AFG maintains a Dividend Reinvestment Plan, which provides a simple and convenient method of investing cash dividends in additional shares of AFG Common Stock, without brokerage commissions or service charges. Shareholders reinvesting their dividends under this Plan may do so at a discount of 4% to the market price of the stock at the time of purchase. Holders of 25 or more shares of AFG Common Stock are eligible to participate in the Plan. More information on the Dividend Reinvestment Plan can be obtained in the Prospectus below or by contacting the Transfer Agent.

To enroll in the Plan, print the Enrollment and Authorization Form below. Complete and sign the form and either mail or fax it to the Transfer Agent as specified at the bottom of the form.

Transfer Agent
Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions
P.O. Box 1342
Brentwood, NY 11717