the holders of such other securities on the basis of the number of
              Registrable Securities and other securities requested by each such
              holder to be included therein. If the Piggyback  Registration is a
              Demand  Registration  and the  managing  underwriters  advise  the
              Corporation  in  writing  that in  their  opinion  the  number  of
              securities  requested to be included in such registration  exceeds
              the number which can be sold in such  offering  without  adversely
              affecting the  marketability  of the offering,  the  provisions of
              Section 4.1(c) shall govern.

                                     - 48 -

         (f)  Continued Obligation for Demand  Registration.  No registration of
              Registrable  Securities  effected  under  this  Section  4.2 shall
              relieve the  Corporation of its obligation to effect  registration
              of  the  Registrable  Securities  upon  any  Demand  Request  made
              pursuant to the provisions of Section 4.1.

         (g)  Withdrawal or Delay. If at any time after giving written notice of
              its  intention  to  register  any  securities  and  prior  to  the
              effective date of the  registration  statement filed in connection
              with such  registration,  the Corporation  shall determine for any
              reason  not  to  register  or  to  delay   registration   of  such
              securities,  the  Corporation  may, at its election,  give written
              notice  of  such  determination  to  each  holder  of  Registrable
              Securities  requested  to be included in such  offering and (i) in
              the case of a determination not to register,  shall be relieved of
              its   obligation  to  register  any   Registrable   Securities  in
              connection with such  registration (but not from any obligation of
              the  Corporation  to pay the  Registration  Expenses in connection
              therewith),  without  prejudice,  however,  to the  rights  of any
              holder of Registrable Securities to include Registrable Securities
              in any future  registrations  pursuant  to this  Section 4.2 or to
              cause a registration to be effected as a Demand Registration under
              Section  4.1,  and  (ii) in the case of a  determination  to delay
              registering,   shall  be  permitted  to  delay   registering   any
              Registrable  Securities,  for the  same  period  as the  delay  in
              registering such other securities.

         4.3 Holdback Agreements.

         (a)  No holder of Registrable  Securities  shall effect any public sale
              or  distribution  (which  shall not include any sales  pursuant to
              Rule 144 or 144A) of equity securities of the Corporation,  or any
              securities  convertible  into or  exchangeable  or exercisable for
              such  securities,  during the seven days prior to and the  120-day
              period following the effective date of the registration  statement
              for  a  Demand   Registration   or  any   underwritten   Piggyback
              Registration  in  which  Registrable  Securities  are  or  may  be
              included   (except  as  part  of  the  offering  covered  by  such
              registration  statement)  unless  the  underwriters  managing  the
              registered public offering otherwise agree.

                                      49 -

         The  Corporation  shall not effect any public sale or  distribution  of
shares of Common Stock or any other equity securities of the Corporation, during
the seven days prior to and during the 90-day  period  following  the  effective
date of any  underwritten  Demand  Registration  or any  underwritten  Piggyback
Registration  (except as part of such  underwritten  registration or pursuant to
registrations  on Form  S-8 or any  successor  form  or  pursuant  to any  shelf
registration  statement  then in effect for the  benefit  of any  holders of the
Corporation's  securities),  unless the  underwriters  managing  the  registered
public offering otherwise agree.

         4.4 Registration  Procedures.  Whenever any Registrable  Securities are
required to be registered pursuant to this Agreement,  the Corporation shall use
its  reasonable  best  efforts to effect the  registration  and the sale of such
Registrable  Securities in accordance  with the intended  method of  disposition
thereof and pursuant thereto the Corporation shall as expeditiously as possible:

         (a)  prepare  and  file  with  the SEC a  registration  statement  with
              respect to such  Registrable  Securities on Form S-1 or such other
              form  of  general  applicability   satisfactory  to  the  managing
              underwriter (or if the offering is not  underwritten,  the holders
              of a majority of Registrable  Securities included therein) and use
              its reasonable best efforts to cause such  registration  statement
              to become  effective  (provided that the  Corporation may delay or
              discontinue any registration  statement effected under Section 4.1
              in  accordance  with Section  4.1(d) or Section 4.2 in  accordance
              with  Section  4.2(f))  and  prepare  and  file  with the SEC such
              amendments  and  post-effective  amendments  to such  registration
              statement and  supplements  to the  prospectus  used in connection
              therewith as may be necessary to keep such registration  statement
              effective  under the  Securities  Act and the blue sky laws of any
              applicable state for a period of not less than 90 days in the case
              of an underwritten offering, and in any other offering,  until the
              disposition  of  all  Registrable   Securities   covered  by  such
              registration  statement,  but  not  longer  than a  period  of six
              months,  unless at the  expiration of such six month period,  less
              than  75%  of  the   Registrable   Securities   covered   by  such
              Registration  Statement  have been sold,  then such  period  shall
              automatically be extended for six additional months; provided that
              at any time after the registration statement has been continuously
              effective  for  six   consecutive   months,   if  the  Corporation
              determines in its  reasonable  business  judgment that having such
              registration statement remain in effect would materially interfere
              with  any  financing,   refinancing,   acquisition,   disposition,
              corporate  reorganization or other material corporate  transaction
              or   development   involving  the   Corporation   or  any  of  its
              Subsidiaries or at any time after such registration  statement has
              been declared effective if the Corporation  becomes the subject of
              an unsolicited  tender offer for at least a majority of its equity

                                     - 50 -

              the  Corporation  may, upon prior written notice to each holder of
              Registrable Securities included therein, suspend such registration
              statement  for a period of not more than ninety (90) days,  and in
              no event shall the  Corporation be entitled to exercise such right
              more than once in any 12-month period;

         (b)  before  filing  a  registration  statement  or  prospectus  or any
              amendments or supplements thereto or incorporating any document by
              reference therein, the Corporation shall furnish to the holders of
              Registrable  Securities  included in such  registration  statement
              copies of all such documents  proposed to be filed or incorporated
              therein,  which  documents  shall be  subject  to the  review  and
              comment of such holders and one counsel selected by such holders;

         (c)  notify in writing each holder of Registrable  Securities  included
              in such registration statement of (i) the filing and effectiveness
              of such registration  statement or any amendment or post-effective
              amendments thereto and the prospectus and any supplement  thereto,
              (ii)  any  request  by the SEC for  amendments  or  post-effective
              amendments to the  registration  statement or  supplements  to the
              prospectus or for  additional  information,  (iii) the issuance by
              the SEC of any stop order  suspending  the  effectiveness  of such
              registration  statement or the  initiation or  threatening  of any
              proceedings  for  that  purpose,  and  (iv)  the  receipt  by  the
              Corporation of any notification  with respect to the suspension of
              the  qualification  of the Registrable  Securities for sale in any
              jurisdiction  or the  initiation or  threatening of any proceeding
              for such purpose;

         (d)  comply with the  provisions of the  Securities Act with respect to
              the  disposition  of all securities  covered by such  registration
              statement  during  the  period  of,  and in  accordance  with  the
              intended  methods of,  disposition  by the sellers  thereof as set
              forth in such registration statement;

         (e)  furnish,  without charge, to each holder of Registrable Securities
              included in a registration statement such number of copies of such
              registration   statement,   the   prospectus   included   in  such
              registration  statement  (including each preliminary  prospectus),
              each amendment and supplement thereto, and such other documents as
              such  holder may  reasonably  request in order to  facilitate  the
              disposition of the Registrable  Securities  included therein owned
              by such holder and the  Corporation  hereby consents to the use of
              each prospectus or any supplement  thereto by each such holder and
              the underwriters, if any, in connection with the offering and sale
              of  the  Registrable   Securities  covered  by  such  registration
              statement or any amendment thereto;

                                     - 51 -

         (f)  use its  reasonable  best  efforts  to  register  or  qualify  all
              Registrable  Securities included in a registration statement under
              such other  securities or blue sky laws of such  jurisdictions  as
              any holder of such Registrable  Securities reasonably requests and
              do any and all  other  acts and  things  which  may be  reasonably
              necessary  or advisable  to enable such holder to  consummate  the
              disposition in such  jurisdictions of such Registrable  Securities
              (provided  that  the  Corporation  shall  not be  required  to (i)
              qualify  generally  to do  business in any  jurisdiction  where it
              would  not   otherwise   be  required  to  qualify  but  for  this
              subparagraph  (f),  (ii)  subject  itself to  taxation in any such
              jurisdiction or (iii) consent to general service of process in any
              such jurisdiction);

         (g)  immediately notify each holder of Registrable  Securities included
              in a  registration  statement,  at  any  time  when  a  prospectus
              relating  thereto is required to be delivered under the Securities
              Act,  of the  happening  of any  event  as a result  of which  the
              prospectus  included in such  registration  statement  contains an
              untrue statement of a material fact or omits any fact necessary to
              make the statements  therein not  misleading,  and shall prepare a
              supplement or amendment to such  prospectus so that, as thereafter
              delivered to the purchasers of such Registrable  Securities,  such
              prospectus  shall not  contain an untrue  statement  of a material
              fact or omit to state any fact  necessary  to make the  statements
              therein not misleading;

         (h)  cause  all  Registrable  Securities  included  in  a  registration
              statement  to be  listed  on each  securities  exchange  on  which
              similar  securities issued by the Corporation are then listed and,
              if not so listed,  but similar  securities  are then listed on the
              NASD  automated  quotation  system,  to  be  listed  on  the  NASD
              automated  quotation  system and, if listed on the NASD  automated
              quotation  system,  use its  reasonable  best  efforts  to  secure
              designation  of  all  such  Registrable  Securities  as  a  NASDAQ
              national market system security within the meaning of Rule 11Aa2-1
              of the  SEC or  failing  that,  at such  time  as the  Corporation
              becomes  eligible  for  such   authorization,   to  secure  NASDAQ
              authorization  for such  Registrable  Securities if available and,
              without  limiting the generality of the foregoing,  to arrange for
              at least two market  makers to  register  as such with  respect to
              such Registrable Securities with the NASD;

                                     - 52 -

         (i)  if the offering is  underwritten,  use its reasonable best efforts
              to furnish on the date that  Registrable  Securities are delivered
              to  the  underwriters  for  sale  pursuant  to  such  registration
              statement,   and  to  the  extent  required  by  any  underwriting
              agreement  or from  time to time  upon  request  by any  holder of
              Registrable  Securities in connection  with its disposition of its
              Registrable Securities under such registration  statement:  (i) an
              opinion dated such date of counsel  representing  the  Corporation
              for  the   purposes  of  such   registration,   addressed  to  the
              underwriters   and  to  each  such   holder,   stating  that  such
              registration  statement has become  effective under the Securities
              Act and that (A) to the best  knowledge of such  counsel,  no stop
              order suspending the effectiveness  thereof has been issued and no
              proceedings  for that purpose have been  instituted or are pending
              or  contemplated  under the Securities  Act, (B) the  registration
              statement, the related prospectus and each amendment or supplement
              thereof appear on their face to be appropriately responsive in all
              material  respects with the  requirements  of the  Securities  Act
              (except  that such  counsel  need not  express  any  opinion as to
              financial  statements or financial data contained therein) and (C)
              to such other effect as may be reasonably requested by counsel for
              the underwriters or by such holder or its counsel if such offering
              is not  underwritten and (ii) to the extent  accounting  standards
              then permit, a letter dated such date from the independent  public
              accountants   retained  by  the  Corporation,   addressed  to  the
              underwriters  and to each  such  holder,  stating  that  they  are
              independent   public   accountants   within  the  meaning  of  the
              Securities Act and that, in the opinion of such  accountants,  the
              financial   statements   of  the   Corporation   included  in  the
              registration  statement  or the  prospectus,  or any  amendment or
              supplement  thereof,  comply as to form in all  material  respects
              with the applicable accounting requirements of the Securities Act,
              and such  letter  shall  additionally  cover such other  financial
              matters  (including  information  as to the period  ending no more
              than five  Business  Days prior to the date of such  letter)  with
              respect to such registration as such underwriters,  or such holder
              if such offering is not underwritten, may reasonably request;

         (j)  provide  a  transfer  agent  and  registrar  for  all  Registrable
              Securities included in a registration statement not later than the
              effective date of such registration statement,  and a CUSIP number
              for all such  Registrable  Securities  and provide the  applicable
              transfer agent with printed  certificates  or instruments for such

                                     - 53 -

              Securities   which  are  in  a  form  eligible  for  deposit  with
              Depositary   Trust   Corporation   and   otherwise   meeting   the
              requirements of any securities  exchange on which such Registrable
              Securities are then listed;

         (k)  cooperate with the holders of Registrable Securities included in a
              registration statement and the underwriters, if any, to facilitate
              the timely  preparation and delivery of certificates  representing
              Registrable  Securities  to be sold not  bearing  any  restrictive
              legends;  and to enable such Registrable  Securities to be in such
              denominations and registered in such names as the underwriters may
              request  at  least  two  Business  Days  prior to any sale of such
              Registrable Securities to the underwriters;

         (l)  enter  into  such  customary  agreements  (including  underwriting
              agreements  in  customary   form)  as  the   underwriters  of  any
              registration  statement  pursuant  to  an  underwritten  offering,
              reasonably   request  in  order  to  expedite  or  facilitate  the
              disposition of such Registrable  Securities (including effecting a
              stock split or a combination of shares);

         (m)  make  available  for  inspection  by  any  holder  of  Registrable
              Securities included in a registration  statement,  any underwriter
              participating  in any  disposition  pursuant to such  registration
              statement and any attorney,  accountant or other agent retained by
              any such holder or  underwriter,  all financial and other records,
              pertinent corporate documents and properties of the Corporation as
              they deem  necessary to conduct  their due diligence  review,  and
              cause  the  Corporation's  officers,   directors,   employees  and
              independent  accountants  to  supply  all  information  reasonably
              requested by any such holder, underwriter, attorney, accountant or
              agent in connection with such registration statement;

         (n)  otherwise  comply with the  Securities  Act, the Exchange Act, all
              applicable  rules and  regulations  of the SEC and all  applicable
              state blue sky and other  securities  laws, rules and regulations,
              and make  generally  available to its security  holders,  earnings
              statements  satisfying  the  provisions  of  Section  11(a) of the
              Securities  Act,  no later  than 30 days  after  the end of any 12
              month  period  (or 90 days if the  end of  such  12  month  period
              coincides  with  the  end of a  fiscal  quarter  or  fiscal  year,
              respectively)  of the Corporation (A) commencing at the end of any
              month in which Registrable  Securities are sold to underwriters in
              an underwritten  offering,  or, (B) if not sold to underwriters in
              such  an  offering,   beginning  within  the  first  three  months
              commencing after the effective date of the registration statement,
              which statements shall cover said 12 month periods;

                                     - 54 -

         (o)  permit  any  holder  of  Registrable  Securities  which,  in  such
              holder's  sole and  exclusive  judgment,  might be deemed to be an
              underwriter  or  a  controlling  person  of  the  Corporation,  to
              participate in the preparation of such  registration or comparable
              statement  and to  require  the  insertion  therein  of  material,
              furnished to the  Corporation in writing,  which in the reasonable
              judgment of such holder and its counsel should be included; and

         (p)  if the offering is underwritten, promptly upon notification to the
              Corporation  from the managing  underwriter  of the price at which
              the securities are to be sold under such  registration  statement,
              and, in any event, prior to the effective date of the registration
              statement  filed  in  connection  with  such   registration,   the
              Corporation  shall  advise each  holder  requesting  inclusion  of
              Registrable  Securities  in such  registration  statement  of such
              price.  If such price is below the price which is  acceptable to a
              holder of Registrable  Securities requested to be included in such
              offering, then such holder shall have the right, by written notice
              to the  Corporation  given  prior  to the  effectiveness  of  such
              registration  statement,  to  withdraw  its  request  to have  its
              Registrable Securities included in such registration statement.

         4.5  Conditions  to  Registration.  Each  holder's  right  to have  its
Registrable  Securities  included  in any  registration  statement  filed by the
Corporation in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement shall be subject
to the following conditions:

         (a)  The  holders of  Registrable  Securities  to be  included  in such
              registration  statement  shall furnish the Corporation in a timely
              manner  with  all  information  requested  by the  Corporation  in
              writing and required by the  applicable  rules and  regulations of
              the SEC or otherwise reasonably required by the Corporation or its
              counsel in order to enable them  properly to prepare and file such
              registration statement in accordance with applicable provisions of
              the Securities Act and if the offering is underwritten such holder
              shall  (i)  agree  to  sell  its  Registrable  Securities  on  any
              reasonable  and  customary  basis  provided  in  any  underwriting
              arrangements  approved  by (A)  the  holders  of not  less  than a
              majority of the  Registrable  Securities  included  therein in the
              case of a  Demand  Registration,  or (B) the  Corporation  or such
              other holders of securities on whose account the  registration  is
              initially being made in the case of a Piggyback  Registration  and
              (ii) complete and execute all questionnaires,  powers of attorney,
              indemnities,   underwriting   agreements   and   other   documents
              reasonably   required   under  the  terms  of  such   underwriting
              arrangements  on a timely basis;  provided that in no case shall a
              holder of Registrable Securities included in any

                                     - 55 -

              registration be required to make any representations or warranties
              to the Corporation or the underwriters other than  representations
              and warranties  regarding such holder, the Registrable  Securities
              held  by  such  holder  and  such  holder's   intended  method  of

         (b)  If any such  holder  desires  to sell and  distribute  Registrable
              Securities  over a period of time,  or from time to time,  at then
              prevailing  market prices,  then any such holder shall execute and
              deliver  to  the  Corporation  such  written  undertakings  as the
              Corporation  and its  counsel may  reasonably  request in order to
              assure  full  compliance   with   applicable   provisions  of  the
              Securities Act and the Exchange Act;

         (c)  Such  holder  shall  agree  that  as of  the  date  that  a  final
              prospectus is made available to it for distribution to prospective
              purchasers of Registrable  Securities it shall cease to distribute
              copies of any preliminary  prospectus  prepared in connection with
              the offer and sale of such Registrable Securities and will deliver
              or cause to be delivered a copy of such final  prospectus  to each
              Person who received a copy of any preliminary  prospectus prior to
              sale of any of the Registrable Securities to such Persons; and

         (d)  Upon receipt of any notice from the  Corporation  of the existence
              of any event of the  nature  described  in  Section  4.4(g),  such
              holder  will  forthwith  discontinue  disposition  of  Registrable
              Securities  until such holder receives copies of the  supplemented
              or amended  prospectus  contemplated by Section 4.4(g) or until it
              is  advised  in  writing  by the  Corporation  that the use of the
              prospectus  may  be  resumed,  and  has  received  copies  of  any
              additional  or  supplemental  filings  which are  incorporated  by
              reference  in  the   prospectus,   and,  if  so  directed  by  the
              Corporation,  such holder will deliver to the  Corporation (at the
              Corporation's  expense)  all  copies,  other than  permanent  file
              copies  then  in  such  holder's  possession,  of  the  prospectus
              covering  such  Registrable  Securities  current  at the  time  of
              receipt of such notice.

         4.6 Registration and Selling Expenses.

         (a)  All  expenses  incident  to the  Corporation's  performance  of or
              compliance  with  this  Agreement  and  the  preparation,  filing,
              amendment or  supplement  of any  registration  statement in which
              Registrable  Securities  are  to be  included,  including  without
              limitation  all  registration  and filing fees,  fees and expenses
              (including  the  Corporation's  counsel fees) of  compliance  with

                                     - 56 -

              or blue sky laws,  printing and copying  expenses,  messenger  and
              delivery expenses, fees and disbursements of custodians,  and fees
              and   disbursements   of  counsel  for  the  Corporation  and  all
              independent certified public accountants,  underwriters (excluding
              discounts  and  commissions  and  fees in lieu  of  discounts  and
              commissions) and other Persons  retained by the  Corporation,  the
              expenses and fees for listing the  securities  to be registered on
              each securities exchange on which similar securities issued by the
              Corporation  are then  listed or on the NASD  automated  quotation
              system, transfer taxes, fees of transfer agents and registrars and
              cost of insurance  (all such expenses  being called  "Registration
              Expenses") shall be borne by the  Corporation,  whether or not any
              such registration statement becomes effective.

         (b)  In connection with each registration  effected pursuant to Section
              4.1 or  4.2,  the  Corporation  shall  reimburse  the  holders  of
              Registrable  Securities  included  in  such  registration  for the
              reasonable  fees and  disbursements  of one counsel  chosen by the
              holders of a majority of the  Registrable  Securities  included in
              such registration.

         (c)  All underwriting  discounts and selling commissions  applicable to
              the sale of Registrable  Securities and all fees and disbursements
              of counsel for the holders of Registrable  Securities,  other than
              fees and expenses referred to in Section 4.6(b),  shall be paid by
              the holders of Registrable Securities.

         4.7  Indemnification.

         (a)  The Corporation agrees to indemnify,  hold harmless and reimburse,
              to the extent not  prohibited by law,  each holder of  Registrable
              Securities  included in a registration  statement,  its directors,
              officers,  employees  and each  Person who  controls  such  holder
              (within the  meaning of the  Securities  Act)  against all losses,
              claims,  damages,  liabilities  and  expenses,  whether  joint  or
              several  (including  legal  expenses and any expenses  incurred in
              investigating  any claims)  caused by any untrue or alleged untrue
              statement  of  material  fact   contained  in  such   registration
              statement,  prospectus or preliminary  prospectus or any amendment
              thereof or supplement  thereto or any omission or alleged omission
              of a material fact  required to be stated  therein or necessary to
              make the statements  therein not misleading or any other violation
              or breach of the  Securities  Act,  the  Exchange Act or any state
              securities or blue sky law or any other law by the  Corporation or
              its officers or directors or any other Person acting or purporting
              to act on the Corporation's

                                     - 57 -

              behalf,  except  insofar as the same are caused by or contained in
              any  information  furnished in writing to the  Corporation by such
              holder  specifically  stating  that  it  is  to  be  used  in  the
              preparation  thereof or by such holder's failure to deliver a copy
              of the  registration  statement or prospectus or any amendments or
              supplements  thereto  after the  Corporation  has  furnished  such
              holder  with  a  sufficient  number  of  copies  of the  same.  In
              connection with an underwritten  offering,  the Corporation  shall
              indemnify such underwriters, their officers and directors and each
              Person who controls such  underwriters  (within the meaning of the
              Securities  Act) to the same extent as provided above with respect
              to the indemnification of the holders of Registrable Securities.

         (b)  In connection with any registration statement in which a holder of
              Registrable  Securities is  participating,  each such holder shall
              indemnify the  Corporation,  its managers,  officers and employees
              and each Person who controls the  Corporation  (within the meaning
              of the  Securities  Act)  against  any  losses,  claims,  damages,
              liabilities  and  expenses   (including  legal  expenses  and  any
              expenses  incurred in investigating any claims) resulting from any
              untrue or alleged  untrue  statement of material fact contained in
              the registration  statement,  prospectus or preliminary prospectus
              or any amendment thereof or supplement  thereto or any omission or
              alleged  omission of a material fact required to be stated therein
              or necessary to make the statements  therein not  misleading,  but
              only to the extent  that such  untrue  statement  or  omission  is
              contained in any  information or affidavit so furnished in writing
              by such holder  specifically  stating that it is to be used in the
              preparation  thereof;  provided  that the  obligation to indemnify
              shall be  individual  to each  holder  and in no event  shall  the
              aggregate  liability of a holder for indemnities  pursuant to this
              Section  4.7 exceed the net amount of  proceeds  received  by such
              holder  from the sale of its  Registrable  Securities  pursuant to
              such registration statement.

         (c)  Any Person entitled to indemnification  hereunder (an "indemnified
              party")  shall  (i)  give  prompt  written  notice  to any  Person
              obligated to make such  indemnification (an "indemnifying  party")
              of any  claim  with  respect  to which  it  seeks  indemnification
              (provided  that the failure to give prompt notice shall not impair
              any Person's right to indemnification hereunder to the extent such
              failure has not prejudiced the indemnifying party) and (ii) unless
              in such  indemnified  party's  reasonable  judgment a conflict  of
              interest  between such  indemnified and  indemnifying  parties may
              exist with respect to such claim,  permit such indemnifying  party
              to assume the defense of such claim

                                     - 58 -

              with counsel reasonably  satisfactory to the indemnified party. If
              such  defense is  assumed,  the  indemnifying  party  shall not be
              subject  to  any  liability  for  any   settlement   made  by  the
              indemnified  party without its consent (but such consent shall not
              be  unreasonably  withheld).  An  indemnifying  party  who  is not
              entitled to, or elects not to, assume the defense of a claim shall
              not be  obligated  to pay the fees and  expenses  of more than one
              counsel for all parties  indemnified  by such  indemnifying  party
              with respect to such claim,  unless in the reasonable  judgment of
              any  indemnified  party a conflict of interest  may exist  between
              such indemnified  party and any other of such indemnified  parties
              with  respect  to such  claim  or  that  there  may be  reasonable
              defenses available to it which are different from or additional to
              those available to the  indemnifying  party or if the interests of
              the  indemnified  party  reasonably may be deemed to conflict with
              the interests of the  indemnifying  party,  the indemnified  party
              shall  have the right to select a separate  counsel  and to assume
              such legal defenses and otherwise to participate in the defense of
              such action,  with the expenses and fees of such separate  counsel
              and other expenses related to such  participation to be reimbursed
              by the indemnifying party as incurred.

         (d)  In order to provide for just and equitable  contribution  to joint
              liability in any case in which either (i) the  indemnity  provided
              for in this  Section  4.7 is  unavailable  to a party  that  would
              otherwise have been an  indemnified  party,  or (ii)  contribution
              under  the  Securities  Act or any  other  applicable  law  may be
              required on the part of any such holder of Registrable  Securities
              or any controlling  Person of such a holder in  circumstances  for
              which  indemnification  is provided  under this Section 4.7; then,
              and in each such case, the indemnifying and indemnified party will
              contribute to the aggregate losses, claims, damages or liabilities
              to which they may be subject (after  contribution  from others) in
              such proportion as is appropriate to reflect the relative fault of
              the indemnifying  party on the one hand and such indemnified party
              on the other in  connection  with the  statement  or  omission  or
              circumstance  which  resulted  in  such  loss,  claims,   damages,
              liabilities or expenses,  as well as any other relevant  equitable
              considerations.   The  relative   fault  shall  be  determined  by
              reference  to, among other  things,  whether the untrue or alleged
              untrue  statement  of a material  fact or the  omission or alleged
              omission to state a material fact relates to information  supplied
              by the  indemnifying  party  or  such  indemnified  party  and the
              parties'  relative  intent,  knowledge,  access to information and
              opportunity to correct or prevent such

                                     - 59 -

              statement or omission;  provided, however, that, in any such case,
              (A) no such holder will be  required to  contribute  any amount in
              excess  of  the  amounts  received  by it  from  the  sale  of its
              Registrable  Securities  pursuant to such registration  statement;
              and (B) no Person guilty of fraudulent  misrepresentation  (within
              the  meaning  of  Section  11(f) of the  Securities  Act)  will be
              entitled  to  contribution  from any  Person who was not guilty of
              such fraudulent misrepresentation.

         (e)  The indemnification provided for under this Agreement shall remain
              in full force and effect regardless of any  investigation  made by
              or on behalf of the indemnified party or any officer,  director or
              controlling Person of such indemnified party and shall survive the
              transfer of any Registrable Securities and any termination of this

                           ARTICLE 5. MISCELLANEOUS.

         5.1  Successors and Assigns.  This Agreement  shall be binding upon the
parties hereto and their Transferees; provided:

         (a)  in no event shall Executive Management be permitted to sell, gift,
              pledge, assign or otherwise transfer any of their Shares except to
              an Affiliate Transferee;

         (b)  no  Transferee  shall  be  entitled  to any  benefits  under  this
              Agreement unless such Transferee shall have executed and delivered
              to the Corporation its written  agreement to be bound by the terms
              of this Agreement to the same extent as its transferor in form and
              substance satisfactory to the Requisite Former Senior Noteholders;

         (c)  no  Transferee  shall be entitled to any benefits  under Article 4
              unless (x) such  Transferee  is already a  Stockholder,  DVI or an
              Affiliate  Transferee or (y) the transfer to such Transferee is of
              Registrable Securities constituting at least 5% of the then issued
              and  outstanding   Common  Stock  or  (z)  the  transfer  to  such
              Transferee  is of the  original  number of shares of Common  Stock
              issued  to such  Transferee's  transferor  under the Plan (as such
              number may be  adjusted  to reflect any  subsequent  stock  split,
              combination or reclassification of Common Stock).

         5.2 Term and Termination. The rights and obligations of the parties:

                                     - 60 -

         (a)  under Articles 2 and 3 hereunder  shall terminate upon the earlier
              of (i) the mutual  written  agreement of all of the  Stockholders,
              (ii) 18 months following the effective date of the Plan, (iii) the
              effective date of the Corporation's Initial  Post-Effective Public
              Offering  or (iv) such time as the  number of Shares  owned by the
              Former Senior  Noteholders is less than forty percent (40%) of the
              then issued and outstanding shares of Common Stock;

         (b)  under Article 4 shall  terminate  upon the earlier of (i) the time
              there are no more Registrable  Securities or (ii) the consummation
              of any merger,  consolidation,  sale of stock or other transaction
              in which the holders of Common  Stock of the  Corporation,  in the
              aggregate,  immediately  prior  to  such  transaction  will  hold,
              immediately after such transaction,  less than fifty percent (50%)
              of  the  aggregate  voting  power  of  outstanding  stock  of  the
              surviving Corporation provided such transaction has been consented
              to by Former  Senior  Noteholders  owning at least  two-thirds  of
              Shares  then  owned by Former  Senior  Noteholders  or (iii)  upon
              mutual written agreement of all parties hereto.

         5.3  Amendments.  This Agreement may be amended or modified in whole or
in part only by an  instrument  in writing  signed by all  Stockholders  and the
Corporation;  provided,  no amendment  which amends any  provision of Article 4,
this Article 5 or the defined terms as used herein or therein shall be effective
without the consent of DVI or any Transferee thereof entitled to the benefits of
Article 4 for so long as DVI or such Transferee owns any Registrable Securities.

         5.4 Entire Agreement.  This Agreement  constitutes the entire agreement
between  the  parties,  and  all  premises,   representations,   understandings,
warranties and agreements  with reference to the subject matter hereof have been
expressed herein or in the documents incorporated herein by reference.

         5.5 Applicable  Law. This Agreement  shall be governed by and construed
and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware.

         5.6   Counterparts.   This   Agreement  may  be  executed  in  multiple
counterparts,  each of  which  shall  be  deemed  an  original  but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

         5.7 Effect of  Headings.  Any title of an  article  or section  heading
herein  contained is for  convenience or reference only and shall not affect the
meaning or construction of any of the provisions hereof.

                                     - 61 -

         5.8 Injunctive Relief. It is acknowledged that it will be impossible to
measure the  damages  that would be suffered by a party if any other party fails
to comply with the  provisions  of this  Agreement  and that in the event of any
such failure,  the  non-defaulting  parties will not have an adequate  remedy at
law. The non-defaulting parties shall, therefore, be entitled to obtain specific
performance  of the  defaulting  party's  obligations  hereunder  and to  obtain
immediate  injunctive relief. The defaulting party shall not argue, as a defense
to any proceeding for such specific  performance or injunctive relief,  that the
non-defaulting parties have an adequate remedy at law.

         5.9  Severability.  In case any  provision  of the  Agreement  shall be
invalid, illegal or unenforceable,  the validity, legality and enforceability of
the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.

         5.10  Delays or  Omissions.  It is agreed  that no delay or omission to
exercise  any right,  power or remedy  accruing  to any party,  upon any breach,
default or  noncompliance  of any other party under this Agreement  shall impair
any such right,  power or remedy, nor shall it be construed to be a waiver of or
in any such breach, default or noncompliance, or any acquiescence therein, or of
or in any similar breach, default or noncompliance  thereafter occurring.  It is
further  agreed  that any  waiver,  permit,  consent or  approval of any kind or
character on the part of any party of any breach, default or noncompliance under
the  Agreement  or any  waiver  on the part of any  party of any  provisions  or
conditions of this  Agreement  must be in writing and shall be effective only to
the extent specifically set forth in such writing.

         5.11  Notices and  Consents;  Notices.  All  notices and other  written
communications  provided  for  hereunder  shall be given in writing  and sent by
overnight  delivery service (with charges prepaid) or by facsimile  transmission
with the original of such transmission  being sent by overnight delivery service
(with  charges  prepaid)  by the next  succeeding  Business  Day and (i) if to a
Stockholder  or DVI addressed to such  Stockholder or DVI at such address or fax
number as is specified for such  Stockholder  or DVI after its signature to this
Agreement; and (ii) if to the Corporation,  addressed to it at 155 State Street,
Hackensack, New Jersey 07602, Attention: General Counsel, Fax No. (201) 488-8230
or at  such  other  address  or  fax  number  as  such  Stockholder,  DVI or the
Corporation  shall have  specified  to other  party  hereto in writing  given in
accordance with this Section 5.11.  Notice given in accordance with this Section
5.11 shall be  effective  upon the earlier of the date of delivery or the second
Business Day at the place of delivery after dispatch.

         5.12  Pronouns.  All  pronouns  contained  herein,  and any  variations
thereof,  shall be  deemed  to  refer to the  masculine,  feminine  or  neutral,
singular or plural, as to the identity of the parties hereto may require.

         5.13 Legend. Each certificate evidencing any of the Shares shall bear a
legend substantially as follows:
                                     - 62 -

                  "The shares  represented  by this  certificate  are subject to
                  certain restrictions on transfer and voting agreements and may
                  be entitled to certain benefits in accordance with and subject
                  to all the terms  and  conditions  of a  certain  Stockholders
                  Agreement  dated as of February  26, 2001, a copy of which the
                  Corporation  will  furnish to the  holder of this  certificate
                  upon request and without charge."

                                     - 63 -

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  this Agreement has been executed under seal as of
the date and year first written above.

COMPANY:                         MEDICAL RESOURCES, INC.

                                 By:  /s/ Christopher Joyce
                                       Name:  Christopher Joyce
                                       Title:  Co-Chief Executive Officer

EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT:                 /s/ Christopher Joyce
                                       Christopher Joyce

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       c/o Medical Resources, Inc.
                                       155 State Street
                                       Hackensack, NJ  07601

                                       /s/ Geoffrey Whynot
                                        Geoffrey Whynot

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       c/o Medical Resources, Inc.
                                       155 State Street
                                       Hackensack, NJ  07601

                                     - 64 -


                                  By:  /s/ Stephen J. Blewitt
                                       Name:  Stephen J. Blewitt
                                       Title:  Managing Director

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       200 Clarendon Street
                                       Boston, MA 02117
                                       Attention:  Bond & Corporate Finance
                                         Group, T-57

                                     - 65 -

                                 JOHN HANCOCK VARIABLE LIFE INSURANCE

                                 By:  /s/ Stephen J. Blewitt
                                       Name:  Stephen J. Blewitt
                                       Title:  Authorized Signatory

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       200 Clarendon Street
                                       Boston, MA 02117
                                       Attention:  Bond & Corporate Finance
                                         Group, T-57

                                     - 66 -

                                 INVESTORS PARTNER LIFE INSURANCE

                                 By:  /s/ Stephen J. Blewitt
                                       Name:  Stephen J. Blewitt
                                       Title:  Authorized Signatory

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       200 Clarendon Street
                                       Boston, MA 02117
                                       Attention:  Bond & Corporate Finance
                                         Group, T-57

                                     - 67 -

                                 MELLON BANK, N.A., solely in its capacity
                                 as Trustee for The Long Term Investment
                                 Trust, (as directed by John Hancock Financial
                                 Services, Inc.), and not in its individual

                                 By:  /s/ Carole Bruno
                                       Name:  Carole Bruno
                                       Title:  Authorized Signatory

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       200 Clarendon Street
                                       Boston, MA  02117
                                       Attention:  Bond & Corporate Finance
                                         Group, T-57

         The decision to participate in the investment, any representations made
         herein by the  participant,  and any  actions  taken  hereunder  by the
         participant   has/have  been  made  solely  at  the  direction  of  the
         investment fiduciary who has sole investment discretion with respect to
         this investment.

                                     - 68 -

                                 THE NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE
                                 OF THE LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES INC. MASTER
                                 PENSION TRUST

                                 By:  JOHN HANCOCK LIFE INSURANCE
                                      COMPANY, as Investment Manager

                                 By:  /s/ Stephen J. Blewitt
                                       Name:  Stephen J. Blewitt
                                       Title:  Managing Director

                                       Address for Notices:
                                       200 Clarendon Street
                                       Boston, MA 02117
                                       Attention:  Bond & Corporate Finance
                                         Group, T-57

                                     - 69 -

                                 AUSA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, INC.

                                 By:  /s/ Mark E. Dunn
                                       Name:  Mark E. Dunn
                                       Title:    Vice President

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       AEGON USA Investment Management
                                       4333 Edgewood Road, N.E.
                                       Cedar Rapids, IA  52499
                                       Attention:  Mark Dunn

                                     - 70 -

                                  LIFE INVESTORS INSURANCE COMPANY OF

                                  By:  /s/ Mark E. Dunn
                                       Name:  Mark E. Dunn
                                       Title:    Vice President

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       AEGON USA Investment Management
                                       4333 Edgewood Road, N.E.
                                       Cedar Rapids, IA  52499
                                       Attention:  Mark Dunn

                                     - 71 -

                                 GREAT AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE

                                 By:  /s/ Mark F. Muething
                                       Name:  Mark F. Muething
                                       Title:    Executive Vice President

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       American Financial Group
                                       1 East 4th Street, 3rd Floor
                                       Cincinnati, OH  45202
                                       Attention:  Joanne Schubert

                                     - 72 -

                                 SALKELD & CO., (as nominee of General Electric
                                 Capital Assurance Company (f/k/a Great Northern
                                 Insured Annuity Corporation)

                                 By:  /s/ Kristina Clohesy
                                       Name:  Kristina Clohesy
                                       Title:    Reorganization Administrator

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       GE Capital Assurance Co.
                                       601 Union Street, Suite 1300
                                       Seattle, WA  98101
                                       Attention:  Morian Mooers

                                     - 73 -

                                 COVA FINANCIAL SERVICES LIFE
                                 INSURANCE COMPANY

                                 By:  /s/ Jacqueline D. Jenkins
                                       Name:  Jacqueline D. Jenkins
                                       Title:    Authorized Signatory

                                       Address for Notices:
                                       334 Madison Avenue
                                       Convent Station, NJ  07961
                                       Attention:  Mike Cazayoux

                                     - 74 -

                                  HARE & CO (as nominee of Lincoln National Life
                                    Insurance Company)

                                 By:  /s/ Patrick M. Dodd
                                       Name:  Patrick M. Dodd
                                       Title:    Authorized Officer

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       Liberty Capital
                                       2000 Wade Hampton Boulevard
                                       Greenville, SC  29615
                                       Attention:  Pete Dodd

                                     - 75 -

                                 AMERICAN BANKERS INSURANCE
                                 COMPANY OF FLORIDA

                                 By:  /s/ Robert C. Lindberg
                                       Name:  Robert C. Lindberg
                                       Title:    Vice President

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       Fortis Corporation
                                       1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, 41st Floor
                                       New York, NY  10005
                                       Attention:  Robert Lindberg

                                     - 76 -

                                 OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY
                                 OF NORTH CAROLINA

                                 By:  /s/ J. Joseph Veranth
                                       Name:  J. Joseph Veranth
                                       Title:    Executive Vice President

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       Dana Investment Advisors, Inc.
                                       P.O. Box 1067
                                       Brookfield, WI  53008-1067

                                       Attn:  J. Joseph Veranth

                                     - 77 -

                                 PENINSULAR LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY CO.

                                 By:  /s/ Susan D. Royles
                                       Name:  Susan D. Royles
                                       Title:    Vice President

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       Conning Asset Management
                                       185 Asylum Street
                                       City Place II
                                       Hartford, CT  06103
                                       Attention:  Susan Royles

                                     - 78 -

                                 EXECUTIVE RISK INDEMNITY INC.

                                 By:  /s/ Marjorie D. Raines
                                       Name:  Marjorie D. Raines
                                       Title:    Vice President

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       Chubb Financial Group
                                       15 Mountain View Road
                                       Warren, NJ  07060
                                       Attention:  Bill Clarkson

                                     - 79 -

DVI:                             DVI FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC.

                                 By:  /s/ Sara Lee Keller
                                       Name:  Sara Lee Keller
                                       Title:    Deputy General Counsel

                                       Address for Notices:

                                       DVI Financial Services, Inc.
                                       2500 York Road
                                       Jamison, PA  18929

                                       Attn:  Richard E. Miller, President

                                     - 80 -

Exhibit 4


         This  Agreement  executed this 7th day of April,  1995, is by and among
American  Premier  Group,  Inc.  ("American  Premier")  and  American  Financial
Corporation ("AFC"), both Ohio corporations,  located at One East Fourth Street,
Cincinnati,  Ohio 45202, and Carl H. Lindner  ("CHL"),  Carl H. Lindner III (CHL
III), S. Craig Lindner ("SCL") and Keith E. Lindner ("KEL"), each an individual,
the business address of each is One East Fourth Street, Cincinnati,  Ohio 45202.
CHL,  CHL III, SCL and KEL are  referred to herein  collectively  as the Lindner

         WHEREAS,  as of the date of this Agreement,  American Premier owns 100%
of  the  common  stock  of  AFC  and  the  Lindner  Family   beneficially   owns
approximately  49.9% of American  Premier's  outstanding  Common  Stock and each
member of the Lindner  Family is a director  and  executive  officer of American
Premier and AFC;

         WHEREAS, the Lindner Family may be deemed to be the beneficial owner of
securities  held by American  Premier,  AFC and their  subsidiaries  pursuant to
Regulation  Section 240.13d-3  promulgated under the Securities  Exchange Act of
1934, as amended;

         WHEREAS,  American Premier and AFC and their  subsidiaries from time to
time must  file  statements  pursuant  to  certain  sections  of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  concerning the ownership of equity securities
of public companies;

         NOW  THEREFORE  BE IT  RESOLVED,  that  American  Premier,  AFC and the
Lindner Family, do hereby agree to file jointly with the Securities and Exchange
Commission  any schedules or other  filings or amendments  thereto made by or on
behalf of American Premier, AFC or any of their subsidiaries pursuant to Section
13(d),  13(f),  13(g),  and 14(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as

                                 AMERICAN PREMIER GROUP, INC.
                                 AMERICAN FINANCIAL CORPORATION

                                 By: /s/ James E. Evans
                                         James E. Evans
                                         Vice President & General Counsel

                                     /s/ Carl H. Lindner
                                         Carl H. Lindner

                                     /s/ Carl H. Lindner III
                                         Carl H. Lindner III

                                     /s/ S. Craig Lindner
                                         S. Craig Lindner

                                     /s/ Keith E. Lindner
                                         Keith E. Lindner

                                     - 81 -

Exhibit 5

                                POWER OF ATTORNEY

         I, Carl H.  Lindner,  do hereby  appoint  James C.  Kennedy and Karl J.
Grafe, or either of them, as my true and lawful  attorneys-in-fact to sign on my
behalf  individually  and as  Chairman  of the  Board  of  Directors  and  Chief
Executive  Officer  of  American  Financial  Group,  Inc.  or as a  director  or
executive officer of any of its subsidiaries and to file with the Securities and
Exchange Commission any schedules or other filings or amendments thereto made by
me or on behalf of American  Financial  Group,  Inc. or any of its  subsidiaries
pursuant to Sections 13(d),  13(f),  13(g), 14(d) or 16(a) of the Securities and
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand at Cincinnati,  Ohio as
of the 5th day of November, 1997.

                                                     /s/ Carl H. Lindner
                                                     Carl H. Lindner

                                     - 82 -

                                POWER OF ATTORNEY

         I, Carl H. Lindner III, do hereby  appoint James C. Kennedy and Karl J.
Grafe, or either of them, as my true and lawful  attorneys-in-fact to sign on my
behalf  individually  and as  Chairman  of the  Board  of  Directors  and  Chief
Executive  Officer  of  American  Financial  Group,  Inc.  or as a  director  or
executive officer of any of its subsidiaries and to file with the Securities and
Exchange Commission any schedules or other filings or amendments thereto made by
me or on behalf of American  Financial  Group,  Inc. or any of its  subsidiaries
pursuant to Sections 13(d),  13(f),  13(g), 14(d) or 16(a) of the Securities and
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand at Cincinnati,  Ohio as
of the 5th day of November, 1997.

                                                     /s/ Carl H. Lindner III
                                                     Carl H. Lindner III

                                     - 83 -

                                POWER OF ATTORNEY

         I, S. Craig  Lindner,  do hereby  appoint  James C. Kennedy and Karl J.
Grafe, or either of them, as my true and lawful  attorneys-in-fact to sign on my
behalf  individually  and as  Chairman  of the  Board  of  Directors  and  Chief
Executive  Officer  of  American  Financial  Group,  Inc.  or as a  director  or
executive officer of any of its subsidiaries and to file with the Securities and
Exchange Commission any schedules or other filings or amendments thereto made by
me or on behalf of American  Financial  Group,  Inc. or any of its  subsidiaries
pursuant to Sections 13(d),  13(f),  13(g), 14(d) or 16(a) of the Securities and
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand at Cincinnati,  Ohio as
of the 5th day of November, 1997.

                                                     /s/ S. Craig Lindner
                                                     S. Craig Lindner

                                     - 84 -

                                POWER OF ATTORNEY

         I, Keith E.  Lindner,  do hereby  appoint  James C. Kennedy and Karl J.
Grafe, or either of them, as my true and lawful  attorneys-in-fact to sign on my
behalf  individually  and as  Chairman  of the  Board  of  Directors  and  Chief
Executive  Officer  of  American  Financial  Group,  Inc.  or as a  director  or
executive officer of any of its subsidiaries and to file with the Securities and
Exchange Commission any schedules or other filings or amendments thereto made by
me or on behalf of American  Financial  Group,  Inc. or any of its  subsidiaries
pursuant to Sections 13(d),  13(f),  13(g), 14(d) or 16(a) of the Securities and
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand at Cincinnati,  Ohio as
of the 5th day of November, 1997.

                              /s/ Keith E. Lindner
                                Keith E. Lindner

                                     - 85 -